

农业工程学报 2016年1期







Liu Xingqiao, Chen Hailei,Zhu Chengyun.Design of self-learning cruising type water quality monitoring system based on GPS[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering(Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(01): 84-90.(in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.01.011

0 引言



随着技术的发展,国内水质监测的手段也有的很大的进步。如袁琪[8]等开发的以89C51为控制核心的水质自动监测系统,可以在现场实时监测多个水参数;蔡强[9]等研究的基于CAN(controller area network)总线的在线监控系统,提高了采集数据的可靠性,同时通过短信的方式实现了远程的监测;黄建清[10]等研究了把MPS430单片机和nRF905射频芯片相结合构建了一个无线传感网络,解决了现场布线困难的问题,提升了监测系统的覆盖范围。李慧[11]等研究了基于Android平台的水质远程监控系统,使用户摆脱了工位固定的苦恼,实现了随时随地查看水质状况的功能。


1 系统总体设计


图1 系统结构图Fig.1 System structure diagram

2 系统硬件设计



系统以双体式模型船作为载体,选择RK-380PH-4733高速微型直流电机作为船体的动力输出,电机在12 V驱动电压下的最高转速可达15 000转以上。选用以L298N双H桥直流电机驱动芯片为核心驱动板来驱动电机,其原理图如图3所示。其中IN1、IN2为左电机驱动信号输入,IN3、IN4为右电机驱动信号输入,ENA、ENB为输入信号使能端,OUT1、OUT2为左电机驱动输出信号,OUT3、OUT4为右电机驱动输出信号,VSS接+5 V为驱动板供电,VS接12 V作为电机的驱动电压。驱动板的控制状态如表1所示。

图2 硬件结构图Fig.2 Hardware structure diagram

图3 L298N驱动电路原理图Fig.3 L298N drive circuit principle diagram

表1 控制状态表Table 1  Control status table


该模块由数字式的溶解氧传感器与pH值传感器构成。其中,溶解氧传感器选用的是苏州禹山传感科技公司的Y500-B型荧光法溶解氧传感器。其原理为基于物理学中特定物质对活性荧光的猝熄原理。荧光帽的外表面涂了一层黑色的隔光材料以避免日光和水中其它荧光物质的干扰,内表面涂了一层红色的荧光材料,来自一个发光二极管(LED)发出的蓝光照射在荧光帽内表面的荧光物质上,内表面的荧光物质受到激发,发出红光,通过检测红光与蓝光之间的相位差,并与内部标定值比对,从而计算出氧分子的浓度,经过温度和气压自动补偿输出最终值。pH传感器选用的是北京博海志远科技公司的PHJ-100B 型pH电极,再通过PHB-300C型变送器将输出变为485输出。


该模块选择U-blox公司的第六代GPS模块NEO-6M,其拥有多达50个接收器通道,具备快速的搜星及循迹能力,定位精度达2.5 m。模块支持TTL串口输出,为了能够通过485总线通信,中间添加TTL转485的自转流向转换电路板。



3 系统软件设计



CC2530的开发环境为IAR Embedded Workbench选用的是ZigBee Pro协议栈,用C/C++语言对协议栈中的用户应用层进行编写。将CC2530汇聚节点的P0.0、P0.1、P0.6、P0.7分别接驱动板的IN1、IN2、IN3、IN4作为电机的信号输入源,将模拟PWM波信号输入L298N来驱动电机的正反转,根据驱动板的控制状态表编写程序实现测量船的前进、后退、左转、右转,同时通过调节PWM波的占空比来调节电机的转速。系统将船速分为3个等级:低速、中速和高速。正常运行采用中速,转弯时采用低速。通过接收终端节点发送的控制指令和GPRS-DTU发来的指令做出对应的动作从而实现对船体的现场控制与远程控制。



服务器是整个系统的中枢,它既要记录测量船的运动轨迹,计算出自动导航路径,又要定时发送采集传感器查询指令,记录水质参数的历史数据,还要与客户端之间进行数据交互。服务器以Visual Studio 2010为开发平台,使用VB.NET语言编写[20-21]。其运行界面如图4所示。

图4 服务器界面Fig.4 Server interface




GPS模块需要接收的是推荐最小定位信息(recommended minimum specific,RMC)和地面速度信息(track made good and ground speed,VTG)[23-26]。其中,RMC用于获取经纬度,VTG用于获取速度和方向。因为水塘面积有限,所以可以把球面近似成平面,当确定目标点后,就需要根据当前点与目标点计算出直线距离和磁北方向角,在与当前船头磁北角对比求出转向角。两点间距离的计算公式为:






图5 路径规划图Fig.5 Path planning diagram



其中,第31bit为符号位,为0则表示正数,反之为负数,其读数值用s表示;第30~23 bit为幂数,其读数值用e表示;第22~0 bit共23 bit作为系数,视为二进制纯小数,用x表示。然后经过温度,气压和盐度补偿后计算出溶氧值,补偿公式为:式中X1,X2分别为温度盐度补偿系数和气压补偿系数,计算公式如下:

