

土壤学报 2017年3期

李锦芬瞿明凯黄 标刘 刚赵永存孙维侠胡文友

(1 南京信息工程大学环境科学与工程学院,南京 210044)

(2 中国科学院南京土壤研究所土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室,南京 210008)


李锦芬1,2瞿明凯2†黄 标2刘 刚1赵永存2孙维侠2胡文友2

(1 南京信息工程大学环境科学与工程学院,南京 210044)

(2 中国科学院南京土壤研究所土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室,南京 210008)



土壤阳离子交换量(Cation exchange capacity,CEC)指土壤溶液在一定的pH时,每千克干土所吸收的全部交换性阳离子的物质的量(cmol kg-1),即土壤所带负电荷的数量[1]。CEC能直接反映土壤保蓄、供应和缓冲阳离子养分的能力[2],而且对土壤中重金属的生物有效性和作物中营养元素的吸收均有一定的影响[3-5]。

了解土壤CEC与相关土壤控制因子(土壤黏粒、土壤有机质(SOM)和土壤pH)之间的关系,是对其进行定量调控的基础。国内外关于土壤CEC与其控制因子之间关系的研究有很多[6-11],但这些研究往往采用的是基于最小二乘回归(OLS)的方法,该类回归方法是一种总体回归技术,其成立的前提假设是观测值之间彼此独立[12-13]。然而在空间上,事物普遍与周围的其他事物相互关联,而且距离越近,相关性越高[14]。区域土壤CEC和土壤中相关控制因子往往具有一定的空间相关性,而采用传统的OLS回归方法得到的土壤CEC与相关控制因子之间的关系在整个研究区域内为一恒定值,不能反映局部区域内土壤CEC与相关控制因子之间的局部空间相关性。因此,传统的OLS回归方法在探索土壤CEC与相关土壤控制因子之间的关系方面具有一定局限性。地理加权回归(Geographically weighted regression,GWR)是近年来出现的一种新的局部空间回归技术,它是将数据的空间位置嵌入线性回归模型中,用以探索空间变量之间的空间非平稳关系[12-13]。这种回归与普通线性回归最明显的区别是该模型的回归系数在每个空间数据位置上均要分别被估计,而普通线性回归模型对回归系数的估计是基于整个研究区域的。


1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区域概况

本研究选定江西省南昌市进贤县为研究区域。该区域位于江西省中部偏北、鄱阳湖南岸(116°01′~116°33′ E,28°09′~28°46′ N),是我国南方高产的商品粮基地之一。进贤县属于亚热带季风湿润气候,全年气候温和,四季分明,雨量充沛,光照充足,无霜期长。该县年日照平均时长约为1 936 h,平均气温17.5℃,年均降水量1 587 mm。主要粮食作物为水稻,且以双季稻为主,其种植面积占粮食种植总面积的89%。

1.2 样品采集与分析

在研究区内布设103个土壤采样点(图1)。采样时间为2012年10月下旬。用GPS定位并记录样本坐标信息。在每个采样点周围100 m2的范围内,采集3~4处表层(0~20 cm)土壤,均匀混合后缩分至1 kg装袋。同时采集相应位置的亚表层(20~40 cm)土壤样品。所有的样品在室温下(20~22℃)风干、去除草根石块,磨碎,然后过2 mm尼龙筛,准备好的土壤样品用于化学分析。

图1 研究区域和样本点分布Fig. 1 Location map of the study area and distribution of sampling sites


1.3 地理加权回归


式中,y为因变量,xi为自变量,ε为高斯误差项。β0为模型截距,βi为区域内变量 i 的回归系数,p为回归项的个数。该类模型的前提是假设拟合样本之间彼此独立。然而在空间上,事物普遍与周围的其他事物相关,且距离近的事物通常较距离远的事物有更强的关联性[14]。故传统的多元线性回归并不适合分析空间数据之间的非平稳关系。


式中,(μ,υ)为区域内不同的空间位置,β0(μ,υ)为位置(μ,υ)处的模型截距,βi(μ,υ)为位置(μ,υ)处自变量 i 的局部回归系数。关于GWR模型更多介绍参见Fotheringham等[12,17]。

1.4 数据处理

利用SPSS 19.0软件对样本数据进行描述性统计分析。地理加权回归分析在GWR 4.0中完成。地统计学分析及出图在ArcGIS 10.2中完成。

2 结 果

2.1 土壤CEC及其影响因子的描述性统计

表层和亚表层土壤中CEC、黏粒、SOM和pH的描述性统计量见表1。表层土壤CEC的变化范围6.31~16.32 cmol kg-1,平均值10.23 cmol kg-1,表明土壤保肥能力处于中等水平[1]。表层土壤CEC的变异系数为0.207,由变异系数分级标准[18]可知,该地表层土壤CEC处于中等变异水平。

亚表层土壤CEC的变化范围为3.73~13.97 cmol kg-1,平均值8.9 cmol kg-1。因此,亚表层土壤的保肥能力低于表层土壤。亚表层土壤CEC变异也处于中等程度变异(CV=0.237),说明研究区域内土壤CEC的变化受到内部因素和外部因素的共同影响[19]。表层和亚表层SOM的平均值分别为33.63 g kg-1和15.49 g kg-1。表层土壤SOM含量高于亚表层,这可能与表层土壤的耕作管理方式、施肥、灌溉等农业措施积累了较多的有机质有关[20]。

