

初中生天地 2016年17期




Will Artificial Intelligence defeat human intelligence?What do you think?人工智能是否能超越人类,你是怎么认为的呢?

In March,2016,a computer program has beaten a master Go1player 4-1 in a best-of-five competition,in what is seen as a landmark2moment for artificial intelligence.

在2016年3月的五番棋比赛中,计算机程序以4比1战胜围棋大师,创造了人工智能里程碑式的时刻。(1. Go围棋,也作I-Go,weichi 2. landmark n.里程碑adj.有重大意义的)

Google’s AlphaGo program was playing against Lee Se-dol in Seoul,in South Korea. Mr. Lee had been confident he would win before the competition started. The Chinese board game is considered to be a much more complex challenge for a computer than chess.“AlphaGo played consistently1from beginning to the end while Lee,as he is only human,showed some mental vulnerability2,”one of Lee’s former coaches,Kwon Kap-Yong,told the AFP news agency. Mr. Lee is considered a champion Go player,having won numerous professional tournaments3in a long,successful career. Go is a game of two players who take turns putting black or white stones on a 19-by-19 grid4. Players win by surrounding their opponents5pieces with their own.

谷歌AlphaGo程序在韩国首尔与李世乭一较高下。李世乭在比赛开始之前自信满满,认为他会赢得这场比赛。对于计算机而言,这项中国棋盘游戏被认为比象棋更复杂。“AlphaGo从头到尾表现稳定,而李世乭表现出一定的心理弱点,这是人之常情,”李世乭的前教练之一权甲龙告诉法新社记者。李世乭是围棋世界冠军,在其漫长而成功的事业生涯中赢得过多次锦标赛。在围棋竞技中,两位选手分别轮流把黑、白棋子放在19格乘19格的棋盘上。选手用自己的棋子围住对方的棋子则胜出。(1. consistentlyadv.坚持地2. vulnerability n.弱点3. tournament n.锦标赛;联赛4. grid n.坐标方格5. opponent n.对手)

In the first game of the series,AlphaGo triumphed by a very narrow margin1- Mr. Lee had led for most of the match,but AlphaGo managed to build up a strong lead in its closing stages. After losing the second match to DeepMind,Lee Se- dol said he was“speechless”adding that the AlphaGo machine played a“nearly perfect game”. The two experts who provided commentary2for the stream of the third game said that it had been a complicated match to follow. They said that Lee Se-dol had brought his“top game”but that AlphaGo had won“in great style”.

在第一轮比赛中,AlphaGo以非常微弱的优势获胜——李世乭大部分时间都主导这一轮比赛,但AlphaGo在最后阶段大幅领先。在第二轮败给DeepMind人工智能之后,李世乭说他“无语了”,并称赞AlphaGo进行了一场“近乎完美的比赛”。两位在网络直播上评说第三场比赛的专家说这是一场复杂的比赛,不容易跟进。他们说李世乭的表现是“顶级的”,但Alpha-Go“以伟大的风格”取胜。(1. margin n.边缘2. commentary n.评论)

The AlphaGo system was developed by British computer company DeepMind which was bought by Google in 2014. It has built up its expertise1by studying older games and teasing2out patterns of play. And,according to DeepMind chief executive3Demis Hassabis,it has also spent a lot of time just playing the game.“It played itself,different versions of itself,millions and millions of times and each time got incrementally4slightly better - it learns from its mistakes,”he told the BBC before the matches started.

AlphaGo系统由英国计算机公司开发,该公司于2014年被谷歌收购。它通过研究过去的比赛梳理出游戏方式从而建立了自身的专业知识。并且,据DeepMind的首席执行官杰米斯·哈萨比斯介绍,它花了大量的时间下棋。“它和自己下棋,和自己的不同版本下,下了成千上万次,每一次都能逐渐地提升——它从失败的经验中学习,”他在比赛开始前告诉BBC(英国广播公司)。(1. expertise n.专家的2. tease v.取笑;戏弄3. executive n.总经理4. incrementally adv.逐渐地)


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