七年级(下)Units 9-12相似词语辨析


中学英语之友·上 2010年5期

1. on, in与at

[辨析](1)on用于具体指某一天(日期,如: on June 1st 在六月一日;某天某段时间,如:on Monday morning 在周一早上;具体某天,如:on that day在那一天;纪念日,如:on your birthday在你生日那天;节日,如:on Christmas Day在圣诞节)。例如:

He was born on a cold winter morning. 他出生在一个很冷的冬天的早晨。

(2)in用在月份、季节、年代前和 in the morning/afternoon/evening 等固定短语中,及在短时间内(后),如:in an hour一小时内(后),in two days两天内(后)。

(3)at用在表示确切的时间点,如: at nine oclock;在某时刻,如:at midnight 在午夜,at noon在中午;在某时刻,如:at this time在这时;用于年龄,如:at the age of 25在25岁时。例如:

She goes to school at seven every day. 她每天7点去上学。

2. tell, speak, talk与say

[辨析]tell一般作及物动词,着重把一件事情传达给别人,意思是“告诉、讲述、吩咐”,常用句型: tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事;tell sb. (not) to do sth.告诉某人(不要)去干某事, tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事。例如:

Tell me what happened.告诉我发生了什么事。

(2)speak“讲话、讲演、讲某种语言”,着重说话动作,不强调所说的内容,另外打电话用 speak。例如:

I can speak a little English. 我能说一点英语。

(3)talk“说、讲、谈话”,着重两人间的相互说话。常见词组有: talk about谈论, talk of谈到, talk with/to sb.和某人交谈。也可作名词“谈话、聊天、演讲”。例如:

He is talking with a friend. 他在和一位朋友谈话。

What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么?


What do you want to say?你想说些什么?

3. no与not



“Are you in Class One?”“No, I am in Class Two.”“你在一班吗?”“不,我在二班。”

“Is this your pen?”“No, it isnt.”“这是你的钢笔吗?”“不,它不是。”

②no作形容词时,只作定语,后跟单数/复数/不可数名词,此时 no+单数名词=not a/an+单数名词;no+不可数名词=not any+不可数名词;no+复数名词=not any+复数名词。例如:

There is no book on the desk. (no=not a)桌子上没有书。

There is no water there. (no=not any)那里没有水。

I have no pens. (no=not any)我没有钢笔。

(2)not①作副词时,不能单独使用,常放在be(is, am, are)动词,助动词,情态动词之后,表示否定的意义。其中 is not=isnt,are not=arent,am与not无缩写。例如:

I am not a doctor. 我不是医生。

She cant sing English songs. 她不会唱英文歌曲。


Tell her not to come again. 告诉她不要再来了。

Not everyone can do the work. 这项工作不是人人都能做的。

4. about与on


He is reading a book on history. 他正读一本历史书籍。(学术性较强)

He is reading a book about history. 他正在读一本关于历史的书。(学术性不强)

5. something与anything



The boy has something to tell you. 这个男孩有事要告诉你。

Would you like something to eat now? 你现在想要些吃的东西吗?


I didnt find anything. 我什么都没找到。

Have you got anything to do? 你有事要做吗?


I dont have anything to say at the meeting.

=I have nothing to say at the meeting. 在那个会上我没什么可说的。

6. exam与test



She practices hard for her violin exam. 她为了小提琴考试而努力练习。


They have a math test every day. 他们每天都有数学测验。

7. in the corner与at(on) the corner

[辨析](1)in the corner在拐角处(内部) 例如:

The student sits in the corner of the room. 这个学生坐在这个房间内的拐角处。

(2)at(on) the corner在拐角处(指建筑物之外的开阔区域)。例如:

There is a pay phone at the corner of the street. 在那条街道的拐角处有一个付费电话亭。

8. think of, think about与think over

[辨析](1)think about 意为“想起、考虑”,着重想的过程,后接名词,代词,动名词,从句。例如:

I am thinking about the problem. 我在考虑这个问题。

(2)think of在表示“想起、考虑”这层意思时与 think about可互换,但 think of 表示“对……有看法、评价”时,不能用think about替换。例如:

What do you think of the house? 你认为这所房子怎么样?

(3)think over意为“仔细考虑、仔细想想”,后接名词或从句,若接代词要放在think over的中间。例如:

This problem is difficult. Let me think it over. 这个问题太难了,让我考虑一下。

9. in the wall与on the wall

[辨析]in the wall 在墙上(墙内)。on the wall 在墙上(表面)。例如:

There is a window in the wall. 墙上有一个窗户。

There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有一幅画。

There are some holes in the wall. 墙上有一些洞。

10. look for, find与find out

[辨析](1)look for“寻找”,强调找的动作。例如:

What are you looking for?你在找什么?

