

疯狂英语·新策略 2015年12期

by Kimberly Byrne Moon 译


In His Eyes

by Kimberly Byrne Moon 译



like every other Sunday morning, my best friend, Patty, dropped my godchildren, Jeremiah and Rachel, off at my apartment around 6:30 a.m. before she went on her way to work.

And, just like every other Sunday morning, we all went back to sleep for a couple of hours. When everyone awoke I made a quick breakfast and then the four of us, my husband, Larry, the kids and myself, hurried and got ourselves out the door for church, just like every other Sunday morning.

It wasn’t until we walked through the church doors and I saw the girl standing there passing out fowers that I remembered this wasn’t like every other Sunday morning, it was Mother’s Day.




Before I could stop him, Jeremiah, always the curious child, went up to the girl and tugged on her arm. “Linda, what are you doing?” He asked.

Linda smiled at him and said brightly “I’m giving a fower to every mother in church today because it’s Mother’s day.”

Jeremiah’s eyes grew bright. “My mom had to work today. Can I have a fower to take home to give her?”

I was so proud of him at that moment. Jeremiah was often1)hyper, and it was sometimes hard for him to remember to speak slowly and ask for things politely when he was excited. But he had been the perfect little gentleman when he asked for that fower.

“Of course.” Linda answered, and lowered the box she was holding so that Jeremiah could pick out a fower for Patty.

Jeremiah turned towards me, proudly holding a pink carnation in his hand. He smiled at me. His dark eyes danced with pride and love and excitement. I smiled at him and motioned for him to come with me so we could go take our seats in church, but instead, he turned back towards Linda.“Can I please have a flower for Aunt Kimmie too?”

I felt my breath catch somewhere in my chest. That was the last thing I had expected Jeremiah to do. It was one of the sweetest and most sincere things I had ever heard him say. But neither of us was ready for what happened next.








1) hyper ['haɪpə] adj. 亢奋的,易激动的

2) insensitive [ɪn'sensɪtɪv] adj. 冷漠的,无情的

3) popsicle ['pɒpsɪkl] n. 冰棒

4) chase away 赶走,驱赶

“Oh, no, Jeremiah. She can’t have a flower. She isn’t a mom.” Linda replied.

I watched as all the joy Jeremiah had been feeling left his face. Gone was his bright smile. Those sparkling eyes of his turned troubled. There was now a confused, pain-filled little boy standing where, just seconds ago, a very happy child had stood.

My heart broke in about a million pieces, but not for myself, for Jeremiah. His heart was broken, and my heart ached for him.

2) 利用外业实测数据,构建椒江口水体悬浮泥沙浓度遥感反演模型,对椒江口1995年、2000年、2005年、2010年及2015年悬浮泥沙浓度进行反演.结果表明椒江口水体悬浮泥沙浓度较大,且表现出较高的时空动态性.

But my heart was also full because, in that incredibly2)insensitive moment, I found out how much Jeremiah loved me and how much I meant to him.

I may not have been his mom, but it was my apartment he came to after school several days a week while Patty worked. I was the one that fixed his meals and gave him his favorite3)Popsicles. I always read him stories and sang songs to him. I calmed his fears and4)chased away the monsters when he had a bad dream, and, I was the keeper of the band-aids when he was hurt. I was the one that was there when Patty couldn’t be. In Jeremiah’s eyes, I might not have been his mom, but I was just as important as his own mother was. And, he always 5)affectionately called me, “Aunt Kimmie”, even though I wasn’t.






I shot Linda a look as I took Jeremiah by the hand and urged him to come with me. She started to say something, but at that point I didn’t trust myself to respond kindly to her, so I turned my back and walked away. Perhaps it wasn’t the Christian thing to do, but walking away beat the few choice un-Christian words I wanted to say to her instead.

The rest of that morning Jeremiah was quiet and6)withdrawn. When we got back home from church I got out my prettiest vase so he could keep that pink carnation in it and give it to Patty when she came for him. But his enthusiasm had been crushed; the joy he had felt had been robbed from him. And I didn’t know how to fx it for him.

That afternoon after nap time, Jeremiah and Rachel went outside to play in the courtyard of our apartment building. I was in the kitchen making dinner for everyone when I heard the front door open. Jeremiah slowly came to the doorway of the kitchen, his hands behind his back.

“Aunt Kimmie,” he said softly, “You deserve something for Mother’s day.” I knelt down in front of him as he pulled out a handful of fresh picked dandelions and gave them to me. I felt tears on my cheeks as I gathered him in my arms and hugged him tightly.“I love you, Aunt Kimmie.”

“I love you, too, Jeremiah.” And, I couldn’t have loved him more if he had been my own son.






5) affectionately [ə'fekʃənɪtlɪ] adv. 深情地,亲热地

6) withdrawn [wɪð'drɔːn] adj. 沉默寡言的


atty Potential1 有潜力的帕蒂
Good Angel(2)