Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges


时代英语·高一 2014年2期


surround v. 围绕;环绕

trade v. 做生意

narrow v. 变狭窄

forbid v. 禁止

cave n. 洞;山洞

plain n. 平原

shore n.(海、湖、河等的)岸

valley n. 山谷

wood n. (常作复数)树林

colleague n. 同事

goods n. 货物

temple n. 寺庙

lounge n. 休息室;休息厅

spot n. 地点;场所

view n. 景色;风景

flat adj. 平坦的

distant adj. 遥远的

mountainous adj. 多山的

remote adj. 遥远的

steep adj. 陡峭的;险峻的

naturally adv. 自然的


at the edge of 在……的边缘

at least 至少

make a detour 迂回,绕行

be heavy with 有大量的……

in the distance 远处的

be impressed by 留下……印象

follow the rules 遵守规则

rip off 敲竹杠;敲诈

get a kick out of (俚语)从……中得到乐趣


dock vi. & n. 驶入码头;码头

peak n. 山顶;山峰

plateau n. 高原

slope n. 斜坡

raft n. 木筏

detour n. 迂路;绕行之路

legend n. 传奇;传说故事

deck n. 甲板

cruise n.(乘游轮的)漫游;巡航

cabin n. 船舱;机舱

torch n. 手电筒

immense adj. 极大的

fertile adj. 肥沃的

downstream adv. 向下游;随波而下


pause v. 暂停

identify v. 确认;识别

Himalayas n. 喜马拉雅山脉

passport n. 护照;通行证

pagoda n. 塔;凉亭

poet n. 诗人

obligation n. 义务;职责;责任

prohibition n. 禁止

extract n. 摘录;引用

cuisine n. 菜肴

auxiliary adj. 辅助的;从属的

unattended adj. 无侍从的;无伴的;没人照顾的;


sharply adj. 锋利地;锐利地;激烈地;突然地,




1. surround vt. 围绕;环绕;包围

A lot of trees surrounded the lake.


Police surrounded the house.


be surrounded with/by(使)包围;围住

The village was surrounded on all sides by mountains.


surround...with 围绕;环绕

The leader surrounded himself with armed men.


surroundings n. 环境;周围的事物

We work in pleasant surroundings.


surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的

Its pleasant to live in this village and the surrounding area.


2. trade v. 做生意;从事贸易

Our products are now traded worldwide.


trade in sth 做……买卖

The company openly traded in arms.


trade with sb 与……进行贸易/做买卖

Businessmen from all over the world are here to trade with China.


trade n. 贸易;买卖;行业

international trade 国际贸易

foreign trade 对外贸易

Trade between the two countries has increased.


3. narrow v. 变狭窄

This is where the lake narrows.


narrow down 把……缩小

We should try our best to narrow down the difference between town and countryside.


narrows n. 海峡;(江河的)峡谷

narrow adj. 狭窄的;窄小的;勉强的;刚刚好的

The gate is too narrow for a car; well have to walk through.


a narrow victory 险胜

a narrow escape 死里逃生

a narrow path 羊肠小道

a narrow circle of friends 交际不广

narrowly adv. 勉强地;以毫厘之差

The car narrowly missed a cyclist.


4. forbid v. 禁止

forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事

My father forbade my sister to play with her friends after school.


forbid doing sth 禁止做某事

The new law forbids smoking in public places.


forbidding adj. 不友好的;让人望而生畏的

When I saw that forbidding watchdog, I went no farther.


5. wood n. 木;木头;木材 woods 树林

All the furniture in my office was made of wood.


I had a talk with my sister in the woods that we often visited when we were young.


6. distant adj. 遥远的;远离的;关系不密切的;远房的

Id like to travel to distant places.


The center of the city is about 10 miles distant from the station.


Two boys who are playing basketball there are distant



distance n. 距离;一段路

The distance from my house to school is about 3km.


at a distance 在一定距离的地方

in the distance 在远处/远方的

keep at a distance 保持一定距离;不很亲密

7. at the edge of 在……的边缘

Something strange happened in the big house at the edge of the town.


At the edge of the woods, Frankie was talking to himeself.


8. be heavy with 有大量的……

The air was heavy with the scent of flowers.


