Moudle5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges(Reading)


学校教育研究 2017年29期



本节教学设计取材于外研社第四册书第五模块A Trip Along the Three Gorges中的阅读。








重点单词与短语:cave, peak, plain, plateau, shore, slope, valley, wood, flat, surround, hilly, raft, narrow, distant, exploit, at the edge of, at least, be heavy with

重点句子:(1)We could see the sun setting behind the white pagoda.

(2)Every ..., every stream that joined ..., every ... was heavy with the past.

(3)A distant mountain was a sign in 20-foot characters.









1. 训练skimming, scanning , detailed reading及understanding 等阅读技能;

2. 对文章深层次的理解及细节欣赏,掌握地道的英语。

3. 掌握完全倒装句。

4. 深刻理解把握相关词汇的含义,用法等。

5. 培养学生开阔视野,增长知识,热爱大自然。








◆Step l Pre-reading

Ask Ss to answer several questions in order to introduce something about the Three Gorges. Let Ss read the poem together:

水調歌头 游泳

才饮长江水, 又食武昌鱼。

万里长江横渡, 极目楚天舒。

不管风吹浪打, 胜似闲庭信步, 今日得宽余。


风樯动, 龟蛇静, 起宏图。

一桥飞架南北, 天堑变通途。

神女应无恙, 当今世界殊。

(1) Who wrote this poem ?

It was written by Mao Zedong on June 1956.

(2) What does it refer to ?

It refers to Mao Zedongs dream “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges.” Now his dream has come true.

(3) How much do you know about the Three Gorges ? S1, S2, S3

Then show Ss some pictures about the Three Gorges and introduce them in brief. ◆Step2 While-reading

Task l:fast reading抓主旨,搜信息

Skim the passage fast to get a general idea of the whole passage.While reading,try to finish the following tasks.

1) Fill in the form :

Answers: A holiday for Spring Festival

Peter and his colleague

By boat

Along the Three Gorges

2) Can you write out the route of the trip ?

Task2:Detailed reading 瞄细节,深理解

1.Read the passage and choose the right statements about the writers journey

1) Peter and his friend went downstream ___.

(a) to see the dam (b) to see the Three Gorges (c) to get to Fuling

2) He chose the Jiangyou boat because____.

(a) it was crowded (b) it didnt stop at temples (c) it didnt usually carry foreigners

3) When they started the trip it was______.

(a) sunny (b) cold (c) evening

4)When the boat went through the first gorges, Peter and his friend ______.

(a) took lots of photographs (b) spent most of the time on deck (c) were asleep

5) When they reached the site of the dam ______ came to look.

(a) everyone (b) no one (c) only the foreigners

Answers: b c a c a

2. Ask Ss to listen to the text and answer the following questions

What they saw and what they did?

From Fuling to Fengdu:____________ _______________________

Along the Qutang Gorge:___________ ________________________

Alone the Wu Gorge: ______________ _______________________

Alone the Xiling Gorge: ____________________________________

Answers: bamboo rafts and coal boats on the river

narrow gorge, two-mile-high mountains

Wushan, Daning river, some smaller gorges, Wu gorge

Xiang River, rock, stream, hill, Xiling Gorge

Task 3:Further understanding 重難点,细体味

Lead students to focus on the understanding of some difficult words or sentences.

1. He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.

be to do something 表示“按照计划或根据安排将要进行的动作”。

We were to go to the Great Wall next week.


spend vt. 花费;耗费(时间、金钱等)。常用于spend ... on sth.与spend ... (in) doing sth.结构中。

[1] According to a recent U.S. survey, children spent up to 25 hours a week________ TV. (上海2004)

A. to watch B. to watching C. watching D. watch

[点拨] 选C。本题考查spend的用法:spend time (in) doing sth. 花费时间做某事。

2. 归纳下列各句中斜体词的用法及含义

1) The gorge narrows to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountains. (使……变窄)

2) The boss wanted to better the working conditions for his workers. (改善; 使……变好)

3) The nurse is calming the child in hospital. (使……平静)

4) The little boys mother warned him not to dirty his clothes.

(使……脏; 把……弄脏)

规律总结: 以上各句均为形容词活用作动词, 表示“使……”

3. On a distant mountain was a sign in 20-foot characters. 此句为倒装句, 正常语序为:A sign in 20-foot characters was on a distant mountain.


On the top of the mountain stands a white pagoda.

A white pagoda stands on the top of the mountain.

4. At Wushan we made a detour up the Daning River to see some of the smaller gorges

1) make a detour 绕路而行, 绕道行走

2) up逆流而上; 表示 “顺流而下”, 则用down



We have to make a detour to walk up the hill.


1)We could see the sun setting behind the white pagoda.


2)Every rock looked like a person or animal, every stream that joined the great river carried its legends, every hill was heavy with the past.

块块巨石形状各异, 条条支流都流淌着传说, 座座小山承载着过往。

◆Step 3 :Post-reading


Ask Ss to fill in the blanks according to the text to learn the important words.

Peter and his colleague __(1)___the boat at Fuling. The sun was shining brightly _(2)__ they sailed __(3)___through a hilly region. As the sun _(4)___they _(5)____ at Fengdu.

They _(6)_____when they went through the first gorge, __(7)___ is called the Qutang Gorge. The gorge ___(8)__350 feet as the river _(9)__ through the two-mile-high mountains.

At Wushan they made a detour __(10)___the Daning River __(11)__ some smaller gorges. The next day they __(12)___ the Wu Gorge. They __(13)__ the Xiang River, home of QuYuan

As they __(14)__ the third gorge, the Xiling Gorge, they ___(15) the construction site of the dam, _(16)__ they saw the Chinese flag _(17)__ in the wind. (18)___a distant mountain __(19)__a sign ___(20)__20-foot characters

Answers: (1)got on (2)as (3)downstream (4)set (5)docked (6)slept (7)which (8)narrows to (9)rushes (10) up (11)to see (12)went through (13)passed (14)came out of (15)sailed into (16)where (17) blowing (18) On (19)was (20) in

◆Step 4 : Thinking and discussion 加深感悟,樹立远大目标

(1)Ask Ss to discuss following questions.

What do you think of Peters trip ?

Would you like to go on a trip to the Three Gorges? Why?

What are you eager to see?

(2)Ask Ss to write 5 sentences to describe his or her trip.




新目标英语八年级(上)Units 1-3重难点预习
Units 13—14重难点☆解☆析
新目标七年级(下)Unit 3练习(一)
新目标七年级(下)Unit 4练习(一)
Units 11—12重难点解析
(新目标)七年级下Unit 1练习(二)