

农业工程学报 2016年1期

文 韬,洪添胜,李立君,郭 鑫,赵 兵,张仟仟,刘 付(.中南林业科技大学机电工程学院,长沙000;2.华南农业大学工程学院南方农业机械与装备关键技术教育部重点实验室,广州5062;3.国家柑橘产业技术体系机械研究室,广州5062;.中南林业科技大学理学院,长沙000)



摘要:为了实现霉变稻谷脂肪酸含量无损、快速检测,该文研究应用可见/近红外光谱技术检测霉变稻谷的脂肪酸含量。考虑到直接选用霉变稻谷可见/近红外光谱数据构建脂肪酸含量预测模型存在建模费时、预测失准等问题,研究提出了霉变稻谷脂肪酸含量的可见/近红外优化校正模型。研究中通过光谱-理化值共生距离(sample set partitioning based on joint xy distance, SPXY)算法结合偏最小二乘法初步分析了不同校正集样本预测霉变稻谷脂肪酸含量的差异;利用连续投影算法(SPA)提取了反映霉变稻谷脂肪酸含量变化的特征波段;采用偏最小二乘法(partial least square, PLS)和多元线性回归法(multivariable linear regression, MLR)分别建立了基于特征波段光谱反射值的霉变稻谷脂肪酸含量预测模型,并对比分析了采用SPXY样本集划分的模型预测效果。结果表明:采用SPXY法筛选出的65个校正集样本分布与初始校正集相近,脂肪酸含量变化范围为18.55~127.26 mg,其标准差为32.39;SPA算法最终从256个全光谱波段中优选出9个特征波段,实现了光谱数据的压缩;分别建立的SPXY-SPA-PLSR模型和SPXY-SPA-MLR模型预测霉变稻谷脂肪酸含量相关系数RP为0.922 1和0.915 9,预测均方根误差RMSEP为13.889 3和14.261 0;SPXY筛选校正集所构建模型预测精度与初始校正集所建模型相当,但校正集样本数量减少为初始校正集的41%,运算时长缩短为初始样本集的32%,提高了模型的校正速度。



Wen Tao, Hong Tiansheng, Li Lijun, Guo Xin, Zhao Bing, Zhang Qianqian, Liu Fu.Optimization analysis and establishment of spectra detection model of fatty acid contents for mould paddies[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(01): 193-199.(in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.01.027



0 引言


现有的脂肪酸值测定主要采取传统的化学分析方法,该方法在分析稻谷脂肪酸含量时需要添加化学试剂对稻谷本身实施破坏性检测,处理反应周期较长,易造成对环境的污染,难以达到快速检测的要求[4-6]。因此,研究一种快速、无损检测稻谷中脂肪酸含量的方法对于诊断稻谷霉变具有重要现实意义。可见光/近红外光谱(Vis/ NIR)分析技术可以通过物质内部成分对可见/近红外光的特征吸收实现定性和定量分析,是近年来发展起来的一种高效快速的现代分析技术。目前,国内外研究学者应用其对农作物生长及环境监测和农产品品质检测开展了大量的研究工作[7-15]。近年来,有学者将该技术应用于稻谷内部成分测定研究并取得了初步进展。陆艳婷等[16]应用近红外光谱法建立了粳稻直链淀粉含量预测模型,模型决定系数为0.813,预测均方根误差为2.74。郭咏梅等[17]采用偏最小二乘法建立糙米蛋白质预测校正模型,模型决定系数为0.899。张强等[18]应用近红外光谱结合化学分析方法测定储藏稻谷中黄曲霉毒素B1含量,建立稻谷黄曲霉毒素B1支持向量机模型,模型决定系数达0.913。然而,上述研究在采用光谱数据建模时,为了使所建模型稳定准确,往往要求校正集中样本数量较多,但未深入研究校正集样本的质量,可能导致大量的数据样本间存在差异过小或相同的状况,耗费了大量的建模时间。

