30 209例舒血宁注射液安全性医院集中监测研究


中国中药杂志 2017年15期

姜俊杰+谢雁鸣 张寅+黎明全 赵玉斌+温泽淮 李学林 易丹辉+张一开

[摘要]为获得杏雪舒血宁注射液的不良反应特征及发生率等安全性信息,采用多中心、大样本医院集中监测的设计方法,在全国27家医疗机构中,以使用舒血宁注射液的住院患者为研究对象,进行用药周期的全程监测。监测主要内容为患者的一般信息、诊断信息、用药信息、不良事件信息。结果共纳入使用舒血宁注射液的患者30 209例,发生不良反应34例,不良反应发生率0113%,属于偶见不良反应。不良反应发生特征为头痛、头晕、皮肤瘙痒、心悸、恶心等。基于以上结果,说明杏雪舒血宁注射液的安全性良好。

[关键词]舒血宁注射液; 医院集中监测; 不良反应; 安全性

Intensive hospital monitoring of Shuxuening injection in 30 209 cases

JIANG Junjie1, XIE Yanming1*, ZHANG Yin1, LI Mingquan2, ZHAO Yubin3, WEN Zehuai4,

LI Xuelin5, YI Danhui2, ZHANG Yikai6

(1 Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China;

2Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changchun 130618, China;

3Shijiazhuang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shijiazhuang 052560, China;

4Guangdong Province Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital, Guangzhou 511740, China;

5The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 452486, China;

6 College of Statistics, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)

[Abstract] In order to obtain the characteristics and incidence of adverse reactions of Shuxuening injection (Xingxue), the design method of a multicenter, large sample intensive monitoring in the hospitals was adopted The hospitalized patients with use of Shuxuening injection from 27 medical institutions were enrolled as the research subjects to monitor their entire process of treatment cycle The main content of monitoring included the patients general information, diagnostic information, medication information, and adverse event information A total of 30 209 patients with Shuxuening injection were enrolled; adverse reactions occurred in 34 cases, with an incidence of 0113%, which belonged to the rare adverse reactions Adverse reactions were characterized by headache, dizziness, pruritus, palpitations, nausea, et al All the above results showed that Xingxue Shuxuening injection had high safety in clinical application

[Key words]Shuxuening injection; intensive hospital monitoring; adverse reactions; safety

杏雪舒血寧注射液(以下简称“舒血宁”)的成分是银杏叶提取物,功能是扩张血管、改善微循环,可用于缺血性心脑血管疾病,冠心病、心绞痛、脑栓塞、脑血管痉挛等。关于舒血宁注射液的安全性问题,既往诸多学者进行了安全性文献分析、回顾性分析等[12]。文献分析及不良反应被动监测数据分析,均可发现舒血宁的不良反应信号,但均有一定的局限性,来源于多个文献的数据质量参差不齐,无法获得较为准确的不良反应(adverse reaction,ADR)数据。被动监测数据分析无法计算ADR发生率,且存在低报、漏报的缺点。然而,大样本医院集中监测研究可获取舒血宁注射液全部用药患者信息及发生不良反应患者信息,可计算ADR发生率,并得出不良反应发生特征,因此,本研究基于多中心、大样本的医院集中监测设计方法,在全国27家医疗机构进行舒血宁注射液医院集中监测研究,为舒血宁注射液安全合理用药提供科学依据。


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