

世界建筑 2017年8期





Abetract:By historical accident the Department of Architecture at Cambridge is located organisationally and therefore financially at the least well endowed end of Cambridge University and was shoe-horned into the nearest available buildings in the 1920s, a terrace of early Victorian houses. The Department's teaching style moulded itself into the pattern of domestic rooms available, bedrooms, sitting rooms, servants' quarters producing a collection of 3-5 student "ateliers" each presided over by a teaching "supervisor", an up and coming practitioner usually from London. There is a long Cambridge tradition of great discoveries happening in cold mediaeval college rooms. Until surprisingly recently comfort and adequacy in academic accommodation was thought to be counterproductive to scholarship. Not so ironic then that the 1960s modern addition, Leslie Martin and St.J. Wilson's Brutalist extension was even colder and wetter inside. More recently a studio building has been built behind the terrace, very tightly planned but offering for the first time in its history a collective experience for students and the chance to monitor each other's work in progress.



1 空间历史



1 斯寇普鸟瞰/Scroope aerial view

2 建筑学院在1959年的扩建,科林·圣约翰·威尔逊与亚历克斯·哈迪设计/The 1959 extension to the School of Architecture, Colin St.John Wilson and Alex Hardy

Cambridge University is organised into six Schools which contain the various Faculties and Departments: four for the Sciences and two for the Humanities. It is a little inconsistent but the Department of Architecture, the smallest in Britain but ranked first in the League Tables, sits within the Faculty of Architecture and History of Art in the School of Arts and Humanities. This is an unusual but inspired coupling of Architecture with one of the leading art historical institutions in the world including the Fitzwilliam Museum and Kettles Yard.

1 History of Spaces

Historically this is the least well funded end of Cambridge University. Frosty financial reality has impinged for over a century on the accommodation provided for it, resulting in a state of "permanent temporariness" whilst the School waits for a brighter financial future. Since the early 1920s the Faculty has shared a row of early Victorian terraced houses, acquired one by one and knocked through to form a longitudinal corridor on each floor (Fig. 1). Otherwise the houses remain in their original form with bedrooms, sitting rooms, handsome Drawing Rooms, with stone and marble fireplaces, servants' attics and kitchen basements, with rear additions for the plumbing. In 1913 there was an initiative to build a purpose built building for Architecture. The first Slade Professor, the extremely interesting Arts and Crafts architect E.S.Prior, had talked up Architecture in the University and stoked some interest in the subject, but the outbreak of the Great War scuppered all that.

I clearly recall arriving at the front door of No.1 Scroope Terrace in October 1974 with my similarly new co-student William Yiu, the two of us concluding that Cambridge University must have thought so little of Architecture to have provided such inappropriate space for it. In Cambridge there had been a very long tradition of spectacularly important discoveries coming out of squalid environments. Crick and Watson are alleged to have made their model of DNA in a small army Nissen Hut in the New Museums yard. Atomic physics and radar had been advanced in mediaeval college rooms. Rutherford's rooms at Trinity were rumoured to still be radioactive, hopefully an urban myth. And so the Department of Architecture made do with its lot and colonised the five family houses in a very unusual way. Unable to assemble the whole student body in a single studio hall, the students were split into small studio groups of three to five. Each group took over a room under the supervision of a Studio Master. It was bizarre and not a little intimidating for First Year students to walk through the rooms occupied by older student studio "families" on the main floor, the "piano nobile". Over the course of the academic year the studios became choked with models, materials, drawings and rubbish. They were never cleaned and never painted. Graffiti remained on the walls for decades. Ancient old boys returned to see their youthful studios largely unchanged and of course women joined the succession of cohorts from the early 1960s. Our second year studio had no mains services, no electricity, no water and no heat. I worked in my room at Trinity College which had a two bar electric fire. Woollen fingerless gloves called mittens were essential. The climate was different forty years ago, it was colder and foggy through most of the winter.

There was no exhibition space but a beautiful library of rare historical books on Architecture collected by Robin Middleton and David Watkin. We did have a lecture theatre, the neo-Brutalist 'Extension' designed by Sir Leslie Martin, the first Professor of Architecture, and his successor but one, Sir Colin St. John Wilson (Fig. 2). It very consciously mimicked Le Corbusier's Maison Jaoul randomly incorporating other Corbusian details: the concrete pulpit at Ronchamp, enormous centre pivot hardwood doors which concussed generations of students and visitors, a brick core, shiny quarry tiles. It had a grid of rooflights which leaked in even light rain with rotating timber baffles below for black out (Fig. 3). The lectern has an array of handles and knobs which defeat all visiting speakers as they unintentionally set the baffles moving, dim the lights and fire the projectors as students sit impassively without helping. Sir Denys Lasdun was so incensed by his silent and uncomfortable reception that he wrote a letter of complaint to the Vice-Chancellor.