本研究选取稻谷霉变生物化学反应产生的代谢产物脂肪酸为研究对象,通过分时段测定不同霉变时期稻谷的光谱信息和相应的脂肪酸值,采用光谱-理化值共生距离(sample set partitioning based on joint x-y distance, SPXY)算法对稻谷可见/近红外光谱初始校正集进行划分,筛选出具有代表性的校正样本集,并选取该校正集建立基于特征波段光谱反射值的稻谷脂肪酸含量预测模型,通过与未经筛选初始校正集建模结果比较,验证稻谷脂肪酸含量可见/近红外光谱校正模型的优化效果。

1 材料与方法


本研究所选用的稻谷样本为C两优34156晚稻,含水率为14.2%,由湖南农业大学提供。考虑到稻谷霉变程度对其脂肪酸含量的动态影响,人工选取完整、无霉变、未发芽的稻谷样本放置于恒温恒湿箱,依据稻谷霉菌适宜滋生的条件,设定恒温恒湿箱的温度30℃,相对湿度90%,进行霉变样本培育[19]。上述霉变稻谷的制备过程按照稻谷储藏过程中理化特性与感官指标随时间的变异情况,人工将培育阶段划分成3个周期,每个时间周期约为10 d[20],共得到不同霉变程度的稻谷样本各50份。制备的样本按照GB/T 20569-1995《谷物制品脂肪酸值测定法》测定稻谷脂肪酸含量[21],并将其作为建模的标准参考值。


考虑到采集的稻谷谷粒较小且样本数量较多,本研究采用Hypersis农产品高光谱仪(Hypersis-VNIR-PFH,卓立汉光,北京)完成稻谷光谱信息采集。该仪器主要包括图像采集卡和高性能光谱相机(V10E-QE)、配套光源、PSA300-X型电动位移台、集成驱动控制台(高速IMS步进电机)及暗箱等部件。光谱仪设置理想曝光时间20 ms,移动平台运行速度14.6 mm/s,扫描距离150 mm,光谱范围380~1 000 nm,光谱分辨率2.8nm。由于光源的强度分布不均及暗电流噪声存在,每次采样均需利用全黑、全白标定图像对扫描的稻谷图像进行校正,校正公式如(1)所示:


图1 稻谷样本在光谱检测载物台上分布Fig.1 Placement for paddy samples on workbench of spectral detection

利用遥感图像处理平台(environment for visualizing images,ENVI)选取矩形载物台上的稻谷作为感兴趣区域(region of interest, ROI),稻谷脂肪酸含量的实测值均与所选的ROI区域对应。通过计算ROI的各个像素点的光谱响应平均值来估算稻谷脂肪酸的相对反射率。

2 数据处理与模型建立



式中xp(j)为样本p实测的相对光谱反射值;xq(j)为样本q实测的相对光谱反射值;j为对应的近红外光谱波长,nm;yp为样本p实测的脂肪酸含量,mg/100 g;yq为样本q实测的脂肪酸含量,mg/100 g。



本研究运用光谱技术建立近红外光谱与稻谷脂肪酸含量之间的校正模型与评价过程如图2所示:1)在稻谷样本制备的正常、霉变初期、中期和后期4个区段随机选取共计45个样本作为模型预测集;2)对模型初始校正集和预测集样本的光谱数据进行savitzky-golay(SG)平滑[23]预处理,减弱噪声影响;3)采用SPXY算法从剩余155个样本中筛选出具有差异性及代表性的校正集样本用于模型建立;4)采用连续投影算法(successive projections algorithm, SPA)[24]提取光谱数据的特征波段,消除原始光谱矩阵中冗余的信息,实现光谱数据压缩;5)采用偏最小二乘法(partial least square, PLS)[25]和多元线性回归法(multivariable linear regression, MLR)[26],分别建立光谱特征波段与脂肪酸含量之间的校正模型;6)使用预测集数据对校正模型进行检验和评价。模型建立过程中,使用相关系数Rp和预测均方根误差(RMSEP)等指标来评价模型质量,其相应的计算公式如(5)和(6)。


