

生态学报 2015年3期

赵 晟,李梦娜,吴常文

国家海洋设施养殖工程技术研究中心, 浙江海洋学院, 舟山 316000


赵 晟*,李梦娜,吴常文

国家海洋设施养殖工程技术研究中心, 浙江海洋学院, 舟山 316000

能值作为一种以生态系统为中心的量化方法,其核心建立在对生态系统的各种输入分析基础之上,是一种典型的供给者方法。而生态系统服务属于系统的输出,是人类获得的福祉,辨别及量化生态系统服务(生态系统输出)的方法称之为使用者方法。以海域生态系统的供给、调节、文化和支持四类服务体系框架为基础,以生态系统的输出(生态系统服务)为出发点,计算了舟山海域生态系统服务的能值货币价值,为运用能值方法(供给者方法)来量化生态系统服务(使用者方法)提供一种新的思路。结果表明:舟山海域生态系统服务单位面积年能值货币价值为1.1297 能值元/m2。在所评价的四类生态系统服务价值中,支持服务占总价值的55.00%,其次是文化服务占总价值的20.82%,调节服务占总价值的20.08%,供给服务最小,仅占总价值的4.09%。研究结果为开发、利用、管理舟山海域生态系统提供了重要的信息。

海域生态系统; 生态系统服务; 能值评估; 舟山

We present a possible approach to using the emergy method (a donor-side approach) by valuing the ecosystem services (a user-side approach). This paper classifies the ecosystem goods and services provided by the Zhoushan marine area into four categories: production services, regulating services, cultural services, and supporting services. We performed this study on the valuation of eight marine ecosystem services: food provision, climate regulation, gas regulation, water quality purification, education and science research, biological control and biodiversity maintenance.

Using the method of emergy analysis, this paper estimated the emergy value of ecosystem services in the Zhoushan marine area. Emergy synthesis is viewed as a “donor-side” evaluation approach because it values items based on energetic inputs, as opposed to consumer preferences. The use of the emergy synthesis method to value ecosystem services provides a stronger basis for management policies as it ensures that the global dynamics of the biosphere are taken into proper account from a “donor-side” perspective. The concept of the “donor-side” is based on the analysis of ecosystems by considering inputs. Emergy synthesis identifies the value of the natural resource in terms of its “donor-side” value. This value then can be used to understand the environmental work needed directly or indirectly to generate a resource, goods, or flow of an economic product.

Ecosystem services are the conditions and processes through which natural ecosystems, and the species that comprise them, sustain and fulfill human life. These "outputs" of the ecosystem provide the goods and services to be directly or indirectly used, or to provide benefits for humans and other species. An ecosystem services approach is a “user-side” approach that has recently been developed and describes ecosystems in terms of their useful outputs. In such “user-side” approaches it is important to define the user, mainly to identify which outputs to consider and the criteria that guide this consideration. Taking this approach, the outputs of systems are related to ecosystem functions, which provide services to be used by humans. This view of the use of ecosystems means that services are valued by means of environmental economic methodologies. These approaches most often assess only non-renewable resources, depending on what human technologies are able to extract from them (a user-side view). In contrast, emergy synthesis is a “donor-side” value approach, and our approach here attempts to combine the two. The calculation of value is related to the work done by ecosystems to produce goods and services that support the economy. The emergy synthesis approach is not an alternative method used to value the ecosystem services. Instead, it is a supplementary and systemic approach to highlight the mechanisms through which services are produced by different systems.

Starting with energy and matter flowing out of an ecosystem (user-side), we present our method in a very schematic way. We use the emergy evaluation (donor-side) approach to quantify marine ecosystems services (output, user-side) in the Zhoushan marine area. The emergy method has been established as a way to properly value ecosystem services. As a “donor-side” approach, the emergy method provides an eco-centric value based on the input that supports a system, rather than the output (ecosystem services) that is useful for humans. The latter approach has been criticized as possibly being erroneous for valuing ecosystem services.

In this paper, the mass or the matter that is related to the ecosystem services (output) was translated to a common unit using the emergy method. The results indicated that the total emergy economic value of ecosystem services in the Zhoushan marine area was 1.1297 Em¥/m2. These indicative results from the valuation of a few services in the Zhoushan marine ecosystem suggest that the marine area is of significant importance to humans.