表1 表层及亚表层土壤CEC及其相关影响因子的描述性统计量Table 1 Descriptive statistics of soil CEC and its control factors in the topsoil and subsoil(n=103)

2.2 土壤CEC的空间分布


2.3 土壤CEC与主要控制因子之间的全局关系


图2 表层和亚表层土壤CEC的空间分布Fig. 2 Spatial distribution of soil CEC in topsoil and subsoil

从表2中可知,表层土壤中各因子均与土壤C E C呈显著相关,黏粒与土壤C E C的相关性(r=0.365)显著高于其他两个因子;亚表层土壤中,土壤黏粒与土壤C E C的相关系数(r=0.479)大于土壤有机质与土壤CEC的相关系数(r=0.231),即黏粒对CEC的贡献大于有机质的贡献,这与前人的研究结果相似[9]。亚表层土壤Xclay与土壤CEC的相关系数要高于表层土壤(表层,r=0.365;亚表层r=0.479),这说明,自上而下CEC与土壤中黏粒的相关性增强。相似的,亚表层土壤有机质与CEC的相关性高于表层土壤。此外,亚表层土壤中土壤XSOM与土壤XpH呈极显著负相关(表2),这可能与亚表层土壤pH的增加有关。通常,土壤有机质随土壤pH的增加而减少[23]。


表2 表层和亚表层土壤属性的相关性Table 2 Pearson’s correlation coefficients between CEC and related soil properties in topsoil and subsoil


2.4 土壤CEC与相关控制因子之间的空间非平稳关系




图3 表层土壤CEC与土壤影响因子之间 GWR回归系数分布图Fig. 3 GWR maps of relationships of CEC with control factors in topsoil

图4 亚表层土壤CEC与土壤影响因子之间GWR 回归系数分布图Fig. 4 GWR maps of relationships of CEC with control factors in subsoil

3 讨 论




4 结 论


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Spatially Non-stationary Relationships between Cation Exchange Capacity and Related Control Factors

LI Jinfen1,2QU Mingkai2†HUANG Biao2LIU Gang1ZHAO Yongcun2SUN Weixia2HU Wenyou2
(1 School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China)
(2 Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China)

【Objective】Soil cationic exchange capacity(CEC)directly reflects capacity of the soil supplying and buffering cation nutrients,and hence plays a very important role in conserving soil fertility. The knowledge about spatial distribution of soil CEC and effects of its control factors(i.e.,clay,soil organic matter(SOM),and soil pH)at a regional scale may help precisely regulate soil fertility in the region. This paper explored soil CEC and its related control factors(i.e.,Clay,SOM and soil pH)in the topsoil (0~20 cm)and subsoil(20~40 cm)of Jinxian County,Jiangxi Province,China for analysis of spatial non-stationary relationships between them,with a view to providing some critical information for the region to formulate specific soil fertility building measures.【Method】In the past,the traditional least squares regression(OLS)method was used to explore effects of relevant factors on soil CEC. The method,however,is a population regression one,and assumes that the relationships between soil CEC and its control factors are constant,thus ignoring spatial non-stationary relationships between soil CEC and its control factors across the region. Geographically weighted regression(GWR)-a local spatial regression model,can be used to solve this problem. With this model,spatial locations of the data are embedded into the linear regression model in exploring spatial non-stationary relationships between variables. And the regression coefficients of the model have been estimated separately by spatial data location. Therefore,compared with the OLS model,GWR is obviously advantageous in exploring spatial non-stationary relationship between soil CEC and its related control factors.【Result】Results of the descriptive statistical analysis show that soil CEC varies moderately in Jinxian County. The topsoil is higher than the subsoil in soil nutrient retention capacity. Soil CEC is relatively high in the western part of the county,but lower in the northern and southeastern parts and always higher in the topsoil than in the subsoil. The GWR analysis shows that the relationships between soil CEC and its related control factors(i.e.,soil pH,clay soil,and SOM)were not constant and varied spatially,demonstrating the existence of certain spatial non-stationarity. The effects of the control factors on soil CEC varied with the soil layer. For example,clay in the topsoil affected soil CEC more in the southwest than in the northeast;while that in the subsoil did more in the southeast than in the northwest. Furthermore,effects of the factorsvaried from sub-region to sub-region. For instance,in topsoil,the effect of SOM was low in the south,but quite high in the northwest. The soil CEC spatial distribution map and the regression coefficient map of soil CEC and its control factors demonstrates that in the northern region where soil CEC is quite low,soil CEC is more sensitive to changes in SOM than in any other regions. In this case,more organic manure should be applied to improve soil CEC and hence soil nutrient retention capacity. However,in the southeastern region where soil CEC is relatively low,clay is the major factor affecting soil CEC in both soil layers,and pH in the topsoil is another. In this case,either alteration of soil texture or application of alkaline fertilizer in this region would effectively increase soil CEC.【Conclusion】The findings show that the control factors vary sharply in effect on soil CEC with sub-region and soil depth. Meanwhile,the model of GWR effectively reveals that spatial non-stationary relationships exist between soil CEC and its related control factors. Based on the soil CEC spatial distribution map,it is recommended that more organic manure and/or alkaline fertilizer be applied to alter soil texture and improve soil fertility in the northern and southeastern regions.

Cationic exchange capacity;Spatial non-stationarity;Geographically weighted regression;Least squares regression;Soil nutrient retention capacity




* 国家科技支撑计划课题(2015BAD06B02-2)资助 Supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China(No. 2015BAD06B02-2)

† 通讯作者 Corresponding author,





