

时代英语·高一 2016年4期


A poor and old farmer lived in a village, who had a beautiful and young wife. The wife 1 wanted to enjoy life by spending lots of money on good clothes. Because of his old age and poor

2 , the farmer hardly left his house and did not earn (挣) more than what was 3 . So the wife often felt 4 and the couple often 5 with each other.

One day, a thief heard their quarrel and saw the wife 6 out of the house in tears. He followed her and then came up to her to

7 . “Dear, Ive heard about your quarrel. You are very beautiful and young and the old man cannot achieve your desires (要求). I have lots of 8 but no one to spend it. So, why dont you

9 the old man and follow me to the city? We will start a(n)

10 life together,” the thief said. To his 11 , the wife agreed. That night she gathered all her fine clothes and money and left with the thief for the 12 .

Early the next morning, they reached a 13 . The thief said to the woman, “Dear, please stay here on this bank 14 I swim to the other side and 15 a boat to get you across. Hand over your money to me, for seeing you 16 , somebody may try to

17 it away from you.”

The woman handed over the money to the thief and 18 on the bank. The thief had 19 what he wanted so he didnt come back. Now, the woman had 20 her husband and everything.

Moral: Desire for more may let you lose what you have.

1. A. sometimes B. always C. also D. still

2. A. health B. appearance C. performance D. memory

3. A. usual B. difficult C. important D. necessary

4. A. afraid B. weak C. sad D. cold

5. A. impressed B. joked C. communicated D. quarrelled

6. A. riding B. looking C. running D. traveling

7. A. talk B. trade C. teach D. explain

8. A. time B. money C. advice D. energy

9. A. leave B. treat C. help D. forget

10. A. honest B. long C. new D. simple

11. A. invitation B. feeling C. hope D. suggestion

12. A. factory B. garden C. city D. farm

13. A. crossing B. bridge C. park D. river

14. A. unless B. while C. though D. after

15. A. look for B. think about C. find out D. build up

16. A. ill B. alone C. young D. nervous

17. A. clear B. give C. put D. take

18. A. waited B. slept C. worked D. counted

19. A. noticed B. got C. discovered D. believed

20. A. changed B. hidden C. lost D. broken






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Time fly like an arrow. Im already in the second half of Senior Grade 3 before I realized it. It is only a little more than three months before I graduate middle school. At present, Im busy review my lessons in order to take the finally examination. I hope to go to Beijing University, that is one of the best university not only in China but also in the world. Ill try my best to turn your dream into reality. Most of my classmates are also studying very hard to realize their dreams. I do believe in everyone will be able to enter an university or college.


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