

阅读与作文(英语高中版) 2013年8期

第I卷 (选择题共115分)




从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. —Traffic is too busy in the city.

—Yes, so it is quite necessary to take care when ______ the street.

A. cross B. crossing

C. crossed D. to cross

22. Alan talked about Rome as if he ______ there.

A. had been B. been

C. would be D. has been

23. When ______ why she was late for class this morning, Mary said that her mother was ill and she had to send her to hospital.

A. ask B. to ask

C. asking D. asked

24. It is said that Mr. Li is hard to please, so you should take care ______ you do with him in your company.

A. whenever B. wherever

C. whatever D. whichever

25. —Mind ______ I use your English-Chinese dictionary to look up for a new word in this passage?

—Of course not. Lets share it together.

A. whether B. when

C. if D. how

26. We should have a worker on duty at the weekend ______ someone comes to visit our company.

A. because B. in case

C. when D. unless

27. —Mr. Li asked for me just now? What did he say?

—He said nothing but ask you to call him ______ you come back.

A. as B. for

C. so D. whenever

28. He told us that his aim was ______ a job around here to support himself while he studied in the university these years.

A. to get B. getting

C. got D. get

29. He said that he wished he ______ the army when he was a little disabled child living in a faraway mountain village.

A. would join B. joined

C. had joined D. joins

30. —Is the man standing under the tree new in our company?

—No. He ______ here for about six months now. Havent you ever seen him?

A. works B. worked

C. is working D. has been working

31. —What did Tom talk about with you just now?

—He asked me what Mike would enjoy ______ his spare time this weekend.

A. killing B. to kill

C. killed D. being killed

32. He said that what Mary had bought from the supermarket that morning ______ only a few potatoes, eggs and salt, but I dont think what he saidtrue.

A. are; are B. were; are

C. is; is D. were; is

33. Mother suggested that weumbrellas with us this morning, and now the weather suggests her suggestion ______ right.

A. take; is B. took; was

C. take; was D. took; is

34. No one will be sad because humans will have learnt to fix many of the problems that affect us now, like war, pollution and hunger, ______?

A. will he B. will they

C. wont he D. wont they

35. He told us that on the display it was the Mona Lisa ______ interested him greatly and made him decide to be an artist.

A. who B. which

C. that D. what

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Larry gave us “Direction” in more ways than he could ever know. For the better part of 35 years, Larrys life has been ___36___ to searching out the finest music and then sharing his treasured ___37___ through teaching and directing students and adults alike—always seeking that moment of perfection in ___38___?—and always encouraging and inspiring others to seek that same perfection, both in the performance, and in themselves.

___39___ did he ever realize, that this powerful effect would be greater than the moments ___40___ practicing a play and fine tuning the music and would ___41___ and beyond into other aspects of peoples lives.

For what Larry ___42___ he was teaching us were the notes and tones and key signature. What he really ___43___ us, was how to push and extend beyond our own noticed limitations, stand ___44___ and firm and of great determination at the same time, and—in spite of inner ___45___—breathe out that note ___46___ in a clever way that, with angelic ___47___, would go beyond the moment, stay in the air between here and ___48___, and touch both heart and soul with its ___49___ and perfection.

Larry has been a friend and advisor, teacher and choir ___50___. He has inspired hundreds of students who, ___51___ by his direction, have been ___52___ by the sharing of his gifts and strong feeling of ___53___ for music, and have all been made ___54___ in spirit, more surer of self and stronger in ___55___, because of it.

36. A. donated B. devoted C. spent D. lost

37. A. finds B. findings C. ideas D. thoughts

38. A. performance B. play C. activity D. performing

39. A. Much B. Only C. Little D. Few

40. A. spent B. taken C. given D. enjoyed

41. A. get through B. run over C. come across D. flood over

42. A. said B. thought C. talked D. did

43. A. gave B. told C. taught D. sent

44. A. tall B. up C. highly D. short

45. A. delight B. worry C. fears D. hate

46. A. written B. organized C. taken D. played

47. A. feet B. hands C. head D. wings

48. A. heaven B. sky C. there D. sun

49. A. aim B. goal C. purpose D. task

50. A. player B. musician C. writer D. director

51. A. taken B. led C. moved D. followed

52. A. taught B. blessed C. told D. seen

53. A. love B. interest C. dislike D. hate

54. A. poor B. excited C. wealthy D. richer

55. A. mind B. spirit C. character D. courage

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Experts say the temperature in Eyjafjallajokulls hole appears to have fallen to 100C, meaning it is now producing steam, not magma[岩浆].

