The New Presidential lnterview


新高考·英语基础(高一) 2018年7期



1. What's the meaning of the underlined sentence in the first paragraph?

A. We could hardly find any news in an interview with other presidents.

B. We could always find gold news in an interview with other presidents.

C. We sometimes have difficulty finding nuggets in an interview with Trump.

D. We couldn't find nuggets of news in the interviews with any presidents.

2. Which of the following evaluation of Bill Clinton agrees with the author's opinion?

A. Bill Clinton was charming and journalists loved to interview him.

B. Bill Clinton's large information attracted journalists very much.

C. To interview Bill Clinton is a hard job for the journalists.

D. To interview Bill Clinton could get lots of news.

3. According to the third paragraph we can infer that _______.

A. reporters like to play a trick on George W. Bush in the interviews

B. George W. Bush has never said his real thought when facing reporters

C. George W. Bush loves playing tricks on reporters when answering questions

D. facing the reporters' questions, George W. Bush always loves following his own routines

4. Why does the author say Obama enjoyed more give than take?

A. Because he answered the questions professorially and fully.

B. Because he was smart, logical and impressive that he answered questions quickly.

C. Because he answered the questions so comprehensive lyas to be forced to stop.

D. Because he just answered a few questions though having prepared many.

5. The author mentions the Russia matter in order to indicate that ______.

A. Mr Trump differs from other presidents

B. Mr Trump sometimes intends to say provocative things

C. Mr Trump had trouble in dismissing questions by saying no

D. Mr Trump could not comment on a continuing investigation






5.B。推理判断题。文章倒数第二段第二句:“…it's fair to conclude that the provocative(挑拨的)things he said on the record were intentionally so.”可以知道B正确。


1.Bill Clinton was discursive(东拉西扯的),ranging widely over a variety of topics and citing at length arguments, anecdotes(趣闻)or pieces of information that had recently fascinated him,whether or not they related to the day's news.比尔·克林顿喜欢东拉西扯,广泛谈及各种话题,长篇大论地提及最近引起他兴趣的观点、趣闻或零散的信息,不管这和当前的新闻是否有关。

这是个复合句。句中分词短语ranging... and citing...做状语,其中that引导定语从句,后面whether or not引导的是状语从句。如:

I don't agree with his decision whether Or not he is right.=I don't agree with his decision whether he is right or not.无论他是否正确我都不同意他的决定。

2. Clearly he was conscious that some things would be problematic if quoted, so it's fair to conclude that the provocative(挑拨的)things he said on the record were intentionally so.他显然明白,自己的一些话如果被引用是有问题的,因此可以公允地判定,他公开发表一些易于引发争议的言论时是有意为之。

这是个复合句。两个that引导的是宾语从句,分别做was conscious和conclude的宾语。其中be conscious that...;be conscious of...是常用的结构。如:

①We are conscious that meaningful progress against great global challenges is the work of years,not days.我们认识到,应对全球性的挑战取得有意义的进展需要经过多年的努力,并非指日可待。

②Be conscious of what your body is telling you to eat, sometimes it might want somethingyou don't have in the fridge.你要清楚身体所需要的食物,有时候你身体可能会想要一些你冰箱里没有的食物。


新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2