近年来,随着社会经济的发展、人口的增长以及人口向海岸带地区集中的大趋势使近岸海域生态系统承受的压力日益增大,许多生态系统服务正在锐减,直接影响到人类的生活和社会发展[1]。从学术界看,了解并恰当估价生态系统服务已成为研究热点之一[2- 11]。从政府部门来看,对于海域生态系统服务的质量与可持续性也越来越重视,生态系统服务理论将成为指导海域生态建设和生态规划的重要理论之一[12]。认识到生态系统服务的重要性后,就需要寻找适合的量化方法。通过货币来衡量生态系统服务的价值,其结果比较容易被决策者和普通大众所接受,能够为政府部门决策提供科学的依据。但对货币评估的合理性还存在很多争议[13- 15]。主要原因是大多数生态系统服务或产品缺少市场价格,即使有,也不是生态系统服务价值的真实反映[16]。因此,H.T. Odum[17]认为货币仅仅支付的是人类活动的贡献,而生态系统的贡献并未在货币价值中体现,他认为最佳的评价方式是以能量作为共同的评价标准。

H.T. Odum[18- 20]利用能量系统理论发展了一套完整的生态经济系统评价方法,即能值综合方法,以能值为共同单位为评估系统中不同类型的能量与物质流动提供一种有效的工具。能值是“一种流动或储存的能量所包含的另一种类别能量的数量,即产品或劳务过程形成过程中直接或间接投入应用的一种有效能的总量,单位是太阳能值焦耳(seJ)”[20]。能值转换率用来表示系统中不同能量类别的能量的品质,即产生一单位能量所需要的另一种类型的能量的量,即单位某种能量所含能值之量[19]。实际应用中常使用太阳能值转换率,即单位某种能量所含太阳能值之量,单位为太阳能焦耳/焦耳,太阳能焦耳/克(seJ/J,seJ/g)。一旦某种能量类型的能值转换率知道了,就可以用下式来计算其能值:能值=能量(J)×能值转换率(seJ/J)。能值也可以表示为公众熟悉的货币价值,即能值货币价值(Em$, 或Em¥)。其计算方法是将输入经济系统或经济生产活动的某种能值的量除以能值货币比率。能值货币价值是系统真正财富的衡量,不仅包括支付给人类劳动的价值,还包括了生态系统提供的各种服务。有关能值综合分析方法详细论述见[20- 25]。本文以Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)[26],Beaumont等人[6]和Hein等人[27]有关生态系统服务框架为基础,通过能值分析方法,评估了舟山海域生态系统服务的能值货币价值。

1 方法

能值方法的出发点是将系统看成是由外界各种能量和物质不断输入来维持其正常运作的一个等级系统,各种外界输入的能量或物质的数量和质量可通过能值转换率转变成统一的能值单位——能值(seJ),然后以能值为共同单位来对系统进行描述、分析。因此,能值分析是一种建立在对系统各种输入进行评估的方法,称之为供给者方法[28- 30]。生态系统功能是指生态系统与生态过程所形成及所维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用[31],这些功能可以为人类直接或间接提供各种产品和服务,人类获得的这些产品和服务是生态系统的输出,各种量化生态系统服务(生态系统输出)的方法称之为使用者方法。很多学者认为能值是评估生态系统服务的一种非常有效的方法[32- 34];同时,一些学者认为[35- 36],能值评估生态系统服务时是建立在对生态系统的各种输入分析的基础上,而生态系统服务属于系统的输出,是人类从中获得的福祉(或者说人们愿意为此服务进行支付)。因此,他们认为能值评估实际上并没有对人类从生态系统服务(系统输出)中获得的各种效益进行评估,用能值来评估生态系统服务可能并不是一个正确的选择[37]。本文,以生态系统输出端(即生态系统服务)为出发点,构建了以能值方法为基础的生态系统服务价值评估方法(图1)。

图1 基于能值综合方法的生态系统服务价值评估框架图Fig.1 The schematic valuation of ecosystem services based on emergy






































2 结果——案例研究






表1 舟山海域生态系统服务能值价值Table 1 Emergy valuation of ecosystem services in Zhoushan marine area