图2 校正模型建立与评价流程Fig.2 Calibration model establishment and evaluation process

3 结果与分析



图3 不同霉变时期稻谷脂肪酸含量分布图Fig.3 Distribution map of fatty acid value in paddy for different mould stage



从图中曲线的变化趋势可知,Rp曲线随着校正集样本数N的增加呈递增趋势,与之相对应的RMSEP曲线呈递减趋势,N的取值在35~65范围内,Rp变化差异明显,N取值在65~155范围内,Rp变化趋于平缓,N取值65为该变化曲线的数据拐点,相对应的(Rp,RMSEP)为(0.928 6,13.085 6),当N取值为135时,Rp达到极大值0.943 9,RMSEP降为极小值11.849 2。综合上述Rp和RMSEP曲线的变化趋势可知,校正集样本数N取值为65以后,预测值与真实值之间的相关系数和均方根误差均无明显差异,考虑到建模的运算量,本研究最终通过SPXY算法筛选出65个样本组成模型校正集。

图4 Rp和RMSEP随校正集样本数量变化曲线Fig.4 Variation curve of Rp and RMSEP values followed by calibration sample numbers change


表1 不同集稻谷肪酸含量分布Tab.1 Fatty acid values distribution in different sample set



稻谷校正集样本的原始光谱经过SG数据平滑,从256个波段中共优选出9个特征波段,分别是392、404、430、442、619、636、870、885和899 nm,如图5所示。


图5 稻谷平滑光谱模型特征波段数确定和优选Fig.5 Optimal selection of characteristic wavelengths and numbers for paddy SG smoothing model

3.4预测模型建立与结果分析 成立在职培训管理组:由区护士长任组长,指定护理组长一对一带教;根据CSSD制定的岗前培训计划,专人负责,落实到位。


图6 不同模型预测值与实测值相关性Fig.6 Correlation analysis between predicted value and actual value for different models

由图6可知,利用SPA算法选取的特征波段分别建立的SPXY-SPA-PLSR模型和SPXY-SPA-MLR模型预测精度RP分别为0.922 1和0.915 9,模型预测均方根误差RMSEP分别为13.889 3和14.261 0,说明SPA算法所优选出的波段是能够基本表征待测组分信息,模型对不同霉变时期的稻谷脂肪酸含量均具有较强的预测能力。为了进一步说明采用SPXY算法筛选校正集对稻谷脂肪酸含量近红外校正模型的影响,在相同的条件,本研究将SPXY算法筛选的校正集所建的SPA-PLSR模型与初始校正集所建的SPA-PLSR模型进行了比较,相应的比较结果如表2所示。

表2 不同校正集预测的稻谷脂肪酸含量比较Tab.2 Comparison of predicted fatty acid values in different calibration models

表2的对照结果表明,选用SPXY筛选校正集,经SG平滑光谱预处理后建立的SPA-PLSR模型,校正时其内部验证的相关系数RC和均方根误差RMSEC分别为0.915 1、12.957 3;其外部验证的相关系数RP和均方根误差RMSEP分别为0.922 1、13.889 3;SPXY筛选校正集所构建模型预测精度与初始校正集所建模型相当,但校正集样本数量减少为初始校正集的41%,运算时长缩短为初始样本集的32%,说明经过SPXY算法筛选后的校正集样本是基本能够正确反映初始样本集信息,较好的消除冗余样本,提高了模型的校正速度。

4 结论





4)分别建立的SPXY-SPA-PLSR模型和SPXY-SPAMLR模型预测霉变稻谷脂肪酸含量RP为0.922 1和0.915 9,预测均方根误差RMSEP为13.889 3和14.261 0,说明模型对不同霉变时期的稻谷脂肪酸含量均具有较强的预测能力;SPXY筛选校正集所构建的SPA-PLSR模型预测精度与初始校正集所建的SPA-PLSR模型相当,但校正集样本数量减少为初始校正集的41%,运算时长缩短为初始样本集的32%,进一步说明经过SPXY算法筛选后的校正集样本是能够正确反映初始样本集信息,较好的消除冗余样本,提高了模型的校正速度。


