

土壤学报 2017年4期

高阿祥 周鑫斌张城铭

(西南大学资源环境学院,重庆 400716)


高阿祥 周鑫斌†张城铭

(西南大学资源环境学院,重庆 400716)

采用水培试验的方法研究硒(Se,Ⅳ)预处理下,根表铁膜对水稻幼苗吸收和转运汞(Hg)的影响。将水稻幼苗置于Se0和Se0.5(mg L-1)培养液中培养2周,再用4种不同浓度的Fe2+溶液(0、25、50和100 mg L-1即Fe0、Fe25、Fe50、Fe100)诱导水稻根表形成不同数量的铁膜,随后置于0.3 mg L-1的HgCl2培养液中继续培养72 h。结果表明,根表铁膜对水稻幼苗生长无显著影响,但硒可以增加其生物量。碳酸氢钠―柠檬酸三钠―连二亚硫酸钠(DCB)提取液(即根表铁膜)中含铁比例(57.3%~96.2%)显著高于水稻幼苗地上部(1.1%~17.5%)和根部(2.7%~25.9%),水稻幼苗的大部分铁被积累至DCB提取液中。随着根表铁膜数量的增加,根和地上部汞含量均显著降低。在Fe50和Fe100处理中,硒的加入显著减少了地上部和根部的汞含量,也显著降低了汞的分配系数,Se(Ⅳ)预处理能明显提高铁膜固持汞的量。综上所述,Se(Ⅳ)预处理和根表铁膜均能阻碍水稻幼苗对汞的吸收和向地上部的转运,减轻水稻汞胁迫,从而起到保护水稻避免汞毒害的作用。本研究对于提高汞污染区稻米质量和保证粮食安全具有一定的现实意义。


汞是一种毒性很强的污染物,并通过食物链在人和动物体内富集,因其在环境中具有持久性、生物累积性和强毒性被国际组织列为优先控制污染物[1]。我国汞污染状况较为严重,土壤中汞含量的平均值为0.04 mg kg-1,高于世界土壤中汞自然含量的平均值[2]。我国汞污染最严重的贵州万山地区,水稻田总汞达790 mg kg-1[3],作物平均汞浓度达到78 mg kg-1,万山地区10%的农田硒含量也超过3.0 mg kg-1,属于典型的富硒土壤[4],而硒又是人体必需的微量营养元素。早期研究表明,硒与汞存在拮抗作用,由于硒与汞能形成难溶性复合物,施硒可减少汞向作物地上部转运[5]。亚硒酸盐能限制大蒜内部汞的积累和转运,主要原因是在大蒜根部形成了谷胱甘肽汞Hg(GSH)2和蛋氨酸汞Hg(Met)2难溶性复合物,进而阻碍了汞向大蒜地上部转运[6]。



1 材料与方法

1.1 供试水稻硒预处理

试验在西南大学实验温室内进行。所用的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种为渝香203,挑选籽粒饱满的水稻种子使用30%的H2O2浸泡消毒10 min,用去离子水洗净后置于垫有滤纸的培养皿中,在28℃人工培养箱中培养至萌发5 d后,在1/3浓度霍格兰培养液中继续培养10 d,再置于霍格兰培养液中培养1周。挑选生长一致的水稻幼苗24株,分为无硒(Se0)和有硒(Se0.5,0.5 mg L-1(以纯硒计))两个处理,采用亚硒酸钠(Na2SeO3)供应硒,置于霍格兰培养液中硒预处理2周。水稻培养期间用0.1 mol L-1的HCl或NaOH溶液调整pH为5.5,每3天更换一次营养液。水稻培养条件:28℃/14h光照和20℃/10h黑暗,相对湿度为50%~70%,光照强度为300 µmol m-2s-1。

1.2 铁膜诱导及硒汞暴露方法

在上述硒培养结束后,将水稻植株转移至去离子水中浸泡24 h,以消除营养液中其他元素对铁膜形成的影响。取出水稻植株分别置于0、25、50和100 mg L-1的Fe2+(FeSO4)溶液中(pH=5.5)中培养24 h,分别标记为Fe0、Fe25、Fe50和Fe100。然后将水稻植株转移至霍格兰培养液中培养48 h后,转至含有0.3 mg L-1HgCl2的霍格兰培养液中继续培养72 h。每个处理设3次重复。