式中A1=-173.429 2,A2=249.633 9,A3=143.348 3,A4=-21.849 2,B1=-0.033 096,B2=0.014 259,B3=-0.001 700,T=273.15+t,Phmg=pressure×760/101.325,Logu=8.107 65-(1 750.286/(235+t)),pressure为气压值,T为绝对温度(K),t为摄氏温度(℃);S为盐度(mg/L),纯净水中,S=0。

pH传感器返回的值以2个字节的十六进制数表示,可直接通过将十六进制转换为十进制计算出pH的值。3.3 Android客户端设计


Android客户端的开发环境为AndroidSDK+JAVAJDK8+ Eclipse10[27-31]。其编程步骤为首先在AndroidManifest.xml文件中注册允许联网,然后在activity_main.xml进行界面布局,这里采用的是线性布局。最后在Main_Activity.java文件中进行程序编写。其流程图如图7所示。按下启动键开始接收信息,按下其它键则是控制测量船的运动。

图6 Android客户端界面Fig.6 Android client interface

图7 Android程序流程图Fig.7 Android program flow diagram

4 试验与结果分析

本系统在江苏省扬中现代渔业养殖试验基地的一片四大家鱼养殖水面中进行试验,试验中首先用遥控器控制测量船沿设计的路线在长方形池塘中航行,按计划设定12个目标点,然后转换为自动模式,让船寻找目标点不断逼近,到达目标点后测量该点附近的水质参数,停泊一段时间(如2 min)后启动寻找下一个目标点。系统可以实时获取温度、溶解氧、pH值和测量点对应的经纬度等信息。在本系统的远程监测下,对该区域进行了一个小时的游弋式测量(2015年7月18号),部分测量数据如表2所示。对测得的经纬度与设定点经纬度进行对比,如表3所示。

表2 温度、溶氧、pH、经纬度数据Table 2 Temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, latitude and longitude data

表3 自动导航位置比较表Table 3 Automatic navigation position comparison table

从表2中可以看出,在相近的时间段内同一水面的不同位置,水温有1.5℃左右的变化,溶氧量有1 mg/L左右的变化,pH值基本不变。比较测量点的环境差别发现,溶氧含量低的地方有树木遮挡,离岸较近,水面相对比较平静并且在远离换水口的那一侧,而含量高的地方,水面波动较大,且离换水口较近,这一变化符合水中溶解氧水平分布的规律。从表3中可以看出,测量船的运行轨迹与设定轨迹基本一致,导航位置和设定位置之间的误差小于2 m。

5 结论



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Design of self-learning cruising type water quality monitoring system based on GPS

Liu Xingqiao1, Chen Hailei2,Zhu Chengyun1,2
(1.School of Electrical & Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212000, China; 2.School of New Energy and Electronic Engineering, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng 224005, China)

Abstract:Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and saltwater populations under controlled conditions, in which the high water quality plays an important role for the harvest of aquatic organisms.This paper proposes a water quality monitoring system to achieve that goal.While current water quality monitoring devices share drawbacks of small measuring range, poor mobility and high cost, the distinguished contribution of water monitoring is a self-learning navigation component, which can address the previously mentioned challenges in other systems.Our system contains a front-end water monitoring subsystem, as well as a back-end server to store and analyze the monitored data.We developed three main modules in the front-end monitoring subsystem: a water quality collection module, a vessel movement control module, and a GPS navigation module.The water quality collection module contains a PT100 temperature sensor, a fluorescence dissolved oxygen sensor, and an industrial pH meter.Those sensors are used to collect parameters related to water quality including water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and the pH value.The vessel motion control is remotely managed by a CC2530 chip, which periodically sends commands to the motion coordinator in the ship.All data from the monitoring subsystem, including the water quality parameters, vessel movement control commands, and the GPS locations, are sent to the GPRS layer, which acts as a bridge to connect the monitoring subsystem and the server.Once the server received data, it parses them and calculates the water temperature, the dissolved oxygen and PH values.Meanwhile, the server extracts the location information and computes the distance and the direction angle to the target position.We have designed a database to store the collected data in the server, and also developed an Android application so that individual users can access the data at all time and places.The user can even set measurement target and control the movement of the vessel directly by the Android client.This process is achieved by following steps: 1)the Android client sends control commands to the server; 2)the server calculates the steering angle based on the current state of vessel and location information, and sends a corresponding control command to the GPRS module; 3)the GPRS module passes the message to CC2530 chip through the RS485 serial port; 4)the chip simulates PWM waves to control the left and right motor revolution so that vessel can change direction and move freely as expected.The vessel gradually revises its path according to the received data and its current GPS location, and will move towards the final target eventually.Our system has been evaluated in a modern fishery breeding base in Yangzhong, Jiangsu Province.In the experiment, the ship was initially driven by manual control to select twelve measurement positions.After that, we utilize our self-learning system to navigate the ship to access those target positions.The ship stayesat each location for two minutes and collectswater quality parameters in the neighborhood.After an hour of testing, the errors between navigated positions and real target positions areless than 2 meters on average, and the maximum difference of dissolved oxygen value between those positions is 1 mg/L.The change of water temperature is 1.5℃, and pHvalue remains unchanged.Those results are consistent with the horizontal distribution law of water quality parameters.Compared with current state-of-arts, our system has the capability of mobile data collection, which can not only increase the measurement range but also reduce the cost.The system has significant potential in various applications such as aquaculture, river management, and hydrological monitoring.

Keywords:remote sensing; monitoring; water quality; global positioning system; GPRS communication; android app; CC2530









