

世界建筑 2014年6期

建筑设计:Architects 49有限公司


建筑设计:Architects 49有限公司

1 正面/Front view



设计追求当代的现代建筑风格,并通过细部展现泰国特色。正立面是这种“泰国特色”的最好表达。宽敞的顶篷(使入口避免热带阳光的直射)源于传统的泰式建筑。立面使用了当地材料,比如柚木,而且使用了红色的门,通过夸大比例的混凝土墙来刻画夸大比例的主入口,类似于皇宫大门的做法。由于档案馆内的资料和信息无比珍贵,湿度、温度和照明的控制均是非常重要的设计标准。□(王靖 译)

2 平面/Plan

The Royal Archive Center collects and provide access to invaluable historical information from the resource center of the office of His Majesty's Principle Private Secretary, information such as documents, manuscripts, engravings, and photograph of the Chakri dynasty. The center consists of 13179m2of storage, 1000m2of exhibition space, a library and additional areas for conferences, an information service center, and rentable archival storage space.

Clarity of the zoning-three separate volumes with underground parking-was an important criterion in the design. The 2-storey exhibition hall at the front with its overhanging roof serves as the entrance to the project, followed by the 3-storey library. The five-storey archive building at the rear is the most private quarter and accessible only by the bridge from the entrance. From an environmental point of view, separating the volumes into three distinct pieces allowed each space to gain natural light and be naturally ventilated.

The Design pursues contemporary modern architecture with a sense of Thailand in its details.This "sense of Thailand" is best expressed on the front facade. The large canopy (to protect the entrance from the tropical sun) is adapted from a traditional Thai pattern. The facade uses local materials, such as teak, and the color red for the door, and the over-scaled main entrance is framed by overscaled concrete walls, which follows examples such as the Grand Palace's gate. Since the material and information in the archive are so invaluable, design criteria such as the control of humidity, temperature and lighting were very important issues.□

3 从庭院望向两层的展厅/2-Storey exhibition wing - view from courtyard

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 泰国国王首席私人秘书处/The Office of His Majesty's Principal Private Secretary

室内设计/Interior Designers: Architects 49 Ltd.

场地面积/Site Area: 9485m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 17653m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2006

摄影/Photos: Teerawat Winyarat

4 图书馆/Library

5 从图书馆门厅望向展厅/Library foyer looking to the exhibition wing





HAN Linfei: The Archives of the Office of His Majesty's Principal Private Secretary is an aristocratic building housing collection, exhibition and meeting spaces. Its overhanging roof, tall strong pillars and the broad concrete walls make the building very modern but give it, at the same time, the temporal and spatial sensations of another era. The layout of the building was adapted to fit the site and has a transition space at the entrance. The two-story exhibition space here is arranged to make good use of the corner and its potential for visual and spiritual impact.The building is made up of three separated but closely linked spaces for functional and environmental reasons (sufficient ventilation and natural sunlight is available throughout the building). The building facades are decorated with local materials reflecting the characteristics and cultural inheritance of Thailand. The project's modernist design methods and design expression clearly show a clear focus on modern functions and city life.

GE Ming: This design utilizes a variety of materials and traditional Thai patterns which respond to the local climate. To deal with the irregular site, the buildings are massed diagonally. Unfortunately the spaces between each of the volumes have not been given enough attention. Though the interior finish is sophisticated and neat, the parts are organized in such a way that there is no focus.

Archives of the Office of His Majesty’s Principal Private Secretary, Nakhon Pathom,Thailand, 2009

Architects: Architects 49 Ltd.

6 图书馆/Library

7 下沉庭院/Sunken courtyard

9 纵剖面/Longitudinal section

8 背立面/Back elevation


不断改变,不断进步 参观KEF展厅后随笔