1.3 碳酸氢钠-柠檬酸三钠-连二亚硫酸钠(DCB)法提取水稻根表铁膜

水稻幼苗收获后,用去离子水彻底冲洗干净,分为根部和地上部。将洗净的根组织沿基部剪下,放入30 ml含有0.03 mol L-1柠檬酸三钠(Na3C6H5O7·2H2O)、0.125 mol L-1碳酸氢钠(NaHCO3)及0.5 g保险粉(Na2S2O4)混合溶液中,室温下浸提1 h,冲洗根组织并定容浸提液至50 ml。用ICP-OES(Optima 2000DV,PerkinElmer,美国)测定DCB浸提液铁含量,ICP-MS(Thermo Elemental X7,美国)测定汞含量。经DCB提取后的水稻根及地上部叶在70℃烘干至恒重,用于汞含量测定。

1.4 样品消解与测定

分别称取约0.1 g水稻根、地上部样品于消化管中,加入5 ml浓硝酸和1 ml H2O2,置于室温下过夜。然后再向每支消化管中加入5 ml HNO3和2 ml H2O2,分别加热至90℃恒温3 h,120℃恒温3 h,160℃恒温2 h,直至消化管中剩余液体1 ml左右。冷却后将剩余液体转移至25 ml容量瓶中定容。植株中硒含量的测定参照Zhang等[16]的方法,植株中汞含量的测定参照李士杏等[17]的方法。

1.5 数据分析

汞分配系数 DR(Distribution ratio)=地上部吸收汞的量/总吸收量[18]。试验所得植株各部位的汞含量采用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析;植株各部位干重数据采用方差分析(ANOVA);不同处理浓度间采用最小显著差异法(LSD)检验其显著性(p<0.05)。

2 结 果

2.1 不同数量铁膜对水稻生长的影响

水稻幼苗经硒培养2周后,再经过24 h的Fe2+溶液处理,根系表面能够看见明显的红色,这表明形成了铁膜。随后将水稻幼苗置于0.3 mg L-1HgCl2培养液中继续培养72 h,加硒处理相对于不加硒处理,水稻幼苗根部和地上部生物量的增加较为明显(表1)。这说明,硒可以提高汞处理下水稻幼苗生物量,在一定程度上减轻了汞对水稻的胁迫效应。

2.2 硒预处理下水稻幼苗对铁的吸收



表1 不同浓度Se和Fe供应的营养液中水稻幼苗生物量Table 1 Biomass of rice seedlings grown in Hoagland solution relative to concentration of Se and Fe

表2 不同浓度Se和Fe供应的营养液中水稻幼苗地上部、根和DCB提取液中Fe含量和含铁比例Table 2 Content and proportion of Fe in dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate(DCB)extracts of iron plaque on the root surface,roots and shoots of rice seedlings grown in nutrient solution,relative to concentration of Se and Fe


2.3 铁膜和硒对水稻幼苗吸收转运汞的影响

如图1所示,在Se0处理中,随着Fe浓度的增加,水稻幼苗地上部和根中的汞含量均降低;在无铁膜存在的情况下,Se(Ⅳ)预处理后,水稻地上部汞含量显著下降(图1A)。从根中汞含量来看,随着铁膜数量的增加,根中汞含量显著下降;同一Fe2+浓度下,加硒和未加硒相比,仅有Fe100处理下根中汞含量显著下降,其他Fe2+浓度处理下汞含量差异不显著(图1B)。如图1C所示,在Se0和Se0.5处理中,随着铁膜数量的增加,DCB提取液(即铁膜)中的汞含量均有所增加;在Fe0处理中,Se0.5处理铁膜中汞含量是Se0处理的3.5倍,这说明硒可能显著增加水稻根系质外体汞含量;Fe25处理中,加硒处理后铁膜中的汞含量也有所增加,但当Fe2+浓度从25~100 mg L-1变化时,加硒处理对DCB提取液中汞含量无显著影响。



