

土壤学报 2017年4期

陈 浩 李 博 熊正琴

(江苏省低碳农业和温室气体减排重点实验室,南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院,南京 210095)


陈 浩 李 博 熊正琴†

(江苏省低碳农业和温室气体减排重点实验室,南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院,南京 210095)

利用静态暗箱—气相色谱法,周年监测集约化菜地四种蔬菜种植过程中N2O的排放和蔬菜产量变化,探究减氮(640、960 kg hm-2a-1)以及施用硝化抑制剂氯甲基吡啶(CP)对菜地N2O排放的影响。结果表明,与常规施氮(Nn)处理相比,减量施氮(Nr)在不显著降低产量的情况下平均降低菜地N2O排放27.1%;与仅施用尿素的处理相比,在减量和常规施氮水平的基础上添加硝化抑制剂又分别能降低菜地N2O排放总量29.4%、26.0%,降低N2O排放系数60.9%、42.4%,而对蔬菜产量没有显著影响,因此显著降低菜地单位产量N2O排放量32.1%、30.3%,以减氮结合CP(CP-Nr)处理减排效果最佳。因此,减氮结合CP应用于集约化蔬菜生产是一种有效的菜地减排农业措施。



通常,一季蔬菜的施氮量可高达300~700 kg hm-2[8],远超过推荐施肥量,造成氮肥利用率低[9],N2O大量排放[10],甚至减产、土壤酸化等一系列负面影响[11]。氮肥合理优化施用,是实现集约化蔬菜生产可持续发展的重要措施。刘兆辉等[12]研究表明农业生产中,在一定范围内减少施氮量可能不影响作物产量甚至增产,但在部分区域减氮仍然会导致减产,或者并不明显影响作物产量[13]。因此,在集约化蔬菜生产过程中减量优化施氮值得关注。



1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区概况

试验于江苏省南京市高桥门镇(32°01′N,118°52′E)进行。该地区的气候属于典型的长江中下游亚热带季风气候,年平均气温15.4 ℃,年均降水量1 107 mm。此地区集约化种植蔬菜长达数十年。通过在寒冷季节使用塑料大棚进行增温,一年可以种植3~5茬蔬菜,是南方集约化蔬菜生产的典型代表。试验地土壤类型为旱耕熟化人为土,pH为5.2,容重为1.2 g cm-3,有机碳为19.2 g kg-1,有机氮为2.0 g kg-1。

1.2 试验设计

本试验共设置4个处理,包含减量施氮(Nr,施氮 640 kg hm-2a-1)和常规施氮(Nn,施氮 960 kg hm-2a-1),在两个氮肥水平分别设施用硝化抑制剂CP(CP-N)、不施用CP(N)。按照当地常规种植方法,试验期内共种植4茬蔬菜,每季蔬菜施氮量相等。所用氮肥为普通尿素,含硝化抑制剂氯甲基吡啶(CP)的尿素由浙江奥复托化工有限公司生产,含量为尿素态氮的0.24%,对分解铵态氮的单细胞硝化杆菌具有抑制作用。常规施氮量根据当地农民常规施肥水平确定的。每个处理3次重复,小区面积3 m×2.2 m。


蔬菜播种前翻耕平整土壤,其余田间操作与管理措施,如施肥方式、浇水灌溉、病虫害防治等与当地农户习惯一致。每季钾肥(氯化钾,60% K2O)和磷肥(钙镁磷肥,12% P2O5)施用量均为960 kg hm-2a-1,氮、磷、钾肥全部作基肥在每季蔬菜种植前一次性施入,施肥方式为表施。

表1 四种蔬菜生长时间及农事操作情况Table 1 Growth periods and farming practices of four vegetable crops