These big trees are heavy with apples.


heavy traffic 交通繁忙

heavy meal 丰盛的饭;难消化的饭食

heavy fog/snow 大雾/雪

a heavy smoker 一个烟瘾很重的人

9. at least 至少

All these things cost me at least 300 dollars.


I swim at least once a week in summer.


at most 最多,至多

It will take two hours at most to get there.


10. be impressed by/with 留下……印象

He was deeply impressed by her sincerity.


impress on 使牢牢记住/明白(重要性或严重性等)

My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.


impression n. 印象;感想;影响

to get a good/bad impression of sb/sth


a big/deep/strong impression


11. be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事

I was not allowed to go out at night.


allow (doing) sth 允许(做)某事

I cant allow such a thing.


The teacher doesnt allow eating in the classroom.


allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

Her father would not allow her to eat sweets.


allow sb sth 给予某人某物(尤指钱或时间);让某人有(拥有或带有)某物

I will allow you 10% off the price if you pay now.




Around the world in 30 seconds—it is not a wild idea of space age but the time it takes to finish that journey at the South Pole (南极). Visitors to the South Pole like to walk around the world. So there is a well-known path in the snow there. Other visitors like to stand on their heads or have their pictures taken with the flags of the Antarctic (南极的) countries in the background. They think it is interesting and exciting. The United States has a base at the South Pole. The Chinese scientists and technical workers have built an observation station there, too.

If you go from the very pole towards America, you are in one time zone. If you head towards Australia or towards South Africa, you are in other zone. It is Friday if you stand on one side of the pole. And if you walked around the other side, it is Thursday over there.

The air at the South Pole is the cleanest on earth. Scientists from various countries have called for Antarctica to be declared (宣布) a world park to save it from being polluted by the exploitation of its oil and other mineral resources.

1. How can we go round the world in 30 seconds at the South Pole?

A. By car. B. On foot.

C. By spaceship. D. By train.

2. Why do some visitors like to stand on their heads?

A. They try to see the Pole better.

B. They want to improve their health.

C. They are over excited and do it for fun.

D. They can take good pictures of the South Pole only in this way.

3. For what have the scientists called for Antarctica to be declared a world park?

A. For preventing it from being polluted.

B. For saving its oil and other mineral resources.

C. For attracting the world tourists to visit the park.

D. For exploiting its oil and other mineral resources.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Its forbidden to take pictures at the South Pole.

B. The air at the South Pole is the cleanest on earth.

C. The South Pole has been polluted by the exploitation.

D. It is impossible to go around the world in 30 seconds.



peak shore detour cave slope

plain flat wood surround downstream

1. They went into a(n) ____ , hoping to find some ancient things.

2. The mountain ____ was covered with snow.

3. My little brother told me yesterday that he believed that the earth was ____ .

4. There are more and more birds in the ____ near my house because of a better environment.

5. The lake, ____ with trees and flowers, is very beautiful.

6. After a few days on ____ the sailor joined his ship.

7. Is the water polluted at source or further ____ ?

8. As the road was under repair, we had to make a(n) ____ .


1. 十年以前,这个地区出现了很多洞穴。

2. 当他们被敌人包围时,他们还有多少食物?

3. 医生昨天告诉我人们一天至少应该刷两次牙。

4. 远处的钟声让我想起了家乡的钟楼。


1. — Bruce, I really love your handwriting.

— ___ .

A. I practise every day B. Thank you very much

C. No, I dont think so D. Well, its not good enough

2. The house still needed a lot of work, but ___ the kitchen was finished.

A. at last B. at most

C. at least D. at first

3. — I heard that Jack was just injured in an accident.

— Yes, its dangerous. It is really a ___ escape.

A. narrow B. close

C. terrible D. brave

4. My sister always ___ much money on her clothes, though she is not rich.

A. costs B. takes

C. spends D. pays

5. The heros story ___ in the newspapers that I bought yesterday.

A. was reported B. was reporting

C. reports D. reported

6. A panda eats ___ bamboo, though it eats ___ plants as well.

A. main; other B. main; others

C. mainly; the other D. mainly; other

7. He doesnt like ___ a dishonest man in this case.

A. sounding like B. to be sounded like

C. to sound like D. to be sounding like

8. ___ the day went on, the weather got worse.

