

世界建筑 2014年6期




1 建筑外景/External view





僧侣们的生活作息规律,诵经作业、行禅礼佛,24小时周而复始。建筑的这种构造为他们的日常作息安排提供了便利舒适的环境。比如说,从早上4点到中午,僧人起床之后,在诵经、参禅、用斋的过程中,一道东侧的围墙就可以为他们提供整个上午的荫蔽环境。□ (覃莺 译)

Situated in Wat khaobuddhakodom, Chonburi Province, Walled Monk's Cell is a two-storey monks' dwelling that exhibits skillful planning, manipulation of basic forms, and creative reuse of materials. A grey rendered wall rises prominently from the site and represents the relative simplicity of the design. The large wall shields the monks' quarters from the clamor of the road, creates privacy, and serves as a landmark for the temple. This wall opens to the downhill view towards the ocean and encloses an outdoor courtyard for the monks' daily activities.

Two large 6000 liter water tanks are placed inside the tight bend where the wall makes a hairpin turn. The architect negotiated with the tricky and steeply inclined site for areas for storage and pockets of space. The tanks gather rainwater from the roof at the top of the site. In this way no pumps are required to supply the monks' daily water use for common activities. The grey water from the facility flows downhill to feed creepers planted along the base of the wall by the road. This lush green wrapping of plants will gradually grow up and fully envelope the wall, further shielding the monks' cells from noise and dust, and softening the visual weight of the wall. The slope, the wall, and the raineverything is brought together in a cycle.

Earlier monks' cells at this location had only two bedrooms, a bathroom and a small deck opening onto the busiest intersection at Wat Khao. The new design calls for six bedrooms, water tanks, bathrooms, a place for monks’ activities and, above all, peace and privacy.

Inside the walls, a two-storey pavilion of concrete, steel and reused timber sits on a solid stepped plinth. It is these walls that rise up with a flash of red. There are four bedrooms and a bathroom on the upper floor and two bedrooms and a bathroom on the ground. Each level is characterized by a specific relationship to the perimeter wall and two very different private courtyards occupy the interstitial space-one hunkering down at street level within the relative mass of the concrete 'cave', the other with a lighter feel, sheltering beneath its timber and tin roof.

The structure supports the monks' daily routine, creating an atmosphere conducive to their practice of noble conduct. The circular form allows for continuous walking meditation and symbolizes the 24-hour cycle of the practice schedule. From 4 am until noon, after waking up, chanting, meditation, and daily meals, a single wall to the East shields the monks from the morning sun.□

2.3 平面/Plans

4 剖面/Section

5 围绕精舍的小路/Road around the monk's cell

6. 7 精舍外墙/The wall of the monk's cell

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 考布达戈东佛寺/Wat Khao Buddhakodom

场地面积/Site Area: 160m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 130m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2009

摄影/Photos: Sakrapee Nopparat(Fig.1,6), Pirak Anurakyawachon(Fig.5,7-9)




法国著名的人类学家李维史陀引导我们去理解,在任何的文化中,神圣与世俗是统一体的不同方面 。传统的宗教活动、心灵的沉思静修和街头巷尾的喧嚣,组成了文化中不可分割的日常生活仪式。这样的生活两面性,在泰国的街头巷尾,呈现得尤其紧密与曼妙。春武里佛寺,在一处平常不过的尽头拐角,将僧侣宿舍这样的日常功用, 呈现出了仪式的场域和张力。墙里秋千墙外道,是关于这处建筑物理、视觉、心理乃至精神的隔与合的最佳描述。如何做到的呢?我看主要是三种手法。首先,建筑的实际体量从围墙上端浮出,轻盈,无意与世俗同层,我们必须仰望;且充分利用三角端地的错动,制造出路人看不到的墙内庭院的虚空间感和壶中境天。虽说墙是僵硬的物料,但它挑动欲望,并且缓缓地按摩墙内外圣俗的心灵。其次,朴素但具有渗透性的外墙,沿着下坡的街道,甩出的长长尾巴,也重新界定了街道高处摆放佛龛端头的重要性,以及所有人于街道上行的仪式。最后,乃至建造廉价的局限,也通过清晰的建构和回收的考量(木材、雨水),转化成了僧侣对物质、欲望的态度和节制与修行的一部分。

8 回收自老建筑的旧木墙/Old wooden walls recycled from old building

9 建筑内廊及采光/Corridor and lighting


HAN Linfei: The Walled Monk's Cell perfectly reflects the sanctity and purity of religious buildings. The modest trapezoidal building is simply embedded in the site. Making use of an existing change in elevation, a series of circulation platforms are designed to connect the main entrance to the interior spaces. Moving along the platforms, monks whose spirits will be baptized, are bathed in feelings of tranquility, sincerity and kindness. The architects wanted to design a private holy environment for the monks, one that would take them far away from the speed and chaos of the city. The project allows for a series of complex spatial relationships. While the use of gray brick walls usually calls out monumentality, this simple design talks only of purity and simplicity. The basic forms and materials of the building work together to create pure space and evoke solemn sensuous feelings.

HAO Lin: A Place-making of Rituality and Intensity

The great French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss led us to understand that, in any culture, the sacred and profane are part of a continuum. Traditional religious activities, spiritual meditation, as well as bustling streets are all part of the cultural ritual of everyday life. This notion can be seen weaving seamlessly and elegantly through the lanes and alleys of Thailand. The Chonburi Temple, anchored at an ordinary street corner, transforms the simple function of monk's cell into place of ritual and intensity. A Chinese poetic line, "a life of being inside contrasting with a life of passing by" best describes such a transformation physically, visually, psychologically and spiritually. How does this building achieve this? There are three ways such a poetic perception is achieved. First, the massing of the building is floats. It is lifted away from the secular level of street and makes us look up. The massing takes full advantage of the formal intensity of the triangular corner to create a less visible mysterious void behind the wall. This wall, of a rigid material, straddles two realms, gently massaging and provoking the souls of the sacred and the profane. Secondly, the austere but permeable wall extends down to the street, redefining the importance of the altar at its higher end but also addressing the dayto-day ritual of walking along the street. Even with a limited budget, the tectonic articulation and recycling strategies (timber and rainwater) of this project have been spiritually transformed by the monk's practice of temperance and their religious beliefs about materialism and desire.

Walled Monk’s Cell, Chonburi Province, Thailand, 2010

Architects: Suriya Umpansiriratana

