

时代英语·高一 2015年2期



material urban flick concrete catalogue

risk criminal load crime brick

1. Dont worry. These dangerous ____ have all been locked up.

2. What kind of ____ is the bridge made of ?

3. You drove too fast round the corner—it was a(n) ____ thing to do.

4. He is ____ the goods into the back of the car.

5. It is the job of the police to prevent ____ .

6. In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to ____ areas.

7. Why dont we have our ____ printed in several languages?

8. The driver ____ the horse with his whip to make it go faster.


1. 警察逮捕罪犯时,将向罪犯射出网而不是子弹。

2. 我们将不得不更多地依赖可替换能源,例如太阳能和风能。

3. 对于房屋对环境的影响,这个建筑师不是很乐观。

4. 如果科技继续发展,这些预言将会实现。


1. ___ English well, you must study hard every day.

A. Learning B. To learn

C. Having learned D. Learn

2. ___ by his grandparents, Timmy wasnt used to living with his parents.

A. To bring up B. Brought up

C. To be brought up D. Being brought up

3. No matter ___ he says, I wont believe him.

A. what B. that

C. which D. who

4. She is not tired ___ a shop assistant job; ___ , she is really tired from standing all day long.

A. of; while B. from; but

C. of; however D. from; although

5. Its helpful to put children in a situation ___ they can see themselves differently.

A. where B. that

C. when D. which

6. His grandma had a great ___ on him when he was young.

A. change B. impression

C. influence D. decision

7. We ___ the friends from the United States tonight.

A. visited B. visit

C. are visiting D. had visited

8. I ___ you if I arrive early.

A. ring B. am ringing

C. rang D. will ring

9. My brother has decided. He ___ study urban planning.

A. will B. would

C. is going to D. should

10. What ___ when you leave school?

A. are you doing B. are you going to do

C. do you do D. would you do


Since her husband died, Mrs Jackson has lived alone in their big old suburban (市郊的) house, which her husband bought almost half a century ago. Considering the 1 , her son has tried hard to 2 her selling the house and buying a new and small one in the 3 . But Mrs Jackson doesnt like the 4 . She says that it is the only thing that her husband 5 and she has to look after it.

Recently she often hears stories about unknown people such as strangers, meter readers and home service workers 6 things in the neighborhood. All the people have been told to keep alert (警觉的). That was the day before Christmas Eve. It was freezingly cold and the 7 was covered with thick snow. The strong wind kept most of the people indoors. Around four oclock in the afternoon, Mrs Jackson was 8 the Christmas music in the air coming in with the wind through the closed doors and windows 9 someone knocked at the front door. She 10 the sound but didnt move. Another 11 . Mrs Jackson became nervous. Who 12 it be? Her son had just left and she didnt 13 anybody else to come in such weather. She decided not to 14 the door but keep 15 . One minute...another minute... and then another minute. Nothing 16

and no more knocks. She was both nervous and 17 , and walked quietly to be near the door. She 18 her ears close to the door and listened. She heard nothing but the loud sound of the wind outside. She slowly opened the door a little bit and peeped (偷看). She then gave an exciting cry and 19 the door wide open. At the door she saw a tall, beautiful Christmas tree. Under the tree 20 a Christmas card with these words: Merry Christmas! Your New Neighbor.

1. A. health B. safety C. happiness D. age

2. A. suggest B. ask C. help D. prevent

3. A. village B. country C. town D. capital

4. A. idea B. way C. chance D. change

5. A. remained B. wanted C. left D. used

6. A. collecting B. selling C. breaking D. stealing

7. A. floor B. house C. ground D. tree

8. A. recording B. playing C. practicing D. enjoying

9. A. until B. when C. while D. since

10. A. liked B. heard C. knew D. answered

11. A. knock B. sound C. time D. voice

12. A. must B. could C. need D. should

13. A. wait B. hope C. expect D. suppose

14. A. fall B. open C. touch D. see

15. A. waiting B. standing C. sleeping D. watching

16. A. damaged B. happened C. appeared D. lost

17. A. dangerous B. serious C. curious D. anxious

18. A. attached B. pressed C. touched D. caused

19. A. moved B. powered C. threw D. kept

20. A. wrote B. read C. stood D. went