根据李国胜[43]的研究结果,舟山海域的年平均初级生产力大于400 g m-2a-1,本文采用400g m-2a-1作为舟山海域初级生产力的最低保守值,则每年单位面积释放氧气292g m-2a-1,氧气能值转换率8.65×107seJ/g[45],根据公式(3)计算气体调节的能值货币价值为2.83×108Em¥,单位面积海域气体调节能值货币价值为0.0136 Em¥/m2。


根据倪海儿等[46]研究结果,舟山海域最大可持续渔业资源量为48.6678×104t/a,海产品能值转换率3.35×106seJ/J[42],根据公式(4)计算生物控制的能值货币价值为4.04×109Em¥,单位面积海域生物控制能值货币价值为0.1942 Em¥/m2。


在中国期刊文献数据库(中,以舟山海域为主题词检索2006年到2010年5年期间发表的学术论文,检索结果共计2466篇,平均每年493.2篇,以这些学术论文的能值货币价值作为海洋基础理论研究的服务价值,论文的能值转换率1.17×1018seJ/篇[47],根据公式(5)单位面积海域的海洋基础研究能值货币价值为0.0150 Em¥/m2。

根据舟山市统计年鉴,2007年舟山高校海洋相关专业在校学生人数为17783人,学生的能值转换率4.79×1017seJ/人[42],根据公式(6)计算海洋教育的能值货币价值为4.58×109Em¥,单位面积海域的海洋教育能值货币价值为0.2203 Em¥/m2。

上述2项代表了教育科研的服务价值,小计为4.89×109Em¥,单位面积海域能值货币价值为0.2352 Em¥/m2。


Redfield等的研究发现,浮游植物是按一定比例从海水中吸收氮、磷等生源要素的[48]。这一比例为C∶N∶P=106∶16∶1,即浮游植物固定l mol C的同时还吸收了16 mol的N和l mol的P。根据舟山海域初级生产固定碳量400 g m-2a-1,即可得出浮游植物吸收的氮、磷量分别为70.44 g m-2a-1和9.75 g m-2a-1。氮、磷的能值转换率分别为1.51×109seJ/g和1.36×1010seJ/g[49],根据公式(7)计算废物处理的能值货币价值为2.67×109Em¥,单位面积海域废物处理的能值货币价值为0.1285 Em¥/m2。


舟山海域海洋生物种类共1163种(《舟山海域海洋生物志》),海洋生物能值转换率1.64×1019seJ/种[50],根据公式(8)计算得到物种多样性维持的能值货币价值为1.03×1010Em¥,单位面积海域的物种多样性维持的能值货币价值为0.4929 Em¥/m2。

从表1中可见,舟山海域单位面积生态系统服务的能值货币价值为1.1297 Em¥/m2。其中,支持服务最大,其值为0.6214 Em¥/m2,占总价值的55.00%,说明支持服务是舟山海域最主要的生态系统服务。其次是文化服务为0.2352 Em¥/m2,占总价值的20.82%,调节服务0.2269 Em¥/m2,占总价值的20.08%,供给服务相对比较小,只有0.0462 Em¥/m2,只占总价值的4.09%。

3 结论


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Emergy valuation of ecosystem services in the Zhoushan marine area

ZHAO Sheng*, LI Mengna, WU Changwen


Marine ecosystems provide a variety of ecological functions that directly or indirectly translate to economic services and values to humans in the Zhoushan marine area. These ecological functions support fish populations that constitute a significant source of protein, sustain ecosystem stability by conserving biodiversity and mitigating climate change through carbon sequestration, act as sinks for byproducts of industrial or agricultural production, and provide recreational and aesthetic benefits. However, ecosystem services have not been fully recognized or adequately quantified in past accounts of economic or social development. Rapid population growth and human development, such as reclaiming land from the sea and over-exploitation of marine resources, have resulted in degradation of resources, which in turn affects delivery of ecosystem functions and services.

marine ecosystems; ecosystem services; emergy valuation; Zhoushan

国家自然科学基金(40971295, 41001001, 41206088); 浙江省科技厅项目(2009C33083); 国际科技合作项目(2009DFB20290, 2010DFA32920)

2013- 04- 08;

日期:2014- 04- 03


*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail:

赵晟,李梦娜,吴常文.舟山海域生态系统服务能值价值评估.生态学报,2015,35(3):678- 685.

Zhao S, Li M N, Wu C W.Emergy valuation of ecosystem services in the Zhoushan marine area.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2015,35(3):678- 685.