But officials warned that it was too early to say whether the eruption was over completely.

Ash clouds from the volcano grounded thousands of flights last month.

Steinunn Jakobsdottir, a geophysicist from the Icelandic Meteorological Office, told the BBC that the volcano was “kind of not active for the moment”.

“The history of the volcano is such that it calms down and then it gets energy again,” she said.

“There are still earthquakes under the volcano, and the small earthquake is still not quite down to what it was before the eruption.”

‘Difficult to say

Magnus Gudmundsson, of Iceland University, flew over the volcano on Sunday and said information from heat cameras showed the temperatures at the crater had fallen below 100C.

But he told the AFP news agency that nothing was promised and that the previous eruption at the volcano had lasted 13 months.

“It stopped and started again several times with different intervals[间隔], so its difficult to say, difficult to give a timeline,” he said.

He also said it was impossible to say whether the neighbouring Katla volcano—a much larger mountain—might also erupt.

At the height of its activity, the volcano sent out huge clouds of ash, which led to airlines grounding their planes for fear it could interfere with plane engines.

It was the biggest action of closing airspace in Europe since World War II, and affected at least 10 million passengers worldwide.

56. What do experts think Eyjafjallajokull is like now?

A. Magma is still coming out.

B. The hole appears about 100 degrees C.

C. The eruption was over.

D. It is very cold.

57. How do experts know the temperature in Eyjafjallajokulls hole?

A. By taking photos.

B. By taking its temperature.

C. By going close to it.

D. By driving past it.

58. What does Steinunn Jakobsdottir think of Eyjafjallajokull?

A. It will erupt again soon.

B. It will be sleeping.

C. Another mountain might also erupt.

D. Its uncertain.

59. What do you think the main idea is?

A. The biggest action of closing airspace in Europe.

B. The temperature in Eyjafjallajokulls hole.

C. The Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland.

D. The earthquake in Iceland.


A Maine lawmaker concerned with the widespread use of cell phones is seeking to warn people of health risks.

The scientific community is anything but convinced that cell phones can cause brain cancer, but Sanford Rep. Andrea Boland, D-District 142, said cell phone users should be warned based on the lack of definitive proof.

Boland is proposing a label[标签] to be affixed onto every wireless phone and packages sold in Maine to warn users of risks.

She cited studies that she said show enough evidence to be seriously concerned. Boland said there are about 1 million cell phone users in Maine.

“If we know that theres a lot of research that says cell phones cause brain cancer and other issues, then its important to let people know that,” Boland said.

“Unless there are facts to prove it to me, then its just another day, you know, grab the phone,” said Bill Martineau, a cell phone user.

Industry groups said the labels are not necessary. A representative[代表] for GSMA, a worldwide organization representing nearly 1,000 mobile operators and companies that make devices and create software, told News 8 from London on Monday that “98 percent of research has said there are no links between usage and brain tumors or any other problems. No other piece of technology has had this much examined. The studies have been convincing.”

“Even though you can say that there are studies that dont agree with this or that, it certainly is enough to cause a careful person to know about it,” Boland said.

The industry group representative said as far as she knows, currently, there are no countries or states that order warning labels on wireless phones.

The Maine bill will go to a committee, after which a public hearing will be scheduled sometime during the upcoming session.