1.3 样品采集与分析

采用静态密闭暗箱—气相色谱法测定菜地N2O排放通量。采样箱由PVC材质制成,采样底座固定在试验小区内,底座面积为50 cm×50 cm,高度为40 cm。采样时扣上采样箱并及时向底座凹槽注水以密封土壤与采样箱的连接。采样频率通常为一周一次,施肥与灌溉后加密采样,2~3 d一次,持续7~10 d。采样时间为当天上午9:00~11:00,用20 ml注射性针筒采集气体样品,在箱子密闭后0、10、20和30 min共采集4个气体样品。采好的样品带回实验室于48 h内用安捷伦气相色谱仪(Agilent 7890A)测定样品中N2O含量。安捷伦气相色谱(Agilent 7890A)检测器为ECD,检测器温度300 ℃,载气为5%氩甲烷。每次采样时同时测定采样箱内温度、土壤温度、大气温度。根据四个样品N2O浓度和采样时间的直线回归斜率求得N2O排放通量,按下式计算:

式中,F是N2O排放通量(µg m-2h-1);ρ是标准状态下的气体密度(mg m-3h-1);h是箱高(m);dC/dt为采样箱内的气体浓度变化率;T为采样过程中采样箱内的平均温度(℃)。

土壤样品采集采用五点取样法,深度为0~15 cm,约7~15 d采集一次。分析时用2 mol L-1的KCl浸提,滤液中的铵态氮(-N)浓度采用靛酚蓝比色法测定,硝态氮(-N)浓度采用紫外分光光度法测定。土壤孔隙含水量(WFPS)根据每次测定的土壤质量含水量与土壤容重计算得到。

1.4 数据处理

采用Excel 2010软件进行数据计算及图表制作,采用JMP 9.0软件对各处理N2O累积排放量、N2O排放系数、蔬菜产量和单位产量N2O排放量进行多重比较(LSD法)及相关性分析,N2O排放系数等于施氮处理的N2O排放量减去未施氮处理的N2O排放量并除以施氮量,未施氮处理的N2O排放量在本文中未呈现。采用SPSS 16.0对菜地N2O排放主要驱动因子进行偏相关以及成对相关分析。

2 结 果

2.1 各处理菜地N2O排放通量以及相关因子动态变化

试验期内,各处理菜地N2O排放通量的季节性变化规律基本一致,而不同蔬菜季N2O排放情况各有差异(图1)。菜地N2O排放主要集中在5—9月份,而在其他季节排放相对较少(图1),与温度变化极显著正相关(表2,p<0.01)。苋菜生长季的N2O排放峰出现在施肥后10 d左右,这与该季节的温度逐渐上升有关,其峰值为N 2 594 µg m-2h-1;空心菜生长季的排放通量最大,在施肥后很快达到排放峰,其峰值为N 6 426 µg m-2h-1。因为该生长季(2015/07/15—2015/09/29)的气温最高,导致其土壤温度偏高,温度变化范围为23.4~31.2℃;同时频繁的降雨导致空心菜季土壤WFPS达到49.1%~74.0%,促进菜地土壤N2O排放(表2,p<0.05);香菜和小白菜生长期间由于过低的温度导致未产生明显的排放峰。此外,各处理的N2O排放通量范围为N 1.2~6 427 µg m-2h-1,且随着施肥量的增加而升高;相同施氮量下添加CP处理明显降低了N2O排放通量。

由图2可知,菜地土壤的铵态氮、硝态氮含量变化范围为10.8~247.2 mg kg-1和1.8~186.8 mg kg-1。各处理的铵态氮与硝态氮含量平均值变化范围为50.9~60.4 mg kg-1和31.6~43.3 mg kg-1。随着施氮量的增加,各处理的土壤无机氮含量增加;与仅施尿素的处理相比,常规施氮量添加CP处理菜地土壤铵态氮含量平均值显著增加12.3%,在常规和减氮两个水平上添加硝化抑制剂处理菜地土壤硝态氮的含量均增加。

图1 菜地不同处理N2O排放通量、土壤温度、土壤孔隙含水量动态变化Fig. 1 Dynamics of N2O flux,soil temperature(T)and soil water filled pore space(WFPS)in vegetable field under different treatments

表2 土壤孔隙含水量、土壤温度及土壤铵态氮、硝态氮与N2O排放通量的相关性(右上部分)、偏相关性(左下部分)Table 2 Pairwise correlations(top right)and partial correlations(bottom left)of the main driving factors of WFPS,soil temperature(T),-N and-N concentrations on N2O emissions during the whole observation period

