Illustrator injects pop cultural elements into p ottery drawings


疯狂英语·新悦读 2019年1期

江苏师范大学附属实验学校 周芬娜


Wang Congying comes from Wenling Vocational and Technical School.She developed a keen interest in drawing,especially in cartoons,in her childhood,though her parents did not support her at first.

Only until her entry into a high school,did sheget an opportunity toformally learn drawing.

Wang taught herself illustration when she was a college student by following online classes and interacting with other enthusiasts.

Up till now,drawing has become an important part of her daily life.She often spends several hours every day producing various kinds of creations.

Meanwhile,she has constantly shared her artistic products online with friends and received warm applause from them.

Wang said in a recent interview that it took her about half a month to create the collection of nine illustrated pottery figurines,which immediately and surprisingly put her intothelimelight.Theoriginalsofthese illustrations are now being housed in Nanjing Museum in neighboring Jiangsu Province.

An intense love forhercountry and traditional Chinese culture has sustained her strong will to complete these striking works.

Under Wang's pen,some of the pottery figurines were animated to appear to dance to an accompaniment of popular songs on short video app Douyin,while others are depicted(描画)as sumo wrestlers(相扑运动员).

Wang added that she often wasinspired toproduce drawingswhen visiting nationwide museums.

During the interview,Wang said she will make a further exploration of traditional Chinese culture and cultural relics in her future endeavors to create more original cartoon characters and challenge the predominance of animated figures from the US,Europe and Japan.

In addition,Wang noted that drawing has proved to be useful in the communication with foreigners andbuilding closer tieswith children in her own life.

Reading Check

1.What does Wang Congying go crazy about?(no more than 15 words)

2.What is her plan in the coming future?(no more than 15 words)

3.What does she think of her career?(no more than 18 words)

Difficult sentences

1.She developed a keen interest in drawing,especially in cartoons,in her childhood,though her parents did not support her at first.


【点石成金】本句为主从复合句。主句为She developed a keen interest in drawing,其中,though her parents did not support her at first在句中作让步状语从句。in her childhood在句中作状语。

2.Wang said in a recent interview that it took her about half a month to create the collection of nine illustrated pottery figurines,which immediately and surprisingly put her into the limelight.


【点石成金】本句为主从复合句。主句为Wang said that...,in a recent interview在句中作状语。that引导的是宾语从句;which引导的是非限制性定语从句。

3.During the interview,Wang said she will make a further exploration of traditional Chinese culture and cultural relics in her future endeavors to create more original cartoon characters and challenge the predominance of animated figures from the US,Europe and Japan.


【点石成金】本句为主从复合句。主句为Wang said she...,其中she will make a further exploration...是省略了从属连词that的宾语从句,在said后作宾语。介词短语of traditional Chinese culture and cultural relics...为后置定语,修饰exploration;动词不定式短语to create...在句中作目的状语。

Using Language

Ⅰ.Important phrases in the text

1.develop a keen interest in 培养……浓厚的兴趣

2.get an opportunity to有机会做……

3.inspire sb to do激励某人做某事

4.make a further exploration进行进一步的探索 closer ties建构紧密的关系

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the phrases given above.

1.I ___________work harder than ever before.

2.I hope we can ___________in our business.

3.The experts ___________on this problem.

4.Really?You ___________see him in person today.You must be very satisfied.

5.She ___________the new research.


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新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2