60. Why does Boland think cell phone users should be warned?

A. Because scientific community has supported him.

B. Because he has enough definitive proof.

C. Because people should know about its health risks.

D. Because cell phones have caused many brain cancers.

61. What do you think is the main idea?

A. Whether it is necessary to label on cell phones.

B. Cell phones has caused many health problems.

C. A new bill has become a law.

D. People are forbidden to use cell phones.

62. According to the passage, what do you think is the result of Bolands bill?

A. It is supported by all cell phone users.

B. It will become a new law.

C. Industry groups will label their cell phones.

D. It may be refused by Maine government.

63. The underlined word is most likely to mean?

A. a kind of thinking

B. a kind of disease

C. a kind of organ

D. a kind of cancer


Dear Dad,

Thanks for what you have done for me in the last 38 years. Its because of what you have done that I have achieved whatever I have today.

But Dad, do you know that because of your authoritative style, I do not dare tell you how I feel? I have to pluck up the courage just to write this letter. Im not sure how you would react to it, but I just want you to know how I feel deep inside.

Since I was young, you have imposed many strict rules on me for fear that I would turn bad.

I remember that a few months ago, Brother America beat up little brother Iraq. A few of us did not like what we see and wanted to protest[抗议]. But you said no, saying that everyone in the family has his or her own opinion and, if we were to demonstrate[游行示威], we would ruin the peace and unity in our family.

Outsiders, too, would have a bad impression of our family.

I know you would probably think that Im getting rebellious. You may even think that Im out to create trouble. But, Dad, do you not believe that I have the ability to differentiate[辨别] between right and wrong and will not be easily swayed by those movies? Isnt it ironic that you think Im capable of killing enemies on the battlefields at the age of 18 and yet will not allow me to watch a complete and uncensored[未经审查的] controversial[有争论的] film when Im 21?

Recently, a cousin died during military training. I do not understand why you tell us the truth only a few months later. I still remember that you simply told us that he had died but not the suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.

This is just like you—telling us the truth only when things can no longer be kept under wraps. Cousins death is a good example.

Dad, although it is unwise to wash dirty linen in public, the fact that we are family means we should be frank with each other.

Always loving you,

Siew Choo

64. Whom did Siew Choo write this letter to?

A. His mother.

B. His father.

C. His company.

D. His country.

65. What can we know from the passage?

A. The author loves his father.

B. The author hates his father.

C. The author is rude to his father.

D. His father is too old.

66. What do you think the authors father is like?

A. He loves his children badly.

B. He is in bad relation with his children.

C. He is a bad father.

D. He is caring about his children.


If you think youve gained too much weight or are too skinny, you can talk to a doctor. Your doctor will tell you whether youre growing normally.

If it is concerned about your height, weight, or BMI[体重指数], your doctor may ask questions about your health, physical activity, and eating habits. Your doctor may also ask about your family background to find out if youve received something from your parents that might make you taller, shorter, or a late bloomer (someone who develops later than other people of the same age). The doctor can then put all the information together to decide whether you might have a weight or growth problem.

If your weight isnt in a healthy range, you will probably get specific diet and exercise recommendations based on your individual needs. Following a doctors or dietitians plan designed especially for you will work much better than following fad[时尚] diets. For teens, fad diets or starvation plans can actually slow down growth, and the weight loss usually doesnt last.

What if youre worried about being too skinny? Most teens who weigh less than other teens of their age are just fine. They may be going through puberty on a different schedule than kids of the same age, and their bodies may be growing and changing at a different rate. Most underweight teens catch up in weight as they finish puberty during their later teen years so theres rarely a need to try to gain weight.

In a few cases, teenagers can be underweight because of a health problem that needs treatment. If you feel tired or ill a lot, or if you have symptoms like a cough, stomachache, or other problems that have lasted for more than a week or two, be sure to let your parents or your doctor know.

67. If Tom is a late bloomer, ____________.

A. he may not exercise enough

B. he may eat less food than others of his age

C. his classmates may be taller or stronger than him

D. few of his classmates will make friends with him

68. What does the author want to tell us in the third paragraph?

A. How to decide if a child has a weight problem.

B. What a child should do if he has a weight problem.

C. Weight loss from dieting wont last long.

D. A child with a weight problem should exercise more.

69. What does the underlined word“puberty”in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. A period of physical development.

