M1U2What do you want to eat?


学校教育研究 2017年29期




能熟练掌握并且运用句型有礼貌的询问别人的就餐意愿:Can I help you? What do you want to eat? / What do you want to drink? 能听懂别人的点餐问题并且进行礼貌的回答I want a hamburger,…… please.

能熟读并且运用单词noodles,milk, rice,hamburger, cola, hot dog, meat, cheese 等词进行句型替换练习。


能灵活运用句型Can I help you? What do you want to eat/What do you want to drink? I want a hamburger,please.在现实生活中点餐,就餐。



了解东西方不同的饮食习惯,培养文明礼仪习惯,询问别人想吃什么时一定要有礼貌的运用Can I help you? What do you want to eat? / What do you want to drink? 有礼貌的回答I want …please.


重点:能熟练掌握并且运用句型有礼貌的询问别人就餐意愿:Can I help you? What do you want to eat? /What do you want to drink? 能听懂别人的点餐问题并且进行回答I want a hamburger,/milk ……please.

难点: 能灵活运用句型Can I help you? What do you want to eat/What do you want to drink? I want a hamburger,please.在现实生活中点餐,就餐。


Step 1 Warm-up


T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhao.

T: How do you feel today?

Ss: I feel great!

T: Wonderful! I feel great too. Lets play a guessing game together.

T: Boys and girls, Ive known you for a long time. I want you to guess my hobbies. Do you know what I like? You can use “Do you like…?”to guess!

S1:Do you like running.

T: No, I dont.

S2: Do you like drawing?

T: Maybe.

Ss:…Do you like singing?

T: Wow, you are so clever. You do know me so well. Yes, I like singing very much. What about you guys. Do you like singing?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: Excellent! Lets sing s song together. “What do you want to eat? ”

2.Sing a song: What do you want to eat? 課件出示,打节拍并跟唱。

T:I will play the video, and you sing and clap along with it. Ok?

Ss: OK.

T: Wow, you sang so beautifully. Boys and girls, Childrens Day is coming very soon. Do you like Childrens Day? You can sing this song on Childrens Day.

Ss: Hooray!

Step 2 Presentation

T: Boys and girls, the Childrens Day is around the corner,KFC is going to have a food party. Do you want to go to the party?

Ss: Of course, we do.

T: Well, If you want to go to the party, you have to accomplish three tasks. If you pass the tasks, then you can go to the party and have fun. Now lets have a look at the tasks.

Task 1 Lets play a memory game.

T: Look at the screen. What can you see?

S1: I can see a lot of food here.

T: Great!They are traditional Chinese food and western food. So lets come to task one. You should say the names of the food and stick them to the correct place on the blackboard. If you stick it right, you can get a food poster. 播放課件的几种食物,学生仔细看图片并记忆,学生同时把相应的单词卡和图卡贴在黑板上。

Ss read the name of the food and stick it on the blackboard.

T: You did a very good job. Now youve passed task one and you know what food is Chinese food and what western food is. Now lets look at task two.

Task 2 Ask and answer

1.T:If you know the name of the food on PPT,please stand up and say the name of the food quickly. If you say it right and quickly, you can get a food poster.

T: Good job! We have reviewed the names of the food. Now please ask and answer using these words. 训练重点句型What do you want to eat/ What do you want to drink...? I want …, please.

S1: Can I help you? What do you want to eat? /What do you want to drink?

S2: I want..., please.

2.T: Boys and girls, you know how to order for your food. Its time to pay for your food.

Ss: OK.

T: If you want to pay for your food, do you know what you should ask?

S1: How much is it, please?

T: Thats right!

T: How to answer?

S2: Its ...Yuan.

T: Bingo. Now I want to ask two students to ask and answer using the sentences weve just learnt.

Task 3

T: Nice work. Now you can come to task three. Today, we have some old friends here. Who are they?

Ss: They are Ling ling and her dad.

1.Please listen and guess: Where are Ling ling and her dad?

Ss: They are in a restaurant.

T: Thats correct! What are they doing in a restaurant? Lets watch the video.

2.Please watch the video again and answer four questions:

1)What does Ling lings dad want to eat?

2)What does Ling lings dad want to drink?

3)What does Ling ling want to drink?

4)What does Ling ling want to drink?

T: Now its time for you to answer.

S1:He wants noodles.

S2:He wants a cola.

S3:She wants a hamburger.

S4:She wants milk.

3.T: You did a very good job, now please read after the video.

Ss read after the video.

4.T: Now lets read the dialogue in groups, boys you are Ling lings dad and girls you are Ling ling.

Ss read the dialogue in groups.

Step 3 Practice

KFC Food Party

1.T: Boys and girls, congratulations! You have passed three tasks. Welcome to the KFC food party. What do you want to eat? Please ask for your food using the sentences on the PPT. Ill give you three minutes to practice. You can use the word bank to help you.播放音乐三分钟,学生分组练习。

Word Bank

hot dog

orange juice hamburger milk

noodles cola

rice tea chicken dumplings

fish tang Yuan




Can I help you? What do you want to eat? / What do you want to drink?

-- I want......, please.

--How much is it?


--Thank you!

2.T: Now its your show time. T asks several groups to show their act. T prepares aprons and some food models to help students.

Ss act.

Step 4 Consolidation

Little Guide

T: Since you know so much about food. Now its your time to show your favorite traditional Chinese food to Sam and Amy. Introduce your favorite Chinese food to Amy and Sam.向Amy 和Sam介绍你喜欢的中国食物并说明原因。You can use the sentences and words I give you.

Word Bank

eat rice

noodles dumplings

tang Yuan


moon cakes

delicious good Dragon-Boat Festival

The Lantern Festival The Spring Festival


I like...


S1: Hello, Sam and Amy. My favorite Chinese food is ..../ I like … Its very delicious…What Chinese food do you like?

Sam: I like…

Amy: I like…

Step 5 Summary

T: Boys and girls, you did a fantastic good job today. When you eat, what should you pay attention to? Now please watch a video about good eating habits.

T: After watching the video, what can you learn from?

S1: We should have good eating habits when eating.

T: Excellent job! When we eat, we should have good eating habits.就餐要有文明禮仪。

T: Boys and girls, lets review what weve learn t today.

Ss: Can I help you? What do you want to eat? / What do you want to drink? I want a hamburger,please....

T: Its time to say goodbye. Goodbye, boys and girls.

Ss;Good bye! Miss Zhao!


Module 1 Unit2What do you want to eat?

Can I help you?

What do you want to eat?

I want to eat….

What do you want to drink?

I want to drink….


A Make a food poster.(必做)

B Make a survey on the difference between western and Chinese eating habits. 通过上网等多种形式了解中西方饮食文化的差异。(选做)


灵活运用转化思想 引领学生深度学习
礼貌举 止大 家学
礼貌举止大家学 !