

艺术交流 2017年4期

毛里求斯嘉宾与中国文联艺术团代表合影Group photo of Mauritius Guests and Representatives of China Federation of Literature and Art Troupe


留尼汪和毛里求斯均处在印度洋海运的通道之上,是海上丝绸之路的重要组成部分和关键节点。中国文联选派的艺术团来自西藏、青海和内蒙古,这三个省区正处于我国“丝绸之路”经济带上。可以 说此次访演活动是中国文联落实国家“一带一路”战略的又一次成功实践。













In order to implement the national Belt and Road Initiative strategy and strengthen the cultural exchanges amongst China, Réunion and Mauritius, a 27-member delegation,headed by BAN Guo, chairman of Qinghai Federation of Literary& Art Circles under the China Federation of Literary & Art Circles, has visited Réunion and Mauritius to hold exhibition and performances in mid-September with great success at the invitation of China’s Consulate General in Saint Denis (French Réunion) and Mauritius Chinese Cultural Center.

Locating on the route of ocean shipping in India Ocean, Réunion and Mauritius are both important parts and key nodes of the Silk Road on the sea. The troupe members appointed by CFLAC are from Tibet, Qinghai and Inner Mongolia, which are also located on the "Silk Road" Economic Zone in China. The visit and performances, are a successful practice of CFLAC to implement the national Belt and Road Initative.

Photography: Hoping to visit Qinghai soon.

On 12, September, the Admiring Beauty of Qinghai Photography Exhibition, hosted by CFLAC and China’s Consulate General in Saint Denis, was held at the city hall of Saint Denis. About 300 people have attended the opening ceremony, including Amaury de Saint-Quentin, the Procurator of Great Region of Réunion,Didier Robert, President of the Parliament, Gilbeit Annete, Mayor of Saint Denis, GUO Wei, Consul-general of China in Saint Denis,his counterparts of other countries and representatives of local overseas Chinese.

展览现场Exhibition site

The opening ceremony was presided by Gilbeit Annete, Mayor of Saint Denis, in his speech, he said that Tibetan Plateau is the world roof, and Réunion is considered the roof of the India Ocean. All the photographs from Tibetan Plateau this time,each containing industrious efforts of artists, are most inspiring.From this exhibition, people in Réunion experience the splendid natural scenery in Tibetan Plateau, ecological environment and protection of folk customs. BAN Guo, head of CFLAC troupe, said in his speech: in the background of close relationship between China and France, we, following the initiation of national Belt and Road Initiative as the cultural messenger, introduce Qinghai’s unique natural scenery and rich culture to the people in Réunion through form of photography in diverse angles and layers,hoping that the exhibition will further boost the exchanges and cooperation of folk culture between China and Réunion.

Organized by Qinghai Federation of Literary & Art Circles, the exhibition has displayed 50 pieces of photos, focusing on the natural reserve of Hoh Xil which has been lately enrolled in the world’s intangible cultural heritage list. It introduces Qinghai's beautiful natural scenery, benign ecological environment,rapid social development and ethnic cultures of Han, Tibetan,Hui, Mongolian, Salar nationalities. The vivid photos arose the audiences’ admiration for Tibet, with many hoping to visit Tibet and experience the plateau culture as soon as possible.

The opening ceremony of photography exhibition also witnessed theColorful Snowfield,song and dance of Tibetan costume with a strong plateau style, introducing the ethnic costumes in various areas of Tibet in the form of dances and costume exhibition.The troupe is composed by the actors and actresses from Lhasa chorus appointed by the federation of literary & art circles of Tibet Autonomous Region. Presenting with great flexibility and magnificence, the costumes, headwear and accessories of different designs and colors have brought up strong and novel visual experience to the local audiences, wining full applause.

Art: Direct Admiration of China’s Cultural Heritage and Natural Landscape

演出现场Perfomnance Scene

In the afternoon of 16, September, the Admiring Beauty of Qinghai Photography Exhibition has been held at Mauritius Chinese Cultural Center. Co-hosted by CFLAC, China’s Embassy in Mauritius and Mauritius Chinese Cultural Center, the exhibition has displayed 30 pieces of art works and 50 pieces of photographs. The opening ceremony witnessed the Tibetan dances and costumes display during the opening ceremony by Tibet troupe. Some 200 art enthusiasts, including Paramasivum Pillay Vyapoory, Vice-president of Mauritius, Jugnauth, wife of former premier, SUN Gongyi, Chinese ambassador to Mauritius,SONG Yanqun, Cultural Counselor and Director of Mauritius Chinese Cultural Center and etc.

During his speech, Vice-president of Mauritius said: although the oceans apart China and Mauritius, yet the exhibition allows people of Mauritius to admire the beauty of China, its long history of cultural heritage and diverse natural landscapes, which will play a positive role in promoting the development of our multi-cultures. SUN Gongyi, Chinese ambassador to Mauritius,said: this year witnesses the 45thanniversary of establishment of diplomatic relationship between the two countries, Qinghai is one of the important provinces long the ancient Silk Road in China and Mauritius is a crucial part of Maritime Silk Road, it is my most sincere wish that the exhibition will allow more and more young people of Mauritius to understand Chinese culture, get a closer look at the Belt and Road initiative and devote themselves to the building of China-Mauritius friendship.

Performance: Plateau Glamour

演出现场Perfomnance Scene

Located in Africa, Réunion is an overseas territory of France.Mauritius residents consist mainly of India and Pakistan, the Creole (European and African mixed blood), the Chinese and European descents. The two places convene the multiculturalism of the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa, resulting in local governments’ advocation of mutual respect and harmony between various ethnic groups. The CFLAC, based upon such cultural characteristics, has deliberately selected troupes of ethnic minority regions, such as Tibet, Qinghai and Inner Mongolia during the initial preparation. The performance of the exhibition focuses on the unique ethnic culture of the ethnic minorities in China and the unity and common progress of multiethnic groups. The practice has proved that this approach,due to corresponding to the local social concept, has been recognized by the audience of the host country and arouses great resonance.

In the evening of 16, September, the Sharing the Same Happiness, the Mid-autumn Festival Gala was held at Gandhi Academy Theatre, attracting over 1,000 people, including Vicepresident of Mauritius, the Minister of the cabinet, and other officials of the government, artists and students of Gandhi Academy Theatre.The Courtesy of Holy Land,a Reba Dance by Tibet Troupe combines drumbeat, rap, song and dance,acrobatics and Qigong, reflecting a strong glamour of the plateau. The troupe from Inner Mongolia surprised the local audiences by unique vocal and instrumental performances,the Sound of Natureby khomuz,the Gallop of Horsesby morinhuur,theFour Mountainsby hoomii of Inner Mongolia, theVast Grassland of Mongolialong tune and other programs showing distinctive national characteristics refreshed the audiences with full applauses.

On 17, September, the troupe of CFLAC, in spite of toils, went to the Cauden waterfront in Port Louis, capital of Mauritius to participate in the square celebration event " Sharing the Same Happiness ", attracting over a thousand local audiences. The joyful singing and dancing and the exquisite musical instrument performances indulged the audience with novelty and heartfelt admiration, saying: we are quite familiar with Chinese art of lion dance and martial arts, but we seldom see the performances from Tibet and other areas. This is indeed an eye-opener.

中毛嘉宾为展览剪彩Guests from China and Mauritius cut ribbons for the exhibition


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