

农业工程学报 2017年12期

姬江涛,徐龙姣,庞 靖,耿令新,王升升


姬江涛,徐龙姣,庞 靖※,耿令新,王升升

(河南科技大学农业装备工程学院,洛阳 471003)

针对联合收割机的振动问题,该文以4L-0.2微型联合收割机为研究对象,利用最小幅值点法,通过优化割台与整机的连接点,减小振动能量的传递。首先,对比割台有限元仿真模态和试验模态,验证仿真模型和试验数据的正确性,为后续分析确定模态分析的阶次。其次,利用电机驱动割刀模拟工作工况,发现5、10和15 Hz 3个频率的频谱幅值较大,对整机的振动影响明显。而后,利用激振器作激励源,测量单频激励时分布在拟挂接区域内选定点的振动幅值,以这些点的坐标和振幅为采样,拟合二次曲线,(拟合度取值范围0.879~0.975),得到单频极小振动幅值点。最后,以频谱幅值比例和人体对不同方向振动的敏感度作为影响系数,求出3个频率极小振动幅值点的加权重心,作为连接点的优化解。为了验证优化解的正确性,试验测量该点在工作工况下的振幅,结果表明振幅小于拟挂接区其他各点,为该区域平均加权幅值29.707 m/s2的89.29%,最大振幅点幅值35.044 m/s2的74.92%,达到优化要求。


0 引 言




1 最小幅值点法概述













2 割台的模态分析与拟挂接区确定


图1 微型联合收割机割台

2.1 割台的有限元仿真模态

割台机架主要是由低碳钢板、角钢、矩形管等焊接而成。考虑到拨禾轮、割台搅龙对结构的整体模态影响较小,故将其质量附加在轴上,而省略其外形结构,同时将伸缩扒指的曲轴简化为直轴。在Solidworks中建立割台三维数学模型,并将该模型导入Workbench中进行有限元模态分析。割台材料为结构钢,采用六面体网格,网格尺寸为15 mm。为使模型接近实际,采用约束模态。依据实物结构,约束位置分别是2个连接点和割台提升装置与割台的焊接区,设置为面约束。计算得到前四阶有限元模态如图2所示。

图2 前四阶有限元模态阵型与频率

2.2 割台的试验模态分析


表1 模态试验所用仪器


图3 前四阶试验模态阵型与频率

通过对比图2和图3可以看出,有限元仿真模态和试验模态的阵型相似,都表现为第一阶两侧壁外凸;第二阶侧壁凸凹,底面凸起;第三阶侧壁和底面凸凹;第四阶底面凸凹,侧壁凸凹,背壁内凹。有限元仿真模态和试验模态各阶次模态频率除第二阶相差17.685%略大外,其余各阶模态频率差值均在10%以内。进一步观察割台振动信号的频谱图发现,底面各测点在22.733 Hz附近有明显的峰值,说明试验模态的频率估计正确,出现差异的原因可能是由有限元模型简化造成的,对下一步挂接区确定不会产生影响。



3 割台的最小幅值点确定


3.1 工况测量试验

点的时域振动幅值是频域内所有频率下振动幅值的叠加。为了考察工作工况下对割台振动有较大影响的频率成分,将调速电机驱动转速设置为工作转速300 rad/min。考虑到切割器的振动方向为左右摇摆,即向,因此测量定刀梁靠近中间位置处的向振动信号,作为激励源信号。割刀稳定运动时,由加速度计测得的时域信号经快速傅里叶变换(fast fourier transform,FFT)得到频谱图如图5所示。由图5可知,5、10、15 Hz 3个频率下切割器的振动较强,同时可确定各频点的幅值大小为0.540,0.300,0.160。

图5 切割器振动幅频图

3.2 单频激励试验




由于振动幅值在各坐标向的分量不同,且人体对各方向振动的敏感度不同[29-30],依据5 Hz时各向振动对人体影响(,,)三向的加权因子为(0.409,0.409,1.039),10 Hz时的加权因子为(0.212,0.212,0.988),15 Hz时的影响因子为(0.125,0.125,0.768),计算出各点在各频率下3向综合振动幅值,拟合得到3个频率下的振幅拟合方程。

5 Hz时:


10 Hz时:


15 Hz时:


表2 3号区域点各幅值

3个频率下的极值点并不一样,考虑到工况测量试验中各频率对振幅贡献,选定频谱幅值系数作为3个频率(5,10,15 Hz)的加权系数,分别为:0.540,0.300,0.160,计算得到3个极值点的加权重心(0.260,0,0)作为第3区的最小幅值点。

3.3 验证试验

为了验证该结论,进行电机驱动试验,试验中电机转速设置为300 rad/min。因该转速下5 Hz对振幅影响较大,因此各测点三向综合振幅计算取5 Hz下,,向的幅值加权因子(0.409,0.409,1.039),验证测点的坐标分别为9(0.260,0,0),10(0.010,0,0),11(0.100,0,0),12(0.200, 0,0),13(0.350,0,0),测得数据如表3所示。