图1 不同浓度Se和Fe处理下水稻幼苗地上部(A)、根(B)和DCB提取液(C)中的Hg含量Fig 1 Content of mercury in shoots(A),roots(B)and dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate(DCB)(C)extracts of rice seedlings grown in nutrient solution relative to concentration of Se and Fe

图2 不同浓度Se和Fe处理对水稻幼苗汞分配系数的影响Fig 2 Effect of Se and Fe treatments on distribution ratio of mercury in rice seedlings relative to concentration of Se and Fe


图3 不同浓度Se和Fe处理下水稻幼苗不同部位中Hg含量百分比Fig 3 Distribution ratio of Hg in different parts of rice seedlings grown in nutrient solution relative to concentration of Se and Fe

图4 不同浓度Se和Fe处理下根表铁膜中Hg和Fe的关系Fig 4 Relationship between Hg concentration and Fe concentration in the iron plaque on the root surface of rice seedlings grown in nutrient solution relative to concentration of Se and Fe


3 讨 论

硒是动物和人体的必需营养元素,现已发现硒对植物生长也非常有利。郑甲成和刘婷[19]通过研究不同浓度硒肥对水稻硒含量和产量的影响证实,适当的硒肥浓度(10~15 g hm-2)能够促进水稻植株生长,显著增加水稻生物量和籽粒产量,但过量的硒肥浓度(≥25 g hm-2)则抑制了水稻植株生长。本研究结果得出,硒可以提高汞处理下水稻幼苗生物量(表1)。

硒在提高植物抗逆性、缓解重金属胁迫以及阻碍植物对重金属吸收等方面有着重要作用,但其机制尚不明确。主流观点认为,硒是谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)的必需组分,GSH-Px利用谷胱甘肽(GSH)将有毒的过氧化物还原成无毒的物质,清除由重金属引起的自由基[20]。本试验得出,Se(Ⅳ)预处理能够阻碍水稻铁从根向地上部转运(表2)。从生理学角度来看,Feng等[21]发现硒可以减轻蜈蚣草对铁的吸收和转运,其主要机理为低剂量硒(2 mg L-1)能够降低蜈蚣草体内丙二醛含量和过氧化氢酶活性,而高剂量硒(20 mg L-1)能够增加蜈蚣草体内丙二醛含量和过氧化氢酶活性。硒也可以激活植物螯合肽(PC)合成酶及增加PC合成的前体,使植物产生更多的PC,形成更多的重金属-PC配合物[22],其在植物体内不易移动,硒阻碍水稻铁从根向地上部转运,其具体机理尚需进一步研究。

铁膜降低了水稻幼苗地上部汞含量和汞分配系数,铁膜数量越多,固持在根表铁膜中的汞越多,表明水稻根表铁膜限制了汞从根到地上部的转运。铁膜对于其他元素也有吸附固持作用,如Liu等[23]的结果,铁膜中铜、锌、磷和砷的浓度与铁膜数量呈正相关。有研究表明,铁膜能够吸附无机汞(IHg)和有机汞(MeHg),随着铁膜数量的增加,水稻根内IHg和地上部MeHg均显著减少,水稻根系内Hg的化学形态却未改变[24]。Zhang等[25]研究了Se对于水稻—土壤系统中MeHg / IHg吸收和迁移的影响后发现,Se的水平与稻谷中MeHg / IHg 的水平负相关,而且,增加土壤中的硒水平,IHg和MeHg向地上部迁移均会持续降低。

Se(Ⅳ)预处理能够降低水稻幼苗地上部汞含量(图1A)。究其具体机理,一方面可能是硒和汞在水稻根内形成难溶性复合物HgSe(pKsp = -64.5),从而限制了汞向地上部转运。Khan和Wang[26]研究表明,在植物体内或根表硒与汞发生拮抗作用,容易形成难溶的HgSe复合物,从而抑制了植物对汞的吸收和转运。Zhang等[25]通过研究根部土壤施硒发现,植株地上部对汞的吸收和转运也有显著减少。这可能是由于游离的SeO32-或SeO42-会被还原为Se2-,游离的Se2-可以与游离的Hg2+结合,形成HgSe复合物沉淀。Afton和Caruso[27]研究大葱和雪里蕻根部发现,大部分HgSe难溶性复合物均被固定在根部,并未转运至植株地上部,表明硒汞复合物基本固着于植物根部,进而减少植株地上部对汞的吸收。大蒜添加硒后,能够降低体内Hg-S结合力而生成谷胱甘肽汞化物Hg(GSH)2和Hg(Met)2,从而减少大蒜对汞的吸收和积累,硒通过降低大蒜对汞的吸收转运而起着保护大蒜被汞毒害的作用[6]。