B. A few school subjects.

C. A period of a school year.

D. Some school examinations.

70. From the passage we can learn that.

A. teenagers eating too much will lead to overweight

B. teenagers who are skinny usually eat too little

C. doctors sometimes make mistakes

D. sometimes its difficult to say if a teenager has a weight problem



About ten percent of spending on primary and secondary education in the United States comes from the federal government. 71______. States have been required to show progress through yearly testing.

But states say testing tells only part of the story about efforts by schools and students to improve. So the Obama administration has eased the limits on states in measuring performance.

72______. This new measurement tool is called the Colorado Growth Model. The idea is to show academic growth, not just achievement on tests. It combines test scores, family income levels, school size, the ethnicity of the student and many other factors.

73______. The graph shows a schools average score on standardized tests as well as its academic growth.

On average, students enter sixth grade at West Denver Prep performing below grade level. 74______.

The new assessment method shows that, each year, the average West Denver Prep student learns more math than ninety\|four percent of all the students in Colorado. 75______.

Josh Smith says perhaps the most important thing they should learn is to believe in themselves.

A. The results from schools across the state are shown online on a graph.

B. Reading and writing scores also show growth.

C. For ten years now, federal law has tied this spending to student performance.

D. Therefore, the government feels it a great pressure.

E. But three years later, most are outperforming other students across the state.

F. However, the limits dont work at all.

G. The western state of Colorado, for example, has a new assessment method.



第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Everybody wants to be happy. Therere many ways find happiness. Telling jokes


are the best way to make people laughing and make people happy. That is how come


dies and comedians are popular. We love comedians. They often made us laugh by


telling amused stories and make joke about everyday life.


Laughing helps your body get healthy or can even help you fight pain, but


laughter is good for your health. Those who can relax themselves will live happy life.





21. B。本题主要考查非谓语动词的用法。当非谓语动词表示一种公众的行为时,逻辑主语we / you往往被省略,从而排除C;而cross的动作与to take care 没有先后之分,于是答案选B。

22. A。本题主要考查as if从句的虚拟语气。根据句子语境,显然是描述过去的一种情况,于是虚拟语气用过去完成时表示,选A。

23. D。本题考查非谓语动词的用法。由语境可知,Mary是被问今天早晨为什么迟到,故与ask是动宾关系,于是用过去分词,答案选D。

24. C。本题主要考查whatever连接状语从句。由于从句的谓语动词do缺少宾语,可排除选项A、B;whatever不表示范围;而 whichever表示一定的选择范围之中。根据句子语境可知,所做的事情没有选择范围,于是答案选C。

25. C。本题考查mind句型。句子为Do you mind…?的省略,意思是“如果我用你的词典查文章中的一个单词,你介意吗?”回答时,一般用No; Of course not; Certainly not. Go ahead等表示不介意,也可用Sorry, I hope you wont等表示介意。因此,句子中mind是不及物动词,后面接条件状语从句,答案选C。

26. B。本题考查in case连接的条件状语从句。根据句子语境可知,后面句子是前面句子的条件,意为“以防”,于是答案选B。

27. D。本题主要考查whenever引导的时间状语从句。选项A侧重动作的同时发生;选项B表示原因;选项C表示结果;选项D表示时间,意为“不管什么时候”。根据句子语境可知,答案选D。

28. A。本题考查非谓语动词作表语。由于主语部分没有助动词do,因此作表语的不定式不能省略to,从而排除选项D;选项C是过去分词,与be连用时,表被动语态,与句子意思不符;选项A、B都可作表语,但是选项A表示未来的行为,而选项B表示一种经常性、习惯性的行为。根据句子语境可知,表示说话时还没有进行的行为,用不定式,于是答案选A。