表3 验证试验各点幅值

对比可知,测点9的加权幅值最小,为该区域平均加权幅值29.707 m/s2的89.29%,最大振幅点幅值 35.044 m/s2的74.92%,因此,割台下支撑点的位置应在第3区坐标为9(0.260,0,0)的点周围。同理,对另外2个区域进行分析也可得到相应的最小幅值点。

4 优化后强度数值模拟验证


由图6可知,割台连接点改变之后,最大应力发生在2个挂接点及其附近上,其最大应力值77.775 MPa小于材料的屈服强度235 MPa,因此,连接点优化后割台的结构强度满足要求。

图6 割台应力云图

5 结 论

1)本文利用模态分析、振幅加权综合、二次曲线拟合等方法估算出研究区域的振幅最小点的坐标,并用试验检测该点的实际振动强度,可看出该方法能较准确的预测出最小振动幅值点的位置,预测的最小幅值点3向加权振幅为该区域平均幅值29.707 m/s2的89.29%,最大振幅点幅值35.044 m/s2的74.92%。




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Analysis of minimum amplitude points and optimization of connection position for header of micro grain combine

Ji Jiangtao, Xu Longjiao, Pang Jing※, Geng Lingxin, Wang Shengsheng


This paper was aimed to reduce the vibration energy transitivity form the cutting table of the combine harvester to combine. In this paper, the 4 L-0.2 micro combine harvester was chosen as the object, the structure of the machine and the characteristics of the header were analyzed, and the minimum vibration amplitude point of the cutting table was found by using the minimum amplitude point method. Then the finite element modal analysis of the cutting table was carried out by using the modal analysis software Workbench, and the first four order modal frequencies and shapes were obtained, which were also acquired through the modal experiment of the cutting table. The experiment result was proved to be believable by comparison with the finite element modal analysis result. Three different experiments were performed, which included the preliminary experiment, the single-frequency excitation experiment and the verification experiment. In the preliminary experiment, the motor was used to provide the power which was used to drive the cutter installed on the cutting table to reciprocate; the preliminary experiment was done under the condition of low frequency, and 3 different frequencies, which had significant influence on the vibration amplitude of the points, were obtained, which were 5, 10 and 15 Hz respectively. The single- frequency experiments were done on the base of these 3 frequencies. In the single-frequency experiment, a small area that contained the positions of the first four order modal node of the experiment mode was divided out from the experimental area on the cutting table. Some points were randomly chosen in the small area, and the exciter was used to force the cutting table to vibrate. The values of vibration amplitude of the points chosen were obtained, and they were imported into the MATLAB together with the coordinate values of the points. The least square method was used to obtain the fitting curve, which illustrated the relationship between the coordinate value and the value of vibration amplitude of the points. The points that had the minimum value of vibration amplitude were found at each frequency. According to the vibration theory, it could be seen that the value of the vibration amplitude in the time domain was the superimposition of the value of amplitude of each frequency. The weighting factors corresponding to the 3 frequencies were obtained, which were 0.54, 0.3 and 0.16 respectively according to the relationship between the 3 different frequencies obtained from the preliminary experiment. The positions of the points that had the minimum vibration amplitude could be calculated with this set of weighting factors. In the verification experiment, the motor was used to provide the power for driving the cutter installed on the cutting table to reciprocate. The experimental data were calculated and the experimental result was consistent with that of the finite element analysis, and the positions of the points that had the minimum value of the vibration amplitude were obtained, which weighted average magnitude for the region (29.707 m/s2) 89.29%, the maximum amplitude point amplitude (35.044 m/s2) 74.92%. At the end, the optimization scheme which provided the best position for the installation of the cutting table was put forward according to the result.After changing the connection point, the cutting table’s structure was analyzed, and the results showed that the structural strength of the cutting table met the requirements.

agricultural machinery; combine harvester; optimization; modal analysis; minimum amplitude point; curve fitting; weighted synthesis








姬江涛,男,河南洛阳人,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业机械装备研制与开发研究。洛阳 河南科技大学农业装备工程学院,471003。

庞 靖,男,河南洛阳人,讲师,主要从事收获机械设计及理论研究。洛阳 河南科技大学农业装备工程学院,471003。

姬江涛,徐龙姣,庞 靖,耿令新,王升升.微型谷物联合收割机割台最小振幅点分析及挂接点优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(12):28-33. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.12.004

Ji Jiangtao, Xu Longjiao, Pang Jing, Geng Lingxin, Wang Shengsheng. Analysis of minimum amplitude points and optimization of connection position for header of micro grain combine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(12): 28-33. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.12.004


Prevention of aspiration of gastric contents during attempt in tracheal intubation in the semi-lateral and lateral positions