4 结 论


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Effect of Iron Plaque on Root on Uptake and Translocation of Mercury in Rice Seedlings Treated with Selenium(Ⅳ)

GAO Axiang ZHOU Xinbin†ZHANG Chengming
(College of Resources and Environment,Southwest University,Chongqing 400716,China)

【Objective】 Iron plaque on root adsorbs heavy metal elements in the soil,thus reducing the content of heavy metals in the environment the plant grows in,while selenium is antagonistic to heavy metal elements in plant roots,thus inhibiting the transfer of Cd,As,Mn and some other heavy metals in the roots of rice seedlings as was found in the researches. In the presence of a proper amount of iron plaque,selenium reacts with Cd,As,Mn,and so on to form insoluble compounds that accumulate in the iron plaque,thus reducing toxicity of these heavy metals to the plants. In this study,a hydroponic experiment was conducted to explore effects of the iron plaque on the surface of the roots of rice seedlings on absorption and transport of mercury by the plants treated with selenium. 【Method】Having been disinfected and washed clean,rice seeds were sown in Hoagland culture medium for germination. Out of the seedlings,24 consistent in growth were selected and transplanted into two groups of vessels with Hogland culture medium,one treated without selenium(Se0)and the other with selenium(Se0.5,0.5 mg L-1in the form of Na2SeO3),for cultivation for 2 weeks. Then the rice plants were moved into Fe2+(FeSO4)solutions(pH=5.5),0,25,50 and 100 mg L-1in concentration,or Treatment Fe0,Fe25,Fe50 and Fe100,separately,for 24 h,to let iron plaque form on root surface. And then the rice plants were then transferred into HgCl2solution,0.3 mg L-1in concentration for 72 h of cultivation. Each treatment had three replicates. 【Result】No significant effect of the iron plaque was found on growth of the rice seedlings,but selenium was to be able to increase the plants in biomass. With rising Fe concentration in the solution,iron contents in the shoots and roots of the plants and in the dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate(DCB)solution all increased. The iron content in the DCB solution(extraction of root surface iron plaque)reached 57.3%~96.2%,significantly higher than that(1.1%~17.5%)in theshoot and(2.7%~25.9%)in the root of the rice seedlings,Most of the iron in the seedling plants were accumulated in the iron plaque or DCB extract. With the rising amount of iron plaque on the root surface,the content of mercury in the roots and shoots of the plants decreased significantly. The addition of selenium did not affect much the content of mercury in the shoots and roots of the plants in Treatments Fe0 and Fe25,but it did reduce the content of mercury significantly in Treatments Fe50 and Fe100. With the formation of iron plaque on the root surface,the content of mercury in the shoots and roots reduced because the iron plaque adsorbed much mercury and the addition of Se(Ⅳ)enabled the iron plaque to adsorb more mercury,thus increasing the proportion of mercury in the iron plaque and consequently reducing that in the shoots of the plans. Quite obviously,Se significantly enhances Hg fixation capacity of the iron plaque on the root surface of rice seedlings. 【Conclusion】Under hydroponic conditions,iron deposits on the root surface to form iron plaque,which inhibits Hg adsorption by rice roots and upward transfer of Hg in the plant. With the forming of more iron plaque,Hg fixation capacity of the coating increases significantly,too,thus markedly reducing Hg accumulation in the rice seedling. Se(Ⅳ)can alleviate the effect of mercury stress on rice,inhibit Hg transfer from roots to shoots and reduce Hg accumulation in the shoots,thus playing a role in protecting rice from mercury toxication. This study has certain practical significance in improving the quality of rice in mercury contaminated area and ensuring food safety.

Iron plaque;Rice seedlings;Se;Hg





* 国家自然科学基金项目(31372141,31672238)资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos. 31372141 and 31672238)

† 通讯作者 Corresponding author,





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