Alongside the lecture room, an attenuated double square in plan to Modulor proportions forcing the audience into a long narrow seating block, is an L-shaped Crit space (Fig. 4). The interiors were all fair faced brick and concrete. Vertical hessian wrapped planks of Sundeala board were spaced around the perimeter to take drawing pins and thereby display work. Below all of this was the Pit, a sunken seating area with a desk made as a mass concrete block. Our former Departmental Secretary remembered trying to work at it and grazing her knees. This space became the Martin Centre for Land Use and Built Form Studies for some years before it moved to Lord Acton's former Edwardian Gothic mansion at Chaucer Road (Fig. 5). The geographical separation of research and teaching was regrettably established from that moment.

2 Connection

The nature of the studio spaces then was entirely accidental but strangely appropriate to the highly personal Cambridge system of teaching, one to one Supervision by studio tutors who are free to teach entirely from the heart, only viable in a very small school in a prestigious collegiate university in which the Colleges employ the Supervisors directly. In the early part of the current century the Scroope Terrace site became rationalised and a new Northlit studio building was built behind the Terrace so that all the undergraduates were tipped out of the Terrace into what they quickly called the "Shed in the Garden" (Fig. 6). It is very densely packed with all three undergraduate years and has to be hot-desked between the different Years' Studio Days. In this new arrangement it is much more conventional and the mysterious "something" has been lost. All the work is visible now whereas it used to miraculously appear at the final portfolio examination. The Terrace is for adults now, the full time staff members who are not permitted to luxuriate in Studio life but lead funded research projects and teams of Research Assistants.



2 新旧关系


3 总平面/Site plan

4 地下室平面/B1 floor plan

5 首层平面/Ground floor plan

6 一层平面/1st floor plan

7 与玻璃连接的后院外景/Exterior from rear courtyard with glazed link

8 改造前的建筑教室(左),改造后(右)/Arct lecture room, original (left), extension (right)

9 评图空间/Review space

10 入口台阶/Entrance steps

11 三层平面/2nd floor plan

12 四层平面/3rd floor plan

3 学生反馈


4 扩建计划

学院一直有机会进行新建和迁移。包含剑桥大学在内的一个大型建筑工程项目计划将所有学院及教职工移转至剑桥市的西部或西北部,但令人意外的是,老一辈剑桥建筑人依然对于极不舒适的斯寇普坪极其依恋,在不断错失机会之后,那些空闲的场地很快都被其他院系所占满。因此,建筑的空间质量和教学方式之间保持着这种微妙而神秘的联系,建筑本身展现出维多利亚早期哥特小说中的城堡那种对毫不知情的住户牢固的控制力。这即是我们专属的“奥特朗托城堡”。□(黄华青 译)

13 MOLE工作室/Studio MOLE (摄影/Photo: David Butler)

3 Feedback

Recent generations of students like to gather in the Gallery space linking the Terrace to the Brutalist Lecture Room and they use it for informal exhibitions of work in progress or short Charrettes.

4 Expansion plan

There have been opportunities to build a new building and move the Department. Cambridge University is midst a huge building programme so that almost every Faculty and Department is moving Westwards to West or Northwest Cambridge but, very surprisin–gly, the older generation is so dedicated to Scroope Terrace despite its extreme discomforts that by default it has missed the boat as available sites have been nabbed by other institutions within the University. And so the qualities of the spaces and the nature of the teaching are so interlinked in such subtle and mysterious ways that the building itself exerts a vice-like grip on its unsuspecting occupants in the manner of the early Victorian Gothic novel. It is our very own "Castle of Otranto".□

14 工作室内景/Interior view of studio (本文照片均由剑桥大学建筑学院提供/All photos are provided by School of Architecture, Cambridge University)

Scroope Terrace of Cambridge University, a Latter Day Castle of Otranto

C. Alan Short

ateliers, domestic, Brutalism, decentralised, disaggregated




剑桥大学研究发现 运动不足将导致全球每年过早死亡四百万人
Historical Architecture: A Paradigm of a modern city’s development