Can Dogs and Cats Along? 猫狗能否好好相处呢?


中学生英语·阅读与写作 2018年1期


If you have brothers and sisters, you know its completely natural for arguments to take place from time to time. OK...its completely natural for arguments to take place all the time!This doesnt mean you dont love each other, though. It just means you spend a lot of time together and its only natural to have disagreements. You may even hear parents say their kids “fight like cats and dogs.” “Fighting like cats and dogs” is a common phrase that people use to mean people argue, fight or dont get along. If you like cartoons, youve probably seen many that portray1 cats and dogs fighting like sworn enemies2. There have even been movies made that describe cats against dogs.


Are cats and dogs natural enemies that can never get along? Or is there hope for a truce between the members of the feline3 and canine4 species? If you observe cats and dogs or ask people who own both cats and dogs, you will get lots of opinions on the subject. Cats and dogs will obviously fight from time to time. There is no doubt that some dogs will chase cats and maybe even harm them if given the chance. However, people who own both dogs and cats will also tell you that they can easily be trained to get along. In fact, many will show you that dogs and cats can play together and even sleep curled up5 together. As with many questions in life, theres simply no easy answer to the question of whether dogs and cats can get along. Dogs and cats are different in many ways that can make it difficult for them to get along.

猫和狗是永远无法和睦相处的天敌吗? 或者,猫科动物和犬科动物之间是否有休战的希望呢? 如果你观察猫和狗,或者询问既养猫又养狗的人,你会得到很多关于这个问题的看法。显然猫和狗时不时就会斗上一斗。毫无疑问,有些狗会追逐猫,一有机会甚至还会伤害它们。然而,养狗和猫的人也会告诉你,驯服它们和平共处是一件很简单的事情。事实上,很多人会告诉你,狗和猫可以一起玩耍,甚至可以蜷缩在一起睡觉。就像生活中的许多问题一样,狗和猫能否和谐相处根本没有一个简单的答案。狗和猫在许多方面都是不同的,这使得它们很难和谐相处。

However, with patience and the right circumstances6, cats and dogs can be best friends. For example, dogs tend to be social animals that are naturally playful. Cats, on the other hand, tend to be more independent. A dog that wants to play might seem aggressive7 and intimidating8 to a cat. This may lead the cat to defend itself against an attack thats really just a desire to play. Likewise, dogs—especially puppies—like to chase each other. Its a fun game. Chasing cats can be just as fun as chasing other dogs...unless youre the cat, of course. Again, cats may interpret9 such playful behavior as a threat.


Even something dogs and cats have in common—tails—can make things confusing. When a dog wags10 its tail, its sending a friendly message: “Im happy. Lets play.” Cats, however, wag their tails when theyre angry. You can see how this might lead cats and dogs to become confused if theyre facing each other with wagging tails!Although dogs and cats arent really natural mortal enemies, dogs are hunters by nature. This means that they might hunt and chase anything that moves—including a cat. This natural behavior that could cause problems between dogs and cats can be controlled by special training—called socialization11—when the animals meet for the first time. Although there are many natural barriers12 to interaction13 between cats and dogs, it is possible for them to get along. It just takes time, patience and a desire for harmony. And even if they get along for a while, it doesnt mean that they wont fight from time to time—just like you and your brothers and sisters!



1. portray v. 描述

2. sworn enemy天敌

3. feline n. 猫科动物

4. canine n. 犬科动物

5. curl up 蜷缩起来

6. circumstance n. 环境

7. aggressive adj. 有进取心的;侵略性的

8. intimidating adj. 吓人的

9. interpret v. 解释

10. wag v. 摇动

11. socialization n. 社会化

12. barrier n. 障碍

13. interaction n. 互动


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