29. A。本题考查wish后从句用虚拟语气。根据句子意思可知,表示当时还没有实现、但是又不可能实现的愿望,动词用would +动词原形,于是答案选A。

30. D。本题考查动词时态的应用。根据句子语境意思,他不是新来的工人,因为他一直在这里工作了近六个月,故应用完成进行时。

31. B。本题考查不定式作目的状语。根据句子结构可知,enjoy的宾语已经被提前到主语之前,于是此处用不定式作句子的目的状语,故选B。

32. D。本题考查主谓一致。当what引导主语从句时,句子的谓语动词单复数形式由其所代表的事物决定。第一空根据a few potatoes, eggs and salt可知,what代表复数,于是动词用were;第二空指所说的话为不可数的事物,于是谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

33. A。本题考查suggest的用法。suggest意为“建议”时,从句须用 (should) + 动词原形表示的虚拟语气;当意为“暗示,表明”时,从句用陈述语气,故答案选A。

34. B。本题考查反意疑问句。当no one作主语时,反意疑问句部分主语用第三人称复数they;而助动词用肯定形式,故答案选B。

35. C。本题考查强调句型。在强调句型中,连接词不能用which 和what;而被强调的部分the Mona Lisa是一幅画,而不是人,因此连接词不用who,故答案选C。



36. B。根据选项与句子中的空白后面的介词搭配可知,选项C、D应被排除;选项A意为“捐献”,侧重于钱财、物品等;选项B意为“致力于,献身”,侧重于时间、精力、注意力等。于是根据句子语境可知,正确答案为B。

37. A。从句子语境可看出,通过教学和指导来分享所找到的宝贵的东西;idea和 thought为自己的主观产生之物,与前面的searching out the finest music不合;finding指所发现的东西;find指有意义、有价值的东西,从前面的treasured可知,答案选A。

38. D。根据前面的that moment of perfection可知,指表演中的片刻;performance 为名词,侧重指表演这一事件;而performing为动名词,侧重于表演的行为,故选D。

39. C。根据后面的ever及would be greater than可推知,指他自己没有意识到的事情,于是答案选C。

40. A。根据后面的practicing a play与选项的搭配可知,排除选项B、C;从句子结构可知,分词短语作定语,指花费这一片刻练习……而不是享受这一片刻练习……故选A。

41. D。根据句子意思可知,指生活将充满其他方面的内容,于是比较各选项的意思可知答案选D。42. B。并没有牵涉到Larry的语言和行为,而只是他的心理想法,于是答案选B。

43. C。根据语境及句子搭配可知,指教给我的东西,于是答案选C。

44. A。从后面的firm and of great determination可以看出,此空应该填积极意义的形容词,于是答案选A。

45. C。根据前面的in spite of及语境可知,指内心的害怕和恐惧,于是答案选C。

46. B。根据全文内容可知,介绍Larry选曲、演奏与人分享,但并未写作,于是答案选B。

47. D。根据后面的go beyond the moment, stay in the air可知,指天使般的翅膀,于是答案选D。

48. A。根据stay in the air可推知,指“在这里与天堂之间”于是答案选A。

49. C。从语境可知,指Larry选曲的目的,于是答案选C。

50. D。根据前面的choir可推知,指Larry担任合唱指挥,于是答案选D。

51. B。根据前面的inspired及后面的by his direction,比较选项可知,指通过指挥引导人们,于是答案选B。

52. B。根据前面的has inspired hundreds of students,并结合选项比较可知,指学生受到祝福,于是答案选B。

53. A。根据句子意思及与后面的介词搭配可知,指对音乐的热爱,于是答案选A。

54. D。从语境可知,指人们由于受到音乐的熏陶,精神方面更加富有,于是答案选D。

55. C。根据前面的stronger与选项比较可知,指性格坚强,于是答案选C。





56. B。细节理解题。根据第一段…appears to have fallen to 100C可知,似乎下降到100度了,也就是目前温度大约为100度,故选B。

57. A。理解判断题。根据…information from heat cameras….可知通过heat cameras拍照知道了温度的高低,故选A。

58. D。理解判断题。根据Steinunn Jakobsdottir所说的话… it calms down and then it gets energy again可知:它时而静下来,时而又喷发出来,于是,很难预料它的前景怎样,答案选D。