表2 土壤孔隙含水量、土壤温度及土壤铵态氮、硝态氮与N2O排放通量的相关性(右上部分)、偏相关性(左下部分)Table 2 Pairwise correlations(top right)and partial correlations(bottom left)of the main driving factors of WFPS,soil temperature(T),-N and-N concentrations on N2O emissions during the whole observation period


N2OWFPSTNH4+-NNO3--N N2O-0.208**0.521**0.781**0.700** WFPS0.221*--0.061-0.1440.081 T 0.345**-0.065-0.423**0.230** NH4+-N0.539**0.327**0.108-0.667** NO3--N0.383**0.133-0.207*0.316**-

图2 不同处理铵态氮、硝态氮动态变化Fig. 2 Dynamics of NH4+-N and NO3--N concentrations within the 0~15 cm soils

2.2 菜地各处理N2O排放量及蔬菜产量的相关指标

菜地土壤N2O排放随施氮量增加而增加,试验期内Nn处理的菜地N2O累积排放量最大,为N 59.2±4.4 kg hm-2;CP-Nr处理的菜地N2O累积排放量最小,为N 31.2±2.2 kg hm-2。如图3所示,相比常规施氮处理(Nn),减氮处理(Nr)降低了菜地N2O排放量(p<0.01)与排放系数(不显著);此外,蔬菜产量随施氮量的增加而增加,而减氮处理的单位产量N2O排放量则低于常规施氮处理。与仅施氮肥的处理相比,等量施氮情况下,添加CP能够减少N2O累积排放量(图3,表3),同时显著地降低单位产量N2O排放量(图3,p<0.01)。总观测期内,在Nr、Nn两个施氮水平上,添加CP菜地N2O排放量分别减少29.4%、 26.0%,菜地N2O排放系数分别降低60.9%、42.4%,而产量未有显著影响,因此单位产量N2O排放量分别降低32.1%、30.3%。

3 讨 论

3.1 减氮及CP对菜地N2O排放的影响

土壤N2O排放的季节性变化主要是受土壤水分和温度的影响[19-20]。本试验各蔬菜季N2O排放量差异较大(表3),空心菜季菜地N2O累积排放量巨大,占总累积排放量的47.5%。这是由于夏季高温多雨,频繁的降水和强烈的干湿交替环境促进菜地硝化作用与反硝化作用,为土壤N2O的大量产生与排放提供了有利条件[21-22]。据相关研究[23]表明,当土壤WFPS高于70%,N2O主要产生于反硝化作用,反之则主要产生于硝化作用;邹国元等[24]的研究表明当土壤WFPS低于50%反硝化作用很弱,本试验中土壤WFPS平均为50%左右,因此推测硝化作用是菜地N2O产生的主要途径。此外,该季蔬菜种植期间土壤平均温度达到27.4 ℃,平均土壤WFPS达到55.8%,且该季蔬菜种植时间长达76 d,导致菜地N2O大量排放。苋菜季N2O排放量也较大,同样是由于该季蔬菜种植期间具有较高的土壤温度,同时进入梅雨季节(2015/05/03—2015/06/15),频繁的降雨促进


表3 各季蔬菜生长期间N2O累积排放量Table 3 Cumulative seasonal N2O emissions of each vegetable growing period(N kg hm-2)

图3 各处理菜地的N2O累积排放量、N2O排放系数、蔬菜产量、单位产量N2O排放量Fig. 3 Cumulative N2O emission,N2O emission factor,total fresh vegetable output and yield-scaled N2O emission relative to treatment


3.2 减氮及CP对各处理蔬菜产量的影响



3.3 减氮及CP对各处理单位产量N2O排放量的影响


4 结 论


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Effects of N Reduction and Nitrification Inhibitor on N2O Emissions in Intensive Vegetable Field

CHEN Hao LI Bo XIONG Zhengqin†
(Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Low Carbon Agriculture and GHGs Mitigation,College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China)