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Optimization analysis and establishment of spectra detection model of fatty acid contents for mould paddies

Wen Tao1,2, Hong Tiansheng2,3※, Li Lijun1, Guo Xin4, Zhao Bing1, Zhang Qianqian1, Liu Fu1
(1.School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China; 2.Key Laboratory of Key Technology for South Agricultural Machinery and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Engineering College of South China agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China; 3.Division of Citrus Machinery, China Agriculture Research System,Guangzhou 510642, China;4.School of Science, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China)

Abstract:Fatty acids were stable metabolites and easily accumulated in paddies mould process which could better express mould extend of paddies.To achieve the non-destructive and rapid detection in fatty acid contents(FAC)for mould paddies, the detection of FAC for mould paddies was studied using the Visible/Near-infrared reflectance(Vis/NIR)spectral technology.The variety C liang-you 34156 late rice was used as paddy samples, which was obtained from Hunan Agricultural University.The mould paddy cultivating test and FAC determination experiments were carried out from October 15, 2014 to January 31, 2015 in Central South University of Forestry and Technology.Normal and complete paddies were selected and loaded into 200 sample boxes by numbers.Each sample box was loaded with 100g weights.Among them, 50 sample boxes were put into the No.A constant temperature humidity chamber to store according to requirements of cereal storage(temperatures:10℃, humidities:15%)and the remaining 150 sample boxes were placed in the No.B constant temperature humidity chamber to cultivate according to mould paddies breeding conditions(temperatures: 30℃, humidities: 90%).In view of the FAC variations affected by degree of mould paddies, the cultivated process of mould paddies was divided into three periods for better representative and generalization of samples.It was 10 days in each period, and 50 pieces of mould paddy samples in different degrees were measured during the preparation process.The Vis/NIR-infrared spectral detection testing for mould paddy samples were performed in corresponding periods in South China Agricultural University.A Vis/NIR-infrared spectral device for agro-products was used for scanning of reflectance spectra for paddies.Taking into consideration that the disadvantage of time consumption and low precision in building the model, the Vis/NIR calibration model of the fatty acid in mould paddies was proposed using sample set partition based on joint X-Y distances(SPXY)algorithm in sample set.The difference of predicting FAC in mould paddies from different calibration set was preliminarily analyzed using the combination of the SPXY algorithm and the partial least-squares regression(PLSR)algorithm.The successive projection algorithm(SPA)was applied to obtain the characteristic wavelength which indentified the variation of FAC in mould paddies.The predicted models of the FAC in mould paddies based on reflection values of characteristic wavelengths were built using the PLSR and multiple linear regression(MLR)methods, and then the prediction performance were compared between the model built by the selected calibration sample set and the model built by initial calibration sample set.The results indicated that FAC of paddies which were determined from different stages had a varying gradient distribution.The related FAC from the normal stage, early stage of mould, middle stage of mould and last stage of mould ranged from 18.55 to 24.40 mg, from 27.03 to 80.90 mg, from 84.44 to 127.26 mg, and from 101.09 to 124.88 mg, respectively.The range of FAC in 65 calibration sample sets by the SPXY was consistent with in 155 initial calibration sample sets.The standard deviation of FAC in 65 calibration sample sets was 32.39, which was close to the initial calibration sample sets.Nine characteristic wavelengths were selected from 256 full wavelengths by the SPA, which fulfilled the spectral data compression.The prediction set correlation coefficient(Rp)of the SPXY-SPA-PLSR model and the SPXYSPA-MLR model were 0.922 1 and 0.915 9 and their prediction mean square root errors were 13.889 3 and 14.261 0, respectively.The model prediction precision built by the SPXY calibration set was close to its by the initial calibration, while the number of the SPXY calibration set was dropped to 41% and its computing time was reduced to 32% compared with the initial calibration, which may contribute to speed up the model establishment.

Keywords:models; spectrometry; agriculture; mould paddies; fatty acids; Vis/NIR spectra; characteristic wavelengths; sample set selection











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