59. C。主旨判断题。根据文章内容可知,全文主要谈论Eyjafjallajokull火山的问题,故选C。



60. C。细节判断题。根据文章第二段科技协会及倒数第四段产业集团的话都说明,手机是否会引起脑癌,目前还没有科学根据;从第二段最后一句他本人的话中也看到based on the lack of definitive proof可知,他也没有确切的证据。从而可知,选项A、B、D都不正确。而从第五段Boland的话可推知,他认为人们有权知道手机的危害性,于是正确答案选C。

61. A。中心归纳题。根据文章第一段:立法人员试图警告人们手机对健康的危害;最后一段:提案被提交给委员会,然后举行听证会,由此可知,手机是否有害身体,还不确定,那么,是否在手机身上贴标签也还有待讨论,故选A。

62. D。理解推断题。根据文章中所展示的科学协会、手机用户及产业集团的观点可知,Bolands bill的证据不充分,因此,提案可能被拒绝。

63. B。词义理解题。根据or后面的any other problems可推知,tumor也应该是一种问题,人体中的问题也就是疾病,故选B。



64. D。推理判断题。根据Brother America beat up little brother Iraq及全文的内容可知,作者给国家写信反映人民对国家的看法和意见。

65. A。推理判断题。从信的开头、结尾及全文所使用的语气可知,作者对国家尽管有很多不满意,但是还是爱国的。

66. C。推理判断题。根据作者对父亲所谈的事情:不允许人民表达观点、对电影的剪辑、对孩子们说谎等可推知,他不是一位好父亲。



67. C。细节理解题。由第二段a late bloomer后括号中的内容可知,a late bloomer是指比同龄人发育晚的人,故答案选C。

68. B。推理判断题。本段一开始就说,如果体重不在正常范围以内,你就会得到适合个人的饮食或锻炼方面的建议,接着又说执行医生或营养学家为你制定的计划会比追随时尚饮食效果好得多,且具体说明了原因(时尚饮食或饥饿计划会延缓发育,减少的体重通常不会持久),于是答案选B。

69. A。词义猜测题。根据语境,前面讲大多数十多岁孩子的体重比别人轻没什么,后面又说生长发育速度与他人有所不同,体重后来可以赶上他人等,这样综合推断puberty应该指身体发育的一段时间,于是答案选A。

70. D。推理判断题。文章第二段提到超重或体重过轻可能是遗传、饮食习惯或发育等方面的原因,因此要作出判断并非易事,故选D。



71. C。根据上文中的spending和the federal government,及下文的show progress through yearly testing,结合选项比较可知,与C项中的federal law,tied this spending to student performance相符,于是答案选C。

72. G。比较下文中的This new measurement tool和 called the Colorado Growth Model与选项,可以看出与G项中的Colorado,a new assessment method相一致,于是答案选G。

73. A。从上文中提到的测试分数、家庭收入水平等可以看出,与选项A中的The results from schools across the state相连,故选A。

74. E。上文指West Denver Prep的学生发生的变化情况,结合选项分析可知,E项说明三年后的变化情况,于是答案选E。

75. B。上文中对West Denver Prep的学生数学成绩变化进行说明,结合选项可知,也应对学生的读写测试情况作说明,故选B。



76. 第二句:find前加to,way后面接不定式作定语。

77. 第三句:are → is,动名词短语作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

78. 第三句:laughing → laugh,make意为“使”时,后接不带to的动词不定式作宾补。

79. 第四句:how → why,根据主从句间的意思可知,它们应该是指原因,而不是程度。

80. 第六句:made → make,根据上下文可知,指一种经常的情况,用一般现在时。

81. 第六句:joke → jokes,joke是可数名词,应用其复数形式。

82. 第六句:amused → amusing,指事物的性质、特征时,用-ing形式。

83. 第七句:or → and,根据句中两个谓语间的意思可知,指同一性质的两件事情,用and相连。

84. 第七句:but → so,根据两个句子间的逻辑关系可知,后一句表示前一句的结果。

85. 第八句:happy life前加不定冠词a,指生活的类型,life是可数名词,单数前面须加冠词。