Im looking for my knife, but I cant find it. 我在找我的小刀,但没找到。


I found my pen in my bag. 我在书包里找到了我的钢笔。

(3)find out“发现、查明、了解”,是指经过一番努力之后才发现某物,查出结果。例如:

Read this story and find out the answer to the question.


They tried to find out that persons name and address. 他们尽量找到那人的名字和地址。

11. each与every



We each have a dictionary. 我们每人都有一本字典。

Each student has a new book. 这些学生每人都有一本新书。(强调每个学生)

Every student has a new book. 每个学生都有一本新书。(强调所有学生)

every five minutes每5分钟

Every boy knows her. 每个男孩都认识她。

They go home once every two months. 他们每两月回家一次。


There are some ads on each side of the road. 公路的每一侧都有一些广告。(该句中的each不能用every代替。)


Each of the students has a new book.=Every one of the students has a new book.


Each of the students has his work. 每个学生都有自己的工作。

12. like与would like

[辨析](1)like“喜欢、爱好”,后接名词、代词、动名词或不定式。常用句型:like to do sth.喜欢去干某事(具有偶然性),like doing sth.喜欢干某事(具有习惯性)。例如:

She likes swimming, but she doesnt like to swim in cold water.


Do you like fish?你喜欢鱼吗?

(2)would like作“想要、愿意”解时与wish和want的意思一样,用于礼貌性地提出要求或表示愿意提供帮助,其后接名词、代词、动词不定式,不能接动名词。常用句型:would like to do sth.愿意去干某事。例如:

Would you like something to eat? 你想要点吃的东西吗?

What would you like to buy? 你想买什么?

13. agree with, agree to与agree on

[辨析](1)agree with“同意、赞成”,后接表示人作宾语或接意见、看法的名词或代词作宾语,另外agree with还有“……适合/适应……”的意思。例如:

None of us agree with what you said. 我们没有一个同意你说的话。

The cold weather in Shenyang doesnt agree with them. 她们不适应沈阳的冷天气。

(2)agree to意为“同意、赞成”,后面跟表示提议、办法、计划、安排等的名词,代词,动词原形。例如:

They agreed to solve the problem. 他们同意去解决这个问题。

We agreed to go there by bus. 我们同意乘车去那儿。

(3)agree on“对……取得一致意见”,指双方或多方就某个问题取得了一致的意见或是达成了某种协议,相当于agree in doing sth.。例如:

We finally agreed on the price for the house. 我们最后同意这所房子的价格。

They all agree on the plan. 他们都同意这个计划。

14. else与other

[辨析](1)else作形容词意为“别的、其他的”,用在疑问代词what,who等,不定代词something, anything, nothing, everyone等之后作定语。作副词时意为“另外、其他”,用在疑问副词where等后。即else用在所修饰的词后(后置)。else与anybody, everyone等连用时可带 ‘s。例如:

What else did he say? 他还说了些什么?

I have something else to tell you. 我有一些其它的事要告诉你。

She took somebody elses pen away. 她把别人的钢笔给拿走了。


Do you have any other questions? 你还有一些其他问题吗?

What other things are there on the table? 桌上还有别的什么东西吗?

15. arrive, get to与reach

[辨析](1)arrive是不及物动词“到达”,分为“arrive at+小地点”,“arrive in+大地点”,arrive后若接副词,at/in省略。例如:

I am always the first to arrive at the school. 我总是第一个到达学校。

(2)get to+地点,到达某地,to后若接副词则to省略。例如:

Write to me when you get to Shanghai. 当你到达上海时就给我写信。


They usually reach the school at five oclock. 他们通常5点钟到达学校。

I reach/arrive/get here about 8 oclock every day. 我每天8点到达这儿。

16. must与have to


(1)must表示说话人的主观看法,没有时态和人称的变化,一般疑问句的否定回答用neednt。must还可以表示“推测”,have to不可以。例如:

You must look after your things. 你必须照看好你的东西。

You must be very tired. 你一定很累了。

(2)have to表示客观上需要做的事情,have要根据人称和时态的变化而变化,其助动词用do/does/did。例如:

It is raining, she has to stay at home. 天在下雨,她不得不待在家里。

17. loudly, aloud与loud



He knocked the door loudly. 他大声地敲门。

(2)aloud常与read, speak等动词连用,强调为使人听见而发声,声音不一定大。例如:

Speak aloud, please. 请大点声讲。

(3)loud“大声地;响亮地”,常与talk, speak, sing, laugh等动词连用,强调音量大、传播远,主要指说话声和笑声等。例如:

They are talking too loud. 他们谈话声音太大了。