A. With B. Since

C. As D. While

9. The buildings here are ___ with history that we are interested in.

A. busy B. full

C. popular D. heavy

10. We will not allow ___ in the cinema. But you are allowed ___ in the rest room.

A. smoking; smoking B. smoke; smoking

C. smoking; to smoke D. to smoke; to smoke




trade valley colleague heavy character

exploit edge distance temple goods

1. Didnt you feel surprised when he sold you the ____ at such a price?

2. Transport has always been the key to developing ____ .

3. They are ____ the oil under the sea.

4. At the ____ of the grassland, there is a sign which says, “Keep off the grass”.

5. The sun is ____ from the earth.

6. Einsteins suggestion in 1905 astonished most of his ____ .

7. The air was ____ with tobacco smoke.

8. At the calligraphy competition, people asked him to write a few ____ .


1. 我相信这个故事一定会给观众留下深刻印象。

2. 战前两国之间一直存在着贸易往来。

3. 由于在修路,我们不得不绕行。

4. 至少他必须让我知道这个情况。


1. — Would you like to go fishing with us now?

— ___ .

A. No, I dont want to go B. Yes, it sounds interesting

C. Of course wouldnt D. You cant be serious

2. Just be patient. You ___ expect the world to change so soon.

A. cant B. neednt

C. mustnt D. wont

3. ___ with the poor condition of the school, the rich man determined to give away half of his money to the school.

A. Impressing B. Impressed

C. Impressive D. To impress

4. — May I watch TV now?

— No, you cant. You ___ finish your homework first.

A. will B. can

C. must D. may

5. Arriving at the hotel, we found the singer ___ by a large crowd.

A. surrounded B. was surrounding

C. surrounding D. surround

6. You ___ park here! Its an exit for special situations.

A. wouldnt B. mustnt

C. neednt D. couldnt

7. The company was ___ the edge of the beautiful park.

A. of B. by

C. for D. at

8. John promised his doctor he ___ not smoke, and he has never smoked ever since.

A. might B. should

C. could D. would

9. When I was walking on the street, I suddenly heard a bomb explode ___ .

A. at distance B. in a distance

C. in the distance D. at the distance

10. I ___ pay Tracy a visit, but Im not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.

A. should B. might

C. would D. could


Ralph, Jack and Peter became friends while crossing the Pacific Ocean. During a storm, the ship struck a rock and sank. The three boys were thrown on a small island by the huge waves. They didnt lose 1 , but explored the island and soon found drinking water. They decided to build a boat and 2 fish in deeper water.

“Look here, boys,” said Jack one morning, “sooner or later we shall be back to England. Im quite sure of that. 3 now we must take the island as our home for some time. Its up to us to 4 our life here as comfortable as possible. I havent lost heart yet.”

Soon the boy picked 5 a thick tree and began cutting it down with the axe, which they found 6 the debris (碎片) of their ship on the sea shore. The work was not easy 7 . At last the tree fell down.

After the oars (桨) were 8 out of three thick branches, the boys rolled the log (圆木) to the shore.

“Now lets try our boat!” said Jack. After some time they 9 to keep balance.

They were some distant from the shore, when Jack suddenly cried, “ 10 moving! I see a shark behind us! Now, boys, do 11 I tell you. Try to keep on the log. Our lives may 12 it.

Peter immediately did what he was 13 to. So did Ralph. They did their 14 to balance the boat. But then Ralph turned 15 and he saw the shark quite near the log. The next moment it opened its terrible mouth and Jack immediately 16 his oar into its throat. He did it with such force that the log rolled over and the boys found themselves in the 17 .

“Swim towards the shore! Quick!” cried Jack.

They did swim fast. Luckily they were not far from the island. When at last they reached the shore, they fell to the ground 18 . It was a long time 19 they could say a word.

“That was really a 20 escape!” said Jack.

