

质量与标准化 2015年10期



The Wonder of Chinese Civilization—Folk Songs (Part 2)



Fifty-six diverse ethnic groups just like fifty-six beautiful flowers,the well-known lyric expresses the distinctive ethnical feature in China. Over the passage of time, Chinese folk songs have developed seven different geographical distributions including northern prairie, western Xinjiang, western Tibetan, southwest plateau, northeast plain, northwest plateau, central plains and eastern coast. Although Chinese folk songs have a wide range of various genres and styles, they experience the integration of Chinese national cultures, inherit and develop the common standard of folk music based on highlighting the features.

标准的音阶调式 Standard Musical Scale


As an important component of Chinese national music system, Chinese folk songs present a standard musical scale, which is a combination of pentatonic scale and heptatonic scale. Heptatonic scale developed from the pentatonic scale (Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zhi, Yu) by adding the variant of Zhi and Gong.


The folk songs of Yellow River Basin in northern China are mainly with hexatonic scale and heptatonic scale; the folk songs of Yangtze River Basin in southern China are mainly with pentatonic scale, some are with tritonic scale and tetratonic scale. In terms of the distribution trend, through Yangtze-Huaihe River from north to south, the musical scale gradually transits from heptatonic scale to pentatonic scale.

规范的曲式结构 Standard Musical Structure


The musical structure of Chinese folk songs emphasize the parallelism of front and back, the coherence of beginning and end, and a progressive structure, which represents the balanced and harmonious aesthetics of Chinese nation. Most of folk songs feature plural beat and even rhythm. The common rhythm variation is segmentation, for example, the basic sentence pattern of Han folk songs is five-syllable form and sevensyllable; the typical structure consists of two-sentence form or four-sentence form. Speaking of applying technique of development, two-sentence form is about parallelism and repetitive change; four-sentenceform is about opening, developing, changing and concluding.

特色的音乐形态 Unique Musical Form


The various music forms of Chinese folk songs directly associated with social function and transmission mode. For example, the main social function of Haozi is practicability, its basic form is lead and chorus; most of its lyrics are in first person and second person correspondingly, improvised when the scene brought back the singer's memories. The main standard of music form of mountain songs and idylls are performance. During the frequent transmission in the mountains and prairies, mountain songs and idylls have evolved into vigorous and lingering melody, flexible and loose rhythm, long tune and less syllable music form.

结 语 Conclusion


Chinese folk songs reflect the lives of the laboring people, which contain the high artistic value. Although it seems as an improvisation and diverse in the musical scale, structure and form, the creation of folk songs always inherits the basic norm of Chinese national music system, reflects distinct aesthetics of Chinese nation and becomes the vocal art treasure of China and world.



对称音阶(Symmetrical Scale)解析
5 个小窍门做出满口溢香的红烧肉