【Objective】 A one-year-round field experiment,monitoring nitrous oxide(N2O)emissions during the growing seasons of four consecutive vegetable crops and yields of the crops,was conducted to investigate effects of reduced application of nitrogen(N)fertilizer and application of chlorinated pyridine(CP),a kind of nitrification inhibitor,on N2O emission and vegetable yield. 【Method】 During the observation period from May,2015 to May,2016,four different species of vegetables were cultivated one by one,namely,amaranth,water spinach,cilantro and baby bok choy. The experiment was designed to have two treatments in N input i.e. 640 and 960 kg hm-2a-1,or a reduced N dose(Nr)and a normal N dose(Nn). Urea was applied as N fertilizer coupled with CP(CP-N)or without CP(N). Phosphate and potassium fertilizers were applied in the form of calcium/magnesium phosphate(12% P2O5)and potassium chloride(60% K2O)at a rate of 960 kg hm-2a-1. All the fertilizers were evenly distributed among the four crops. Each treatment had three replicates. N2O fluxes were monitored with the static-closed chamber method and gas phase chromatography. Air samples were collected normally once a week and once every two or three days during the 7~10 days after the application of N fertilizer. 【Result】 Results show that N2O flux varied significantly with the season in all the treatments,showing a trend of rising higher in the period from May to September and staying lower in the rest of the year. The N2O flux during the growing season of water spinach was the highest and reached N 6 426 µg m-2h-1soon after N fertilization,which could probably be attributed to the high temperature in the season. But no apparent peaks were observed during the growing seasons of cilantro and baby bok choy,when the highest N2O flux reached N 664.9 and 914.9 µg m-2h-1respectively. N2O flux was found significantly and positively related to soil water content and soil temperature(p<0.05)and to N fertilizer application rate too. In treatment Nr,CP-Nr,Nn and CP-Nn,N2O flux varied in the range of N3.2~4 280,5.0~3 293,3.2~6 427 and 1.2~6 097 µg m-2h-1,respectively. During all the four vegetable growing seasons,treatment Nr was always lower than treatment Nn in N2O flux. Compared with treatment Nn,treatment Nr could reduce cumulative N2O emission by 27.1% on average without significantly affecting yield of the crops(p<0.05). In the treatments equal in N application rate,amendment of CP reduced cumulative N2O flux,which indicates that CP is capable of mitigating N2O emission in the vegetable field. During the year of the experiment,treatment Nn was found to be the highest in cumulative N2O emission,reaching up to N 59.2±4.4 kg hm-2,while treatment CP-Nr the lowest,getting down to 31.2±2.2 kg hm-2. Comparison between treatments equal in N application rate,CP amendment reduced total cumulative N2O emission by 29.4% and 26.0%,N2O emission factor by 60.9% and 42.4%,and yield-scaled N2O emission by 32.1% and 30.3%,respectively,in treatment CP-Nn and CP-Nr,without significantly affecting crop yield. In the soil of the vegetable field,the content of-N and-N varied in the range of 10.8~803.9 and 0.9~520.0 mg kg-1,respectively. The average-N content in the soil of treatment Nr,CP-Nr,Nn and CP-Nn was 31.6,33.2,35.7 and 43.3 mg kg-1,respectively,and the average-N content,51.0,50.9,53.8 and 60.4 mg kg-1,respectively. Obviously,with rising N application rate,the content of inorganic N gradually increases in all the treatments. 【Conclusion】Taking into account cumulative N2O emission,N2O emission factor,yield and yield-scaled N2O emission,Treatment CP-Nr is capable of reducing N2O emission and getting high vegetable yields simultaneously. Hence,the practice of reducing N fertilizer application rate by one third coupled with CP amendment can be used as an effective vegetable field management measure in intensive vegetable production to mitigate N2O emission and maintain crop yield.

Intensive vegetable field;Nitrous oxide emission;N reduction;Nitrification inhibitor



(责任编辑:卢 萍)


* 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41471192)和科技部支撑计划项目(2013BAD11B01)资助 Supported by the National Natural

Science Foundation of China(No. 41471192)and the National Key Technology R & D Program of China(No. 2013BAD11B01)† 通讯作者 Corresponding author:熊正琴,教授,主要研究方向为农田碳氮循环与碳氮管理。

陈 浩(1991—),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为碳氮循环与气候变化