1. A. life B. money C. heart D. job

2. A. cook B. keep C. hold D. catch

3. A. Or B. But C. So D. And

4. A. change B. make C. build D. turn

5. A. out B. of C. off D. at

6. A. up B. out C. between D. among

7. A. at once B. at least C. at all D. at last

8. A. made B. came C. caved D. produced

9. A. succeeded B. failed C. pretended D. managed

10. A. Stop B. Allow C. Continue D. Avoid

11. A. that B. it C. what D. how

12. A. attach to B. depend on C. split up D. connect to

13. A. educated B. forbade C. ordered D. forced

14. A. better B. best C. good D. well

15. A. in B. up C. around D. back

16. A. pushed B. took C. put D. broke

17. A. dream B. danger C. water D. shore

18. A. luckily B. lively C. tiredly D. excitedly

19. A. after B. until C. before D. since

20. A. hard B. near C. close D. narrow




steep rush remote forbid immense

cruise legend distance narrow hilly

1. It was difficult to see ships in the ____ because of the fog.

2. Their father ____ them to swim in the river at that time.

3. He is the hero of an old ____ .

4. The mountain is ____ , so the climb is dangerous.

5. The road ____ as you go further to the top of the mountain.

6. He threw on his clothes and ____ out when the bell rang.

7. Thay have chosen to work in that ____ area after graduation.

8. Just for this reason, it has caused a(n) ____ amount of trouble.


1. 你应该让这个男孩知道吸烟是个坏习惯。

2. 水池边严禁摄影。

3. 虽然我们不富裕,但我们现在至少不必再为食物担心了。

4. 我哥哥告诉我飞机上不允许使用手机。


1. — Must we hand in our homework now?

— ___ .

A. Yes, you will B. Yes, you mustnt

C. No, you neednt D. No, you mustnt

2. Population experts predict that most people ___ in cities in the near future.

A. will live B. live

C. would live D. have lived

3. Look at this boy in the picture, he is my ___ relative.

A. faraway B. distant

C. remote D. further

4. John asked Kate to marry him, and she ___ him, but her mother didnt ___ her to marry a poor man like John.

A. accepted; agree B. accepted; allow

C. received; agree D. received; allow

5. — Whats the name?

— Anastasia. ___ I spell that for you?

A. Would B. Shall

C. Can D. Might

6. They ___ its rich resources in wheat and oil.

A. employed B. expanded

C. exploited D. established

7. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. Let us ___ the festival together.

A. to celebrate B. celebrate

C. celebrating D. to be celebrated

8. You ___ be late for school again next time.

A. mustnt B. neednt

C. dont have to D. dont need to

9. — You shouldnt have gone there alone last night.

— But I ___ , because Xiao Wang went there together with me.

A. didnt B. had to

C. must D. should

10. — My daughter mastered Japanese in less than 2 years.

— Did she? She ___ have a gift for language.

A. must B. would

C. can D. should


A long red bridge stretches out across water. It runs across the Golden Gate. This is not the entrance to some sacred (神圣的) land,but it is just as magical. The Golden Gate is where San Francisco Bay meets the Pacific Ocean, and at night the scene of the bridge lit up over the water takes your breath away. It is the symbol of San Franciso.

Welcome to San Francisco, a place famous for its beautiful parks, hilly streets and lovely beaches. But the bridge is undoubtedly the most well-known symbol of the city. Before its completion in 1937, the bridge was considered impossible to build because of the foggy weather, powerful winds, and strong ocean currents (洋流) in the city. However, despite the difficult conditions, the bridge was built in no more than four years. Its total length is nearly 2 kilometers.

San Francisco ranks first on Lonely Planets list of best cities to visit in 2013. According to the worlds largest travel publisher, it came top as a result of its cultural mix.

According to the US 2010 census (人口普查), 21 percent of the citys population is made up of Chinese people. San Franciscos Chinatown is the largest outside of Asia and the oldest in North America. Two traditional festivals, the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, are the biggest events of the year on the citys calendar.

If yellow cabs (出租车) are a key part of New York city life, then the cable car (缆车) is San Franciscos equivalent. The first cable car came into public service in 1873, and the slow and noisy vehicle has also been a symbol of the city ever since. The cable car network was once damaged by a serious earthquake, however, luckily, it has now recovered and provides better views than the subway.

1. Why does the author mention the Golden Gate bridge according to Paragraph 1? (within 8 words)

2. What makes the Golden Gate Bridge so famous? (within 8 words)

3. What makes San Francisco rank first on Lonely Planets list of cities to visit in 2013? (within 3 words)

4. What are the biggest events of the year on the citys calendar? (within 6 words)

5. Why is the slow and noisy cable car preferred in San Francisco? (within 8 words)



As Tibet is covered by ice and snow throughout the year, most people think that winter is not a good time to visit. However, according to expert travelers, the winter temperature of Lhasa averages about 12℃ and the daytime temperatures of winter in Lhasa can be even higher as a result of too much sunlight.

