

哈尔滨理工大学学报 2017年6期


摘 要:结合斯蒂芬森迭代和牛顿迭代,用抛物线插值函数的导函数取代f(x)的一阶导数,提出一种新的可达到四阶收敛的迭代方法,新的迭代公式每步计算仅需计算三次函数值,且无需计算导函数。



中图分类号: O24

文献标志码: A

文章编号: 1007-2683(2017)06-0131-03

Abstract:A new fourthorder convergent iterative method formed by Newton′s method and Steffensen method is presented to solve nonlinear equations in this paper. The new iteration formula uses derivative of quadratic interpolation as substitute for derivative of function, so it is totally free from derivatives. Furthermore, this method requires only three evaluations of the function by each iteration.

Keywords:Newton′s method; Steffensen method; quadratic interpolation

0 引 言


1 新方法与收敛性分析


3 结 论


参 考 文 献:

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