Mount Namjagbarwa, nicknamed “the father of the glaciers (冰川)”, is in the east of Tibet. The most beautiful scenery of Mount Namjagbarwa can only be seen in autumn and winter. As a result, Tibet winter travel has begun to catch peoples attention.

Beautiful spots for Tibet winter travelers are concentrated around Lhasa and Nyingchi. The first is Mount Namjagbarwa whose relatively low altitude (海拔) and high humidity (湿度) covers the mountain in fog and cloud in spring and summer. As a result, the dry season, from September to the early spring is the best time to appreciate Mount Namjagbarwa. Other sights include the old and new sections of Lhasa, boating in the Crayon Brahmaputra, taking pictures at the place where two rivers are joined together, and sightseeing in Norbu Lingka—a beautiful garden on the suburb of Lhasa.

Altitude in these areas averages around 3,000 meters and can cause slight altitude sickness. Taking some anti-anoxic (抗缺氧) medicines is enough to make you less unpleasant through the first few days after arriving at these high places.

Other things that can ensure travelers have an easy winter holiday in Tibet are sunglasses and sunscreen creams which can help you avoid snow blindness and prevent your skin from being burnt. Last but not least, bring a painkiller such as aspirin, which can help with aches and colds.

1. Why can Namjagbarwa only be seen in autumn and winter?

A. Mount Namjagbarwa is located in the east of Tibet.

B. The winter temperature of Lhasa averages about 12℃.

C. It is the best time to appreciate Mount Namjagbarwa in September.

D. Mount Namjagbarwa is covered with fog and cloud in spring and summer.

2. Anti-anoxic medicines can help with ___ .

A. sunburn B. snow blindness

C. aches and colds D. altitude discomfort

3. If you travel to Tibet in winter, wed better take ___ .

A. a map and a camera

B. swimming suits and blankets

C. sunglasses and sunscreen creams

D. some interesting books and necessary medicines

4. Whats the best title of the passage?

A. Welcome to Tibet

B. Beautiful Spots in Tibet

C. Tibet Winter Travel Tips

D. A Pleasant Trip in Tibet



vary rip spot fertile natural

view immense mountain forbid pin

1. He spoke ____ in front of his parents even though he knew he was cheating them.

2. Living here and you can enjoy the ____ mountain scenery.

3. Theres a fine ____ of the village from the peak of the hill.

4. They showed ____ courage in the face of danger.

5. To build a rood in the ____ are a is a real challenge.

6. Dont buy things from that shop! Theyll ____ you off.

7. The president was shot in the head and died on the ____ .

8. High school boys in the country are ____ to wear long hair.


1. 伦敦到处都有书店,那里的书同样也很多样和有趣。

2. 阅读一些你喜欢的东西自然会使学习变得更愉快。

3. 在我为这些鞋子付了两百美元后我意识到我被敲竹杠了。

4. 我无法相信你居然能从做家务中得到乐趣。


1. — These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much.

— ___ .

A. No, no. Its nothing B. You are welcome

C. Yes, I agree D. Yes, I think so

2. The ___ from the top of the mountain was so beautiful.

A. view B. spot

C. look D. site

3. You dont have to know the name of the author to find a book. You ___ find the book by the title.

A. must B. have to

C. need D. can

4. Tourists complain of being ___ by a local tourist guide.

A. ripped off B. set off

C. cut off D. turned off

5. The city was ___ with traffic, but now the situation has changed.

A. busy B. familiar

C. popular D. heavy

6. Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand ___ .

A. feels so cold B. feels so coldly

C. is felt so cold D. is felt so coldly

7. — Why do you often laugh at Ted?

— I have no idea. I just get a ___ out of it.

A. kick B. fun

C. interest D. joke

8. In the restaurant I often go to, I found a sign ___ “Please wait to be seated”.

A. reads B. read

C. to read D. reading

9. Its always difficult to live in a foreign country ___ if you dont speak the language.

A. extremely B. naturally

C. basically D. especially

10. The toys I bought yesterday were a real ___ at such low prices.

A. trade B. respect

C. business D